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[Essay] I Was a Binge Drinker. This Is How I Stopped (1)
I felt alone in turning to alcohol to manage my stress, but as a middle-aged woman, I had plenty of company.
By Ericka Andersen / WSJ
Around five years ago, I told my doctor that I was under a lot of stress. With two toddlers, a full-time job and all the trappings of a modern suburban life, everything felt hectic—all the time. My blood work was fine and I was otherwise healthy, so the doctor wasn’t concerned. Gazing into my tired eyes, she suggested a glass of wine might help me unwind in the evenings.
As it happens, I was already drinking up to a bottle of wine several nights a week. But I didn’t tell her that.
Addiction is in my genes, and I’d had an unhealthy attachment to alcohol from my first drink at 16. In moments of sadness, loneliness, stress or frustration, alcohol had become my most loyal companion.