마태복음 10장: 동네를 다 가기 전에 예수님께서 오셨다. Matthew 10: Before the disciples finished visiting the town, Jesus had come.
샬롬! 챗 GPT와 대화를 중심으로 마태복음 1-9장까지 내용을 올렸습니다. 이렇게 하다 보니 각 장의 내용을 더 체계적으로 소개를 해야겠다 생각이 들어서 아래와 같이 제가 정리한 내용을 올립니다.
10장에서 제자들에게 권세를 주시니 제자들도 귀신을 쫓아내고 병을 고치며 천국 복음을 전합니다. 아직 예수님께서 십자가를 지시기 전이고 제자들에게 성령이 임하지 않았지만 하나님의 아들이신 예수님께서 권능으로 제자들을 세우십니다. 그리고 예수님께서 죄를 사하는 권세가 또 있으심도 말씀하셨습니다.
오늘은 23절에서 예수님께서 제자들에게 너희들이 이스라엘 동네를 다 다니기 전에 내가 올 것이다 하신 말씀을 같이 생각해 보고자 합니다. 이 부분에 대한 토론을 챗 GPT와 해 보니 여러 가지 학설이 있음을 밝힙니다. 아래 영어 자료에서 참고를 하시기 바랍니다. 그런데 저는 이 말씀이 그대로 이루어졌다고 믿습니다. 예수님께서 제자들에서 그렇게 말씀하셨으면 그대로 예수님께서 행동하셨을 것이라고 믿습니다. 왜 그렇습니까? 예수님께서 승천하시면서 제자들에게 선교 명령을 하시면서 언제나 함께 하시겠다고 하셨습니다. 그리고 사랑을 하면 같이 있고 싶은 것이 사실입니다. 예수님께서 우리를 감시하시려고 함께 하시는 것이 아니라 우리가 좋아서 함께 하시는 것입니다. 함께 하시면서 그냥 보고만 계시는 것이 아니라 우리의 인생의 폭풍우 속에서 눈동자와 같이 보호하시기 위해서 함께 하시는 것입니다. 저는 이를 믿습니다. 그리고 그분은 전능하신 분이라 다양하게 우리에게 자신을 보여 주십니다. 저는 수도 없이 예수님의 음성을 듣고 환상으로 두 번을 뵈었고 두려움 속에 말씀으로 오신 예수님을 뵈었습니다. 늘 함께 하시지 않으시면 이런 일이 일어날 수가 있습니까? 이런 경험이 있는 저는 당시의 제자들이 모두가 성령을 받고 성령의 인도를 받는 중에 시도 때도 없이 예수님께서 말씀으로 함께 하시고 또 바울 사도 앞에 나타나신 것과 같이 다양한 방법으로 제자들을 만났으리라 믿습니다. 단순한 만남이 아니라 늘 함께 하셨으리라 믿습니다.
지금 시대를 사는 우리도 역시 이런 예수님의 약속을 믿고 예수님께서 함께 하신다는 믿음으로 나아가면 다양한 예수님의 함께 하심에 대한 체험을 하실 것이라 굳게 믿습니다. 가장 쉬운 방법은 즉 예수님께서 함께 하심을 체험할 수가 있는 가장 쉬운 방법은 전도와 선교입니다. 전도하면서 병자에게 기도하면 그 사람이 낳게 되면 이는 틀림없이 예수님께서 다양한 방법으로 고치시는 것이고 우리의 전도를 늘 곁에서 지켜보시면서 일마다 때마다 어떻게 해야 할 바를 가르쳐 주십니다. 우리가 우리를 순교에 이르게 할 사람도 지금 세상에 역시 만날 수가 있는데 이를 아시는 예수님께서 비둘기같이 순결하고 뱀과 같이 지혜로워라 하시는 것입니다.
