One day, Max and Ruby's grandma let to pick up told them to pick the blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries.
First, They they picked up the raspberries.
When Ruby saw Max ate eating the raspberries, and Ruby suggest suggested that Max picked up pick the raspberries use using Max's toy.
Afterthat After that, they finished pick up picking the raspberries.
Then, they started to pick up pick the blueberries and raspberries blackberries.
When they finished that picking, Max got a took all the berries then he put and put them in his toy, and which ground the berries were grind together.
Ruby was very angry, but Grandma was great joob to praised Max for a great job because Grandma was to made was going to make berry smoothes smoothies.
Score: B+
Tips (수정 및 추가 내용)
- 문법 및 표현 수정:
- "let to pick up" → "told them to pick" (let은 뒤에 'to'가 붙지 않음)
- "the blueberries, raspberries and blackberries" → "blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries" (일반적으로 나열할 때 'and' 앞에 쉼표 추가 가능)
- "They" → "they" (문장 중간에서 시작하는 단어는 소문자)
- "ate" → "eating" (when 다음에는 동명사가 더 자연스러움)
- "suggest Max picked up" → "suggested that Max pick" (suggest 뒤에 동사는 원형 사용)
- "use" → "using" (동명사 형태로 수정)
- "Afterthat" → "After that," (띄어쓰기 필요)
- "pick up" → "picking" (동사 원형보다는 동명사가 적절)
- "Max got a all the berries" → "Max took all the berries" (문장 구조 조정)
- "then he put them" → "and put them" (더 자연스러운 연결)
- "the berries were grind" → "which ground the berries together" (수동태 대신 능동형으로 수정)
- "was great joob to Max" → "praised Max for a great job" (자연스러운 표현으로 변경)
- "was to made" → "was going to make" (to 다음에는 동사 원형 사용)
- "smoothes" → "smoothies" (올바른 철자 수정)