- 대서양 송사리 Mummichog
. 학명; Fundulus heteroclitus
. 서식지; 북미 서대서양과 스페인 연안 해역과 강
. 통명; 대서양 송사리
. 특징; 길쭉하지만 두꺼운 몸과 깊은 꼬리자루
. 먹이와 요리법; 기생충이 많아 식용은 비추하며 미끼용으로 활용
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Fundulus heteroclitus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 6-35도 얕은 물의 진흙 바닥
. 지역; 북미 서대서양과 스페인 연안 해역과 강
오염과 낮은 산소, 그리고 다양한 염도와 온도에 적응가능하여 최초로 우주에 보내진 생선
Habitat. Killifish travel in schools, generally in the shallows, and are an important link in wetland and estuarine food webs. They are important prey for shorebirds, crabs, and larger fish, and many species are valued for mosquito control, as they feed on the surface and consume whatever insect larvae and small invertebrates are available. Killifish are also among the species most tolerant of high turbidity and low oxygen. Many killifish live in brackish water, as well as freshwater.
2 통명
- 영어; Mummichog
- 한글; 대서양 송사리
3 개요
- 길이; 15센티이내, 평균 8센티
Also called topminnows and toothed carps, these fish are members of the large Cyprinodontidae family of small fish. They are most abundant in warm climates, but a few species occur in temperate regions. The fins are soft rayed, as in cyprinid minnows, but killifish have scales on their heads and have no lateral lines. Typical family members have flattened heads, and the mouths open upward, an adaptation for feeding at the surface. Some species are used as bait, and many tropical species are kept in aquariums.
4 특징
- 길쭉하지만 두꺼운 몸과 깊은 꼬리자루
- 입이 위를 향하고 아래턱이 돌출
- 둥근 가슴지느러미와 꼬리지느러미
- 11개의 등지느러미연조, 10개의 뒷지느러미연조, 18개의 가슴지느러미연조
- 올리브갈색이나 녹색이 일반적이나 환경에 따라 다양한 색
The best known of these is the mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), a robust 3- to 5-inch species found along the Atlantic coast from Florida to Labrador. It can tolerate salinities to 35 parts per thousand. The mummichog is noted for its habit of burrowing into the silt on the bottom, sometimes to depths of 6 inches or more in winter. On the Pacific coast, the California killifish (F. parvipinnis) is similar in size and habits to the mummichog and occupies the same ecological niche.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 규조류, 단각류, 갑각류, 연체동물, 곤충, 뱀장어 등 아주 작은 물고기등
- 신진대사율의 변경이 가능하여 급격한 온도변화에도 생존가능
- 민물에서 해수염도의 3배에 해당하는 장소에서도 떼로 성장
- 수중표면호흡이 가능하여 오염수나 저산소수에서도 생존
- 혹한기나 가뭄에 20센티의 진흙속으로 파고들어서 생존
- 4센티가 되면 겨울을 제외하고 수컷이 암컷을 바위에 밀어붙이면서 산란
- 우주에서도 3주후에는 정상으로 회복
- 기생충이 많아 식용은 비추하며 미끼용으로 활용
Other well-known species include the banded killifish (F. diaphanus), which occurs from South Carolina northward to the St. Lawrence River and westward through the Mississippi Valley, and the gold topminnow (F. chrysotus), which inhabits freshwater and brackish estuaries and streams from Florida to South Carolina. Other common species of Fundulus include the banded topminnow (F. cingulatus), the striped killifish (F. majalis), and the saltmarsh topminnow (F. jenkinsi).
Florida has the greatest representation of cyprinodonts in North America. Notable among these is the flagfish (Jordanella floridae), a short-bodied, almost sunfishlike species attaining a maximum length of 3 inches, and the pygmy killifish (Leptolucania ommata), a slender fish that rarely exceeds 11⁄2 inches in length.