제가 체험한 바로는 바로바로 어떤 일에 대해서 직접 말씀을 하십니다. 그리고 말씀을 생각나게 하시고 지키게 하십니다. 그리고 전도할 때 나아갈 때와 물러날 때를 전하십니다. 사람에 따라서 다양하게 인도하십니다. 그리고 직접 몸을 제어하십니다. 어떤 때 저는 제 의지와 달리 가야 할 곳에 갔고 어떤 곳에서 제 의지와 달리 가만히 5-10분을 서 있어야 했습니다. 그리고 그때마다 기적이 있었습니다. 전도를 하면 매번 예수님의 동행과 성령의 감동과 인도가 있습니다. 모든 전도하시는 분께 그분이 느끼던 느끼지 못하던 늘 예수님께서 함께 하십니다. 그리고 어떤 상황 어떤 경우도 전도하고자 하면 지혜를 주시고 말씀을 주시고 기회도 주십니다. 이는 우리의 능력이 아니라 함께 하시는 전능하신 분의 능력입니다. 이렇게 너무나 다양하게 너무나 직접적으로 너무나 느낄 수가 있게 함께 하십니다.
그런데 제자들을 직접 예수님을 뵙고 만져보고 그분의 눈동자를 보면서 그분의 음성을 듣다고 나중에 부활하셔서 권능을 지니신 하나님으로 다양한 방법으로 말씀을 하시고 성령을 인도를 받을 때 예수님께서 권능으로 그리고 영으로 함께 하심을 바로 믿고 예전이 육신이 있을 때의 예수님을 생각하며 그분이 나와 함께 하심을 알았을 것입니다. 그리고 제가 예수님께 성령의 불을 받을 때 환상으로 성전을 가득 채우시며 오신 예수님을 만났습니다. 마가 다락방 사건은 급하고 강한 바람 소리와 불이 함께 임했는데 성령은 예수님께서 우리에게 주시는데 직접 오셨을 수도 있는 것입니다. 이미 예수님은 하나님의 모습으로 하나님의 우편에서 하늘과 땅의 모든 권세를 지니시고 다스리시며 시공을 초월하시고 못하실 일이 없으신 분으로 우리가 생각하는 사람의 모습이 아닙니다. 그분은 공간을 초월해서 동시에 여러 곳에 계실 수가 있으십니다.
세상 끝 날까지 너희와 함께 하리라는 약속은 반드시 지켜졌고 지금도 지켜지고 있습니다. 예수님께서 이렇게 하시는데 문제는 우리입니다. 우리의 일상의 삶에 예수님이 계심을 믿고 예수님을 초대하고 예수님과 함께 하느냐가 문제이지 예수님께서 그분의 약속대로 함께 하시는 것은 진리이고 사실입니다. 진리의 말씀이 성경책으로 늘 모든 사람 곁에 있습니다. 누구나 지금 시대 성경 말씀을 핸드폰으로 보고 듣고 할 수가 있습니다. 이렇게 말씀이 우리와 함께 하시지만 말씀을 믿고 읽고 묵상하고 순종하는 우리와 달리 전해도 믿지 않고 말씀을 읽기도 듣지도 실천하지 않는 불신자는 하나님께서 이들과 함께 하시는 것이 문제가 아니라 그들이 이렇게 가까이 계시는 말씀이신 예수님을 믿지 않는 것이 문제가 될 것입니다. 함께 하셔도 믿지 않으니 어떡합니까? 예수님께서 오심은 약속대로 되었고 될 것이지만 믿지 않으면 자기 마음대로 24시간이 짧고 일생을 걸쳐서 믿지 않고 사는데 이는 믿지 않는 그 사람의 문제입니다. 우리는 그냥 예수님의 말씀을 그대로 믿으면 될 것입니다. 예수님께서는 약속대로 제자들에게 반드시 오셨습니다.
교회에는 어디나 전도팀이 있고 전도하는 분이 계십니다. 이분들과 함께 전도를 하시고 배우시면서 주님의 함께 하심도 체험하시기를 예수님의 이름으로 축복합니다.
10장 열두 제자 파송: 권능을 주시며
1-4 예수님의 열두 제자: 베드로, 안드레, 야고보와 요한, 빌립과 바돌로매, 도마
마태, 다른 야고보, 다대오, 시몬, 유다.
5-16 제자들의 전도: 이스라엘의 잃어버린 양에게, 천국 전파. 평안, 치유, 귀신 축출
17-25 박해를 받을 것이다: 지혜와 순결, 사람 삼가, 끌려가서 성령께서 증거
끝까지 견디는 자 구원을 받음// 예수님께서 오신다는 약속
26-31 두려워할 분을 두려워하라: 몸과 영혼을 다 멸하시는 자 두려워하라
32-33 사람 앞에서의 시인: 하나님 앞에서 시인
34-36 칼을 주려고 왔다: 사람의 원수가 자기 집안 식구
37-39 자기 십자가를 지고 가라
40-42 보상에 대한 말씀: 영접하는 자, 냉수 한 그릇 주는 자 결코 상 잃지 않음
마태복음 10장 챗 GPT와 대화 내용
Good afternoon, ChatGPT!
