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The Alcohol Industry Is Hooked on Its Heaviest Drinkers
While many drinkers cut back, some people who consume 15 or more drinks a week say they are unfazed by health risks; ‘It is delicious poison’
By Laura Cooper
Most ads for liquor or beer include a reminder to “drink responsibly.” Still, the alcohol industry depends on people who drink more than public-health officials say is safe.
A fifth of adults account for an estimated 90% of alcohol sales volumes in the U.S., according to an analysis published in 2023 by equity research firm Bernstein.
“Heavier drinkers are obviously where the money is,” said Philip Cook, a professor emeritus at Duke University whose 2007 book, “Paying the Tab,” was among the scientific studies analyzed by Bernstein.
That dependence has become a greater risk to companies as the U.S. government considers putting cancer warnings on alcohol packaging and lowering the recommended limit of drinks a day that people can safely consume.
The industry’s sales are declining because of consumer health concerns, expanding legalization of cannabis and a generational shift toward less alcohol consumption. That leaves beer, wine and spirits companies more reliant on people like Kevin Turner.