THe The title of this story is "Library on wheels Wheels" The main characters sre are Fran, Susan, and Joe Oneday One day, Joe sazid said the bookmobile is comning was coming to their town Fran and Susan wondered what is was the bookmobile Next day while Fran, Susan, and Joe were playing at the park, the book mobile bookmobile arrived It came to their town because their town is was too small to have a building Fran borrowed the a book from their there, and gave got the a library card from the person who manages managed the book mobile bookmobile Other friends also borrowed the other type of books They must bring back the book they borrowed when the book mobile bookmobile come comes to their town
Score: B+
- 책 제목의 모든 단어는 대문자로 시작해야 해요.
- 'bookmobile'은 한 단어로 써야 해요.
- 철자가 틀린 단어들을 주의해서 써보세요. (One day, said)
- Fran이 어떤 책을 빌렸는지 써보면 좋겠어요.
- 다른 친구들이 어떤 종류의 책들을 빌렸는지 자세히 써보면 더 재미있을 것 같아요.