Good afternoon! How's your day going?
나의 말:
I'm fine. It's 12 o'clock. I will call.
Did you mean you will make a call at 12 o’clock? Or did you mean something else?
나의 말:
I will go Mungyeong by my car right now.
I see! You can say, "I am going to Mungyeong by car right now."
Drive safely! Are you going to tend to your field today?
나의 말:
Yeah, I'm going to work at my green field, which is located in Mungyeong.
That sounds great! A more natural way to say it is: "Yes, I'm going to work in my field in Mungyeong."
What will you do there today? Will you take care of your crops?
나의 말:
I want to chat with you. Bible New Testament to Matthew Chapter 10.
Great! You want to talk about Matthew Chapter 10 from the New Testament.
This chapter is where Jesus sends out His twelve disciples to preach the kingdom of heaven. He gives them authority to heal the sick, cast out demons, and perform miracles. He also warns them about persecution but encourages them to trust in God.
Is there a specific verse or part you want to discuss?
나의 말:
First of all, I want to study key vocabularies. I have read three times in English version this morning, so I want to know the key vocabularies of this chapter. Can you tell me?
ChatGPT의 말:
That's great! Since you've read it three times, you're already familiar with the text. Here are some key vocabulary words from Matthew Chapter 10:
Disciples – Jesus’ followers who learn from Him.
Apostles – The twelve men Jesus sent to preach.
Authority – The power Jesus gave His disciples to heal and cast out demons.
Persecution – Suffering or mistreatment because of faith.
Testimony – A spoken or written statement about faith.
Worthy – Deserving or having value.
Hospitality – Kindness and care for guests or strangers.
Denounce – To strongly criticize or reject.
Sword – Symbol of division or conflict (Jesus said His message would cause division).
Reward – A blessing or gift given for faithfulness.
Would you like me to explain any of these words more clearly?
나의 말:
About most of the vocabularies, I want to know what one vocabulary means. Maybe Schroeder or Schroeder?
It seems like you are referring to a word that sounds like Schroeder or something similar, but I don’t think that word appears in Matthew 10. Could it be "scourge"?
Scourge means to whip or punish severely. In Matthew 10:17, Jesus warns His disciples that they will be scourged in synagogues as part of the persecution they will face.
Does this sound like the word you were thinking of?
나의 말:
Uh, you know, I don't know the exact, uh, uh, first, but I can remember, uh, you must be, uh, Dove. Dove, you know, and, uh, you must be, uh,
Ah! You are thinking of Matthew 10:16! The verse says:
"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
Here are the key words from this verse:
Sheep – Represents Jesus' followers, who are gentle and vulnerable.
Wolves – Represents those who may harm or oppose believers.
Wise – To be intelligent and make good decisions.
Serpents – Snakes, which symbolize wisdom and caution.
Harmless – To not cause harm or trouble.
Doves – Birds that symbolize peace and innocence.
Jesus is saying that His disciples should be smart and careful like snakes but kind and innocent like doves.
Is this the part you were thinking of?
나의 말:
You're right. I don't know the word meaning smart. How could Bible scribe that word? That's some word.
Yes! The Bible uses the word "wise" in this verse:
"Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."
Wise means having good judgment, being careful, and understanding things well. It is similar to smart, but "wise" includes experience and making the right choices.
Would you like to practice using "wise" in a sentence?
나의 말:
Wise is a correct meaning, but when I saw, according to my notebook, in NIV version it was differently explained, maybe a shrub or something.
Ah, I see! You might be referring to the NIV (New International Version), which translates the verse a little differently. The NIV says:
"Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."
The word "shrewd" is different from "wise."
Wise means having good judgment and making the right choices.
Shrewd means being clever, smart, and sometimes a little cautious or strategic.
Jesus is telling His disciples to be clever and careful like snakes but still remain innocent and kind like doves.
Does "shrewd" sound like the word you were looking for?
나의 말:
You're right. I didn't remember the word, but truly it's the word that I thought. Now it's okay. It is cleared. And I want to know the summary of this chapter. Can you tell me the summary of this chapter?
