- 범노래미 Lingcod
. 학명; Ophiodon elongatus
. 서식지; 4-10도의 바다물의 대구보다 깊은 80-200미터인 바닥 선호
. 통명; 범노래미
. 특징; 3개의 등지느러미와 2개의 딋지느러미
. 먹이와 요리법; 말리거나 훈제, 구이, 튀김, 통조림 등 다양하게 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Ophiodon elongatus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 조류가 강하고 시원한 바다물의 10-100미터 깊이 바위나 다시마바닥 선호
. 지역; 동태평양의 알래스카에서 멕시코까지
The lingcod occurs in North American waters from Southern California to Alaska but is most abundant in the colder waters of the north.
Habitat. Lingcod inhabit colder waters in intertidal zone reefs and kelp beds that have strong tidal currents. They prefer depths from 2 to more than 70 fathoms over rock bottom.
2 통명
- 영어; cultus cod, blue cod, buffalo cod, green cod, ling;
Finnish: vihersimppu; French: terpuga; Japanese: ainame; Portuguese: lorcha; Swedish: grönfisk.
- 한글; 범노래미
3 개요
- 길이; 152센티이내, 평균 90센티
- 무게; 130파운드이내, 평균 13파운드
Lingcod may grow to 50 inches or longer. Males are smaller than females, usually reaching no longer than 3 feet in length or 20 pounds in weight. Basically mature by 8 years, the male will weigh about 10 pounds and the female about 15. Commercial catches for lingcod sometimes include fish of 50 to 60 pounds. The all-tackle record is 76 pounds, 9 ounces.
4 특징
- 대구처럼 큰 입이 있어 비슷해보이나 유전적인 상이성으로 가짜 대구로 통칭됨
- 큰 가슴지느러미와 매끄러운 몸, 길고 연속적인 등지느러미
- 갈색이나 회색이지만 서식지에 따라 다양
A Pacific marine species, the lingcod belongs to the family Hexagrammidae. Its name is misleading because it is not a true cod. A local term for lingcod is “cultus cod”; the word cultus is an Indian term meaning “false.” The lingcod is an important and highly prized commercial and sportfish.
Identification. The lingcod has a large mouth, large pectoral fins, a smooth body, and a long, continuous dorsal fin divided by a notch into spiny and soft parts. Adults have large heads and jaws and long, pointed teeth. Juveniles have slender bodies. The lingcod’s coloring is usually brown or gray, with blotches outlined in orange or blue, but is closely associated with habitat.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 청어, 연어, 대구, 볼락은 물론 문어 등 무척추동물도 섭취
- 식용으로 인기있고 파란색이 요리하면 백색으로 변화
- 대부분 비이주성으로 10월에 근해에서 산란지로 이동
- 먼저 수컷이 바위틈에 둥지를 만들고 3월까지 암컷이 산란하고 원복
- 수컷은 부화되는 2개월간 둥지방어
- 예인망, 트롤, 긴낚시, 자망, 낚시 등으로 어획
- 가자미나 대구와 유사한 좋은 맛
- 회로, 말리거나 훈제, 구이, 튀김, 통조림 등 다양하게 섭취
. 배에는 기생충가능성이 있으므로 가급적 제거하고 회로 식용
The spawning season is in the winter, from December through February, when the eggs are released in large pinkish-white masses into crevices in rocks. Egg masses can contain more than a half million eggs and are frequently found in the intertidal zone. The male protects the eggs, which hatch in 1 to 2 months. The young stay at the surface for 3 to 4 months before dropping to the bottom.
Food and feeding habits. Adults feed on herring, flounder, cod, hake, greenling, rockfish, squid, crustaceans, and small lingcod. Juveniles consume small crustaceans and fish.