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2025년 1월20일에 미국 대통령에 다시 취임한 트럼프의 경제 정책과 그 영향 전망에 관한 내용을 가지고
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대통령 3선 금지 헌법 때문에 그렇습니다.
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[빨간색 부분은 강의 듣기 전에 먼저 고민해 보세요. 영어 고수가 되기 위한 훈련입니다]
[영어훈련 하면서 글쓴이의 논리를 감상하시면, 여러분의 논리력도 강해집니다]
Trump’s Own Plans Stand in the Way of Repeating His Economic Success
Last time, tariffs came only after huge tax cuts. Reversing that order is dangerous.
By Aaron Back
때로는 일의 순서만 바꾸어도 결과가 크게 달라질 수 있다. [영작해 보십시오.]
That could prove to be the case with President Donald Trump’s economic policies. In his first term, sweeping tax cuts preceded the imposition of selective tariffs. That meant the economy already had solid momentum when the negative impact from trade disruptions hit.
This time around, the order is likely to be reversed. The tariffs could also be much wider while the amount of new tax relief is smaller. That seems like a recipe for an economic downturn.
A review of Trump’s last administration is instructive. After nearly a year of congressional wrangling, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed in late 2017 and took effect at the start of 2018. It lowered individual income-tax rates, including the top marginal rate, from 39.6% to 37%. But its biggest impact was on businesses, reducing the corporate income-tax rate to 21% from 35%.