I'm glad the word "shrewd" is clear now! Here's a summary of Matthew Chapter 10:
In this chapter, Jesus calls His twelve disciples and gives them the authority to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, and cast out demons. He sends them out to preach about the kingdom of heaven, warning them that they will face persecution and opposition. He tells them to travel light and rely on the hospitality of others, but to leave places that reject them.
Jesus also tells them to be shrewd as snakes but innocent as doves. He encourages them to stand firm in faith, even when facing persecution, and assures them that God will protect and reward them. Finally, He speaks about the division His message will cause, as it may divide families, but also promises a great reward for those who follow Him faithfully.
In the end, Jesus offers comfort, saying that anyone who welcomes His disciples also welcomes Him, and that those who follow Him will be rewarded.
Does this summary make sense to you? Would you like to dive deeper into any part of the chapter?
나의 말:
Your summary is excellent.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the summary. If you'd like to discuss more about this chapter or any other part of the Bible, feel free to let me know!
나의 말:
Lastly, I want to know the important grammar point of this chapter. Please explain to me the important grammar point of this chapter.
Certainly! One important grammar point in Matthew Chapter 10 is the use of imperative verbs and conditional sentences. These are often used when Jesus gives instructions or warnings to His disciples. Let me explain each:
1. Imperative Verbs (Commands)
In this chapter, Jesus gives many commands to His disciples. These are in the imperative form, which is used to give orders, requests, or advice. For example:
"Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons." (Matthew 10:8)
"Do not go on the road to the Gentiles or enter a Samaritan town." (Matthew 10:5)
In English, the imperative verb does not need a subject (you). The subject is understood as "you."
2. Conditional Sentences (If-Then Statements)
Another key point is the use of conditional sentences. These sentences show a cause-and-effect relationship, often using if or when. For example:
"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet." (Matthew 10:14)
"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven." (Matthew 10:32)
The "if" part expresses a condition, and the "then" part gives the result or consequence. This structure helps express what will happen under certain conditions.
3. Future Tense for Predictions
Jesus often uses the future tense to talk about things that will happen later, like persecution or rewards. For example:
"You will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues." (Matthew 10:17)
"Anyone who welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet's reward." (Matthew 10:41)
This use of the future tense expresses events that are expected to happen.
The grammar in Matthew 10 focuses on giving commands (imperative), explaining conditions (conditional sentences), and predicting future events (future tense). These help convey Jesus' instructions, warnings, and promises to His disciples.
I hope this explanation helps! Would you like to practice some sentences with these grammar points?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. I want to study with you, with this chapter, another study of method. We have studied another 10 kinds of study methods already. Can you remember the
You're very welcome! I'm glad you're ready to study more with me. I can remember that we've discussed several study methods before, but I don't have a list of exactly 10 methods right now. Could you remind me of some of the methods we've used before, so we can build on them for studying Matthew Chapter 10?
나의 말:
Okay, I will, I'll tell you, uh, the method, uh, first parallel, like the second storytelling
Great! You're referring to parallel study and storytelling, right? Here's how we can apply these methods to Matthew Chapter 10:
1. Parallel Study
In parallel study, you compare different versions or translations of the Bible. For example, we could compare Matthew 10 in the King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), and English Standard Version (ESV) to see how the language differs and highlight key phrases. This method helps to understand different nuances of the text.
Would you like to compare a specific verse from the chapter across different translations?
2. Storytelling
In storytelling, you retell the chapter in your own words, almost like a summary, but with more details and in a way that brings the story to life. This helps in understanding the flow of events and the emotions of the characters involved.
For example, you could retell how Jesus calls His disciples, gives them instructions, and warns them about the challenges they will face. You could imagine how the disciples might have felt and what they experienced.
Would you like to try retelling part of the chapter in your own words? Or we could focus on any specific part of the chapter to explore in more detail.
나의 말:
Thanks a lot, but unfortunately, I don't have a Bible text, so I have to remember what I should say. So, please give me a good example of a verse. And then, I will parallelize, and I will tell storytelling, and let's do role-playing.
You're very welcome! Let’s start with a verse from Matthew 10:16 for our study, and I’ll provide an example.
Here’s the verse:
"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." (KJV)
Step 1: Parallel Study
Now, we can look at this verse in different versions. Here’s how it looks in the NIV and ESV:
NIV: "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."
