#페인트 블루#Faint Blue#隐隐青#Chinese Rose#Yinyinqing#중국장미#티앤랑장미
희미한 푸른 달 Season_Picture_Advantages과 단점 소개-후지모토 월 시즌 네트워크 (tengbenyueji.com)
티앤랑로즈 2021년 출품작. 지름 8~10cm 정도의 은은한 청자색 꽃이 봄부터 가을까지 연중 반복 개화. 고온, 습기, 열에 강한 편이며. 블루로즈 중 가장 진한 향(시트러스 혼합향)을 지닌 티앤랑 로즈의 걸작!
Bred by Jiang Zhengzhi (China, 2021).
Yinyinqing (Faint Blue) is a shrub rose launched by Jiang Zhengzhi in 2021. Its flowers are deep cup-shaped flowers, the color is lavender, with a strong fragrance of old roses, citrus, and myrrh.
Yinyinqing (Faint Blue), blue-purple flowers, flower diameter 8-10 cm, deep cup-shaped flower type, plant height 80 - 120 cm, strong old rose and citrus mixed fragrance, frequent flowers, large amount of flowers, flowering period of 5-7 days, high temperature resistance, Resistant to heat and humidity, the plant is short and strong, suitable for potted plants.
Height: up to 31.4" to 47.2" (80 to 120 cm)
Flower Diameter: 3.15" to 3.93" (8 to 10 cm)
Can be used for cut flower, potted, garden or shrub. Disease susceptibility: good resistance
Chinese Rose Yinyinqing / Faint Blue 隐隐青 2 Gal Live Plant - Etsy South Korea