12. 조동사 Do, have, may, must의 용법
1. Do
(1) I do think those flowers are pretty.
(2) Never did I see such a beasutiful sunset.
(3) You run much faster than he does.
(1) 강조의 뜻 (2) 강조를 위한 도치 (3) 대(代)동사
2. Have
(1) You have to go to the doctor immediately.
(2) You don't have to go to the doctor immediately.
(3) You have only to lay the tiles on the floor.
(4) Do you always have tennis lessons on Monday?
(1) have to = must (2) don't have to = don't need to ~할 필요가 없다.
(3) have only to ~하기만 하면 된다. (4) have = take.
3. Can
(1) I will be able to play the piano soon.
(2) You can swim here. You cannot haave been tired.
(3) He cannot be tired. He cannot have been tired.
(4) Can it be true? Can he have said so?
(1) can의 미래형. = will be able to ~할 수 있을 것이다.
(2) can = may; cannot = must not, may not.
(3) 부정적 단정 cannot be ~일 리가 없다. cannot have pp. ~했을 리가 없다.
(4) 강한 의심.
4. May
(1) You may leave now. You must not leave now.
(2) He may[might] be sick. He may[might] have been sick.
(3) You may well think so. You may[might] as well leave it behind.
(4) You may[might] as well throw the money into the sea as lend it to him.
(5) May God help you!
(1) 허가. ~해도 좋다. (2) 추측. may ~일지도 모른다. may have pp ~했을 지도 모른다.
(3) may well = have (a) good reason to ~하는 것도 당연하다.
may[might] as well ~하는 편[쪽]이 낫다.
(4) may[might] as well ... as ~ ~할 바에는 ...하는 편[쪽]이 낫다[좋다].
(5) 기원문
5. Must
(1) You must do as the instructions tell you.
(2) He must be tired. He must have been tired.
(3) We all must die sometime.
(4) You will have to walk there. I had to walk there.
(1) 필요. must = have to
(2) 추측 must ~임에 틀림없다. must have pp. ~했음에 틀림없다.
(3) 필연 불가피 (반드시 ~하다)
(4) must의 미래 = will have to. ~해야 할 것이다. must의 과거 had to ~해야만 했다.
at one time 한번에 up to ~까지
safe and sound 무사히 cannot ~ to 아무리 ~해도 지나치지 않는다.
will have to ~해야 할 것이다 hardly 거의 ~ 않다.
do damage 손해를 끼치다 a lot of 많은
for nothing 공짜로, 무료로 may well ~하는 것은 당연하다
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