ESV: "Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. So be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."
Step 2: Storytelling
Now, retell this in your own words:
Imagine you're one of Jesus' disciples. Jesus is sending you out to preach, but He warns you that it won’t be easy. There will be many dangers and people who will try to harm you, like wolves ready to attack sheep. But Jesus encourages you to be smart and careful, like a snake, and gentle and peaceful, like a dove. It’s a reminder that, while we must be wise, we should also remain harmless and kind, no matter the situation.
Step 3: Role-Playing
Let’s do some role-playing! You can be one of Jesus' disciples, and I will be Jesus. You can ask questions or talk about what you're feeling as Jesus gives you the instruction.
For example:
You (as a disciple): "Lord, why do You say we will be like sheep among wolves? Will it be dangerous?"
Me (as Jesus): "Yes, it will be dangerous, but remember, you are not alone. Be wise in your actions, but always remain peaceful and gentle. Trust in God, and He will protect you."
You can continue the role-play or ask other questions based on the verse!
Would you like to give this a try, or do you need further help with any part of this process?
나의 말:
Hello! How are you doing today? Ready to continue with your study?
나의 말:
Yes, I want to study continuously. I'm going to tell...
Great! I'm excited to continue studying with you. Feel free to tell me how you'd like to proceed, and we can dive right in!
나의 말:
Okay, let's look at Chapter 10.
Alright, let’s continue with Matthew Chapter 10! We can go through the text together, and you can choose which method you’d like to use, such as parallel study, storytelling, or role-playing.
Is there a specific verse or section of Chapter 10 you’d like to focus on today, or should we start from the beginning?
나의 말:
You already mentioned some verses for our Parallel Storytelling load frame. I'm going to tell what you mentioned.
Perfect! You’re going to retell the verse I mentioned earlier for our parallel study and storytelling. That’s great! Here's the verse again for your reference:
Matthew 10:16:
"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." (KJV)
Go ahead and share your version of the parallel study and the storytelling. I’m excited to hear it!
나의 말:
Okay, when Jesus sent his disciples to the world, he warned, be wise like a snake and be clean like a dove. Because the world is not clear and there are so many wicked people. But when we go into the world and when we preache gospel, we should be careful. We should do carefully because some of them will harm fearlessly. So, always we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is the best smart way of life.
That’s a great retelling! You’ve captured the essence of the verse well, highlighting the need for both wisdom and innocence in the face of challenges. Your focus on following the Holy Spirit’s guidance is a key point, too.
Now, let’s do a bit of role-playing to deepen the experience. You can be the disciple again, and I’ll be Jesus. Feel free to ask questions or share thoughts as we continue.
For example:
You (as a disciple): "Lord, how can we stay innocent like doves but still protect ourselves from harm?"
Me (as Jesus): "Trust in the Holy Spirit. He will guide you in your words and actions. When you are wise and innocent, you will know when to speak and when to be silent, when to move and when to stay still. You are not alone in this work."
How does that sound? Would you like to try it with a different scenario?
나의 말:
This scenario is good. You roll as Jesus, and I will roll as a disciple. I'm going to ask a question, okay?
Sounds great! I’m ready. Go ahead with your question, and I’ll respond as Jesus.
나의 말:
My Lord Jesus, I wanted to follow your command, and so I wanted to preach Gospel, but sometimes I have a problem. I don't know what to say. I don't know where should I go to meet people. Then what I should do and where should I go, my Lord?
Jesus (me): "My disciple, do not worry. The Holy Spirit will guide you. When you trust in Him, He will give you the words to speak at the right time. You do not need to know everything in advance. Go to where the people are, and be open to the Spirit’s leading. Sometimes you will find people in unexpected places. Remember, it is not by your own strength, but by God's guidance that you will be led to the right people. Just be faithful and follow His direction, and He will make a way for you."
How does that feel? Would you like to continue with more questions or explore another scenario?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. This kind of studying method is perfect. And as I know, there are some other methods of studying Bible and English speaking. Can you remember any other methods of studying?
I’m glad you like this study method! Yes, there are several other methods we’ve discussed before, and I’m happy to go over them with you. Here are a few more that can be useful for both Bible study and English speaking practice:
1. Word Study
In this method, you pick a specific word from the text and study its meaning in depth. You can explore its original language (Greek or Hebrew) or its usage in different parts of the Bible. It helps you understand the word’s full meaning and how it applies.
