ANAHEIM, Calif. -- The Anaheim Angels went after starting pitchers, and they landed two prime catches in the free agent market.
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Bartolo Colon agreed to a $51 million, four-year deal with the Angels on Tuesday, just a couple of weeks after they signed Kelvim Escobar.
콜론은 에인졀스와 4년간 51M로 계약을 하였다.
'We had our sights set on pitching and I think we accomplished that,' Angels general manager Bill Stoneman said. 'I would say that, conservatively, we're not finished yet.'
Colon, a former 20-game winner who has reached double-digit wins in six consecutive seasons, was guaranteed $51 million in the deal, according to a baseball official who had been told of the deal's parameters. He spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Escobar, 13-9 with a 4.29 ERA for Toronto last season, got an $18.75 million, three-year deal with Anaheim.
The Angels, who won the 2002 World Series and then slumped to 77-85 last season, still have most of the players from their championship team, and Colon said he likes that.
'I'm happy to be with the new team and have the opportunity to be able to win with them,' Colon said, speaking through an interpreter. 'I watched them during the World Series.'
Manager Mike Scioscia obviously was pleased with the newest member of the Angels' mound staff. 'Bartolo not only has the ability to go out there and give us a lot of quality innings, I believe he can help elevate the staff by taking the lead,' Scioscia said.
Signing Colon might not be Anaheim's last big move. If the Alex Rodriguez-Manny Ramirez deal goes through, five-time All-Star shortstop Nomar Garciaparra would be out of a job. It's believed the Red Sox might try to trade him to the Angels for a pitcher, possibly Jarrod Washburn, or second baseman Adam Kennedy. Third baseman Troy Glaus' name has also been mentioned.
물론 콜론을 계약한 것이 에인절스의 이번 오프 시즌의 마지막 행보가 되지는 않을 전망이다. 만일 알렉스 로드리게스-매니 라미레즈의 트레이드가 이루어진다면 5회나 올스타에 선정된 경력이 있는 노마가 풀려 나올 것이며 그 대상은 에인절스의 투수나 야수가 될 것으로 알려져 있는데 현지에서 나오는 이름들로는 투수 제로드 워시번, 2루수 아담 케네디, 3루수 트로이 글로스가 언급이 되고 있다. (역주 : 당연히 1:1로)
'We're trying to keep our options open, but we feel we are in position to maneuver now,' said Arte Moreno, who purchased the Angels from The Walt Disney Co. last spring. Asked about the possibility of acquiring another big-name player, Stoneman said, 'We'll have to wait and see how it all might fit together. It gets a little creative now.'
'우리는 언제나 모든 가능성을 열어 두고 있으며 지금이야 말로 그 모든 가능성을 가지고 팀을 운영할 떄라고 생각합니다'라고 지난 봄 월트 디즈니사로부터 에인절스를 인수한 구단주 아르테 모레노가 인터뷰에서 밝혔다. 또한 다른 선수들을 영입할 계획을 가지고 있느냐는 질문에 에인졀스 단장인 스톤맨은 다음과 같이 밝혔다 '우리는 기다려야 합니다. 또한 행여 선수들을 영입한다고 하더라도 그 선수들이 우리 팀에 얼마나 잘 맞는지 따져 봐야 합니다. 뭐 현재로서는 약간의 가능성이 있습니다'
The Chicago White Sox badly wanted Colon back, reportedly offering him a three-year contract worth a reported $36 million -- the largest ever for a White Sox pitcher. But Colon rejected the offer in October.
Stoneman, asked why the Angels gave him a four-year contract, said, 'That's the edge that got him right now, rather than waiting until later.'
Colon was only 15-13 with a 3.87 ERA this year, but he's coveted for his durability and consistency.
He pitched a career-high nine complete games, and was second in the AL with 242 innings. His 173 strikeouts also ranked in the top 10. In seven seasons with Cleveland, Montreal and Chicago, the 30-year-old Colon is 100-62 with a 3.86 ERA.
Escobar made 26 starts and 15 relief appearances for the Blue Jays last season, working a career-high 180 1/3 innings.
Other potential starters for the Angels in what now appears to be a very strong rotation are Washburn, Ramon Ortiz, John Lackey and Aaron Sele.
AP NEWS The Associated Press News Service
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