2. Verse-by-Verse Study
You take a specific verse and break it down line by line. This is helpful for understanding the details and deeper meaning behind each part of the verse.
3. Contextual Study
You look at the verses before and after the one you're studying to understand it in its full context. This helps you avoid misinterpretations and see how the verse fits into the larger message of the chapter or book.
4. Discussion and Application
This is where you discuss the verse with others, asking how it applies to real life. You could do this in a study group or even with me. It helps you see how the verse connects to practical situations.
5. Memorization and Reflection
This method focuses on memorizing Bible verses and then reflecting on their meaning throughout the day. It helps solidify your understanding and makes it easier to recall key verses when needed.
6. Comparative Study
You compare similar stories or teachings from different parts of the Bible. For example, you can compare Jesus’ teachings in Matthew with similar teachings in other gospels like Mark or Luke. This helps to see patterns and understand the bigger picture.
Would you like to try one of these methods next, or would you prefer to stick with our current approach?
나의 말:
I want to further study, I want to know the verb, word, I mean word, word study, I want to know the word disciple, disciple, disciple means
Great choice! Let’s do a word study on the word "disciple."
Word Study: "Disciple"
Meaning in General:A disciple is a learner or follower, someone who follows the teachings or philosophy of a leader. In the Bible, a disciple is specifically a follower of Jesus Christ.
Original Language (Greek):In the New Testament, the Greek word for "disciple" is "mathetes" (μαθητής), which means "a student" or "a learner." It comes from the root word "mathē," which means "learning" or "knowledge."
Biblical Context:In the context of the New Testament, a disciple is not just someone who listens to teachings but also someone who actively follows, imitates, and lives by the teachings of their master. For example, Jesus had twelve main disciples (the apostles) who followed Him closely, but there were also many other disciples who followed Jesus' teachings and spread His message.
Examples in the Bible:
Matthew 4:19 - Jesus said, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Here, He is calling His disciples to leave their old life and follow Him.
Matthew 28:19 - "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." This is part of the Great Commission, where Jesus instructs His followers to go out and make more disciples by teaching them to obey His commands.
Disciple vs. Apostle:In the New Testament, the term disciple is used for anyone who follows Jesus, while apostle refers to the twelve specific disciples chosen by Jesus to be His messengers and leaders in spreading the Gospel. So, every apostle is a disciple, but not every disciple is an apostle.
To be a disciple of Jesus means more than just knowing about Him; it means to follow His example, obey His commands, and grow in relationship with Him. Discipleship is about transformation, where a person’s life becomes more like Christ’s through learning, practicing, and sharing the teachings of Jesus.
What do you think? Does this help clarify the meaning of "disciple" for you? Would you like to explore more words or study a different topic?
나의 말:
Because of your excellent explanation, I fully understand the disciple means and the apostle means. I can separate two different meanings. And I want to discuss another topic. God sent his disciples to the world and he commanded to preach and heal. And, uh...
I’m so glad the explanation helped! Now that you understand the difference between "disciple" and "apostle," it sounds like you want to dive deeper into Jesus’ command to His disciples.
You mentioned preaching and healing—these are both central to Jesus’ mission for His disciples.
In Matthew 10:7-8, Jesus tells His disciples:
"As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven has come near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give."
This is a powerful command. Jesus not only instructs His disciples to preach the good news but also to demonstrate the power of God through healing and deliverance.
I’m curious—what do you think this command means for us today? How can we apply it in our own lives as disciples of Christ?
나의 말:
Before adopt our daily life, I want to know how could the disciple to heal other people because they didn't receive the Holy Spirit, the Power Spirit yet. How could you do that kind of work?
That's a great question! You're right to notice that the disciples hadn’t yet received the Holy Spirit in the way they would after Jesus' resurrection. In fact, the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit, as we read in Acts 2, happened after Jesus ascended to heaven.
So, how did the disciples heal and perform miracles before that time? There are a couple of points to consider:
1. Jesus' Authority:
Jesus didn’t send the disciples out on their own power. In Matthew 10:1, it says, "Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness."
Jesus gave them His authority to heal the sick and cast out demons. This was a temporary empowerment for the disciples to carry out His mission on Earth, even before the coming of the Holy Spirit. They didn’t rely on their own abilities, but on the authority and power that Jesus entrusted to them.
2. Preparation for the Coming of the Holy Spirit:
Though the disciples didn't have the full indwelling of the Holy Spirit yet, they were still under Jesus' authority, and their actions were preparing them for the eventual empowerment of the Spirit. Jesus often spoke of the Holy Spirit to come (like in John 14:16-17), promising the Spirit would guide them after He left.
3. Jesus’ Example:
Jesus also demonstrated how to perform these miracles, and His disciples learned from His example. They observed Him healing the sick, casting out demons, and performing other miracles, and He empowered them to do the same. His ministry was a direct demonstration of God's power, and by extending His authority to the disciples, He enabled them to perform similar acts.
4. Faith:
Even before the Holy Spirit's full arrival, faith played an essential role. In some instances, the disciples' faith in Jesus and His power allowed them to act in His name. When they obeyed His commands, they experienced His power at work through them.
So, while the disciples didn't have the Holy Spirit in the way we understand it today, they were still able to heal and perform miracles through the direct authority and power of Jesus Christ. This shows us that it’s not our own strength that matters, but God's power working through us when we are obedient to His calling.
Does this answer your question? How do you think this idea connects to our daily lives as disciples of Jesus today?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot. If we find any man who didn't receive the Holy Spirit, although if he did a miracle, we should understand that the power and the authority came from Jesus Christ. Now, I want to discuss a very difficult verse that we cannot understand the exact meaning.
You're welcome! Yes, you’re absolutely right. Even when someone who hasn’t received the Holy Spirit performs miracles, the power and authority ultimately come from Jesus Christ, and we should always recognize that.
Now, I'd be happy to help with any difficult verse you're wondering about. Could you share the verse you'd like to discuss?
나의 말:
Okay, I don't know exact verses, but I can remember the verses meaning God promised them he will come soon before they go whole district of Israel. How can you understand this Jesus
I understand what you're referring to! You seem to be thinking of Matthew 10:23, where Jesus says:
"When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes." (NIV)
This verse can be a bit tricky, and it has been interpreted in various ways over the years. Here's how we can understand it:
1. The Coming of the Son of Man (Jesus' Return):
One interpretation is that Jesus is referring to His second coming. In this case, He is telling the disciples that before they finish their mission of preaching to all the towns of Israel, He will return to establish His kingdom. But the challenge here is that Jesus was speaking to the disciples, and they certainly didn't see His second coming during their lifetimes.
2. The Destruction of Jerusalem (The Near Future Event):
Another interpretation is that Jesus is referring to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, which was a significant event in Jewish history. Some scholars believe Jesus is saying that His coming in judgment (through the destruction of Jerusalem) will occur before they finish going through all the towns of Israel. This would have been a form of judgment against Israel for rejecting Jesus as the Messiah.
3. The Coming of the Holy Spirit:
A third interpretation is that Jesus is referring to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (which happened after Jesus' ascension in Acts 2). In this interpretation, Jesus is telling the disciples that they won’t finish preaching throughout Israel before the Holy Spirit comes to empower them for the mission. This is supported by the idea that the disciples’ work was to be empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit.
4. A Temporal Fulfillment:
Some see this verse as a short-term fulfillment where Jesus was talking to His disciples about events that would happen during their lifetime, including the spreading of the Gospel to Israel and the challenges they would face. The promise of His “coming” in this case would be more about His ongoing presence with them in their mission, not a future second coming.
How I Understand This:
I personally lean toward seeing this verse as a combination of meanings. Jesus was likely pointing to the near judgment of Jerusalem and perhaps hinting at the coming of the Holy Spirit, which would empower the disciples for their mission.
In a broader sense, I also think there’s a timeless aspect where Jesus is assuring His disciples (and us today) that He will be with us throughout our mission, whether through the Spirit or His ultimate return. The key is that He will never leave His followers, even in the face of persecution.
What do you think? Does this interpretation make sense to you, or is there another aspect you’re wondering about?
나의 말:
Your explanation really make me sense. Thanks a lot, ChatGPT. I arrived the destination that I should go. So let's quit our chatting. We will chat again next time. Thanks for your kind explanation and your good chatting. Have a good day. Take care. Bye-bye, ChatGPT.
You're very welcome! I'm glad I could help. Have a great time at your destination, and take care. I'll be here whenever you're ready to chat again. Bye for now, and take care!