# 189 Peace Offering
화목제는 2가지 행동을 합니다 Wave Offering: Breast 좌우로 희생제물의 가슴을 흔듭니다 Heave Offering: Right Thigh 위아래로 희생제물의 뒷다리를 올렸다 내렸다 합니다 (한국성경에는 ‘거제’ 라고 합니다: 한자로 들’거’ 제사 ‘제’) Leviticus 10:14 And the wave breast and heave shoulder shall ye eat in a clean place; thou, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee: for they be thy due, and thy sons' due, which are given out of the sacrifices of peace offerings of the children of Israel
But you and your sons and your daughters may eat the breast that was waved and the thigh that was presented. Eat them in a ceremonially clean place; they have been given to you and your children as your share of the Israelites' fellowship offerings. 흔든 가슴과 들어올린 뒷다리는 너와 네 자녀가 너와 함께 정결한 곳에서 먹을지니 이는 이스라엘 자손의 화목제물 중에서 네 소득과 네 아들들의 소득으로 주신 것임이니라
화목제는 제물의 가슴을 좌우로 흔들고 뒷다리를 올렸다 내려서 마치 십자가의 모양처럼 되는 것입니다 이것은 예수님이 십자가 달린것을 상징합니다 Peace Offering is Your food
Peace Offering in Hebrew is Shelemim :
“Shelem” is comes from shalom (peace) + “im” is plural Peace Offering은 히브리어로 Shelemim 입니다 Shlelem의 어원은 히브리어 shalom (평강)에서 왔습니다 뒷에 붙은 im은 복수를 뜻합니다 He walks with something he never had when he first came
When he first came with lamb, he did not have the acceptance of God he did not have the righteousness with God he did not have the blessings of God 처음 어린양을 데리고 왔을때는 그를 하나님이 받으시지도 않았고 그를 의롭게 여기지도 않았고 그를 축복 하지도 않았습니다
But now he put his hand on the substitute on his offering All that is sin and all that is evil has transfer into his offering That is now under God’s judgment But actually it is his sins that is on the offering The offering is innocent but offering has become sin offering
그러나 이제 그는 희생양에 안수를 했습니다 그의 모든 죄와 악은 그 제물로 옮겨 갔습니다 그래서 그 제물은 이제 하나님의 심판을 받았습니다 그러나 사실 그 제물이 받은 심판은 나의 죄 이였습니다 그 희생양은 죄가 없었지만 속죄 제물이 되었습니다 Offering became sin offering 그 제사는 속죄제가 되었습니다
Now when he is walking away, now he has the acceptance of the lamb he has the perfection of the lamb He lives live with confident acceptance of good
Now he walks in the favor of Jesus Priest 제사장은 완벽해야 합니다 아론과 그의 아들들은 완벽합니다
Priest of Look the best Eat the best Wear the best
이스라엘의 제사장들은 외모도 완벽해야하고 음식도 제일 좋은것으로 먹고 옷도 제일 좋은것으로 입었습니다
You are all priest You are loyal priest : King Priest Jesus is the King of kings
우리는 모두 제사장 입니다 왕같은 제사장입니다 예수님은 왕중의 왕이십니다 Leviticus 7:29-33 31 the breast shall be the Aaron’s and his sons’ Wave the breast before the Lord He wave the breast of the substitute Now who is the substitute: Jesus The Breast speaks of his love Your bosom and your breast speaks Jesus’ love for you
가슴살을 주님앞에서 흔드세요 그 가슴살 대리인을 흔든고 있습니다 그분이 바로 예수님 입니다 그 가슴은 예수님의 사랑을 이야기 하고 있습니다 당산의 마음과 가슴은 예수님의 당신에 대한 사랑을 이야기 하고 있습니다
So what is it saying to Father 그것이 무엇을 말하는지요
Father behold Jesus’ love for us In the world of turmoil and in the world of confuse, recession around corner Father behold Jesus’ love for us
아버지, 예수님의 우리에 대한 사랑을 보세요 이 혼란 스럽고 , 어지럽고, 불황스런 세상에서 아버지 예수님의 우리에 대한 사랑을 보세요 Leviticus 7:31 31 the breast shall be the Aaron’s and his sons’
Jesus is our heavenly Aaron and you and I we are priest So breast meat belong to you
가슴살은 아론과 그의 아들들에게 준다고 되어 있습니다 예수님은 하늘에 있는 대 제사장이고 우리는 제사장입니다 그래서 가슴살을 우리에게 속한 것입니다
Your food are Jesus’ love for you Father look at the love of Jesus for you Look at the love of Jesus for me and my family
여러분의 음식은 예수님의 사랑입니다 하나님은 예수님의 우리에 대한 사랑을 바라보십니다 예수님의 나와 나의 가족에 대한 사랑을 바라 보세요
Jesus today who is at the Father’s right hand, He find his food he find his satisfaction he find his delight he find his nourishment in loving you in his own breast
예수님은 지금 하나님 우편에 앉아 계십니다 예수님은 가슴에서 여러분을 사랑하면서 그것으로 음식, 만족, 기쁨, 그리고 영양을 찾고 계십니다 Leviticus 7:32 You are to give the right thigh of your fellowship offerings to the priest as a contribution.
And the right shoulder shall ye give unto the priest for an heave offering of the sacrifices of your peace offerings.
또 너희는 그 화목제물의 오른쪽 뒷다리를 제사장에게 주어 거제를 삼을지니 Right thigh is your largest bone : it speaks of power and strength
오른쪽 뒷다리는 여러분에게 가장 큰 뼈 입니다 이것은 힘과 능력을 상징합니다
Thigh is heave offering : resurrection from earth to heaven (from death to life)
뒷다는 거제 입니다: 즉 예수님의 부활을 뜻합니다 \ (이땅에서 하늘로 -> 죽음에서 생명으로)
You heave right thigh and you wave breast (What do you see? : The Cross)
뒷다리는 거제로 들었나 내렸다 하고 가슴은 옆으로 흔들면 무슨 모양이 될까요? (십가자 모양이지요)
How do I eat right thigh? 그러면 뒷다리는 어떻게 먹을 까요?
Lord Jesus, I thank you that you love me (Even when you don’t feel any thing) 여러분이 아무것도 느끼지 못할지라도 구주 예수님 나를 사랑해 주셔서 감사합니다 이렇게 고백하는 것입니다
Let’s say you worry about your job because you find your boss dismissing people and down sizing company. And you are of the certain age and you are concerning you might be next.
예를 들면 여러분이 다니는 회사가 구조 조정이 있어서 직장 상사가 직원들 하나 둘씩 조기 은퇴 시키기 시작했다고 합시다 당신의 연령이 많으면 다음이 당신 차례일것이라고 걱정을 할것입니다
Lord, I thank you that you love me Because you love me (that is eating the breast), your power always supply all my need. Even you have the leave the company, you will have the better job 그렇지만 당신은 이렇게 고백하는 것입니다 주님 저를 사랑해 주셔서 감사합니다
흔든 가슴을 먹는다는 뜻은 그런경우에 이렇게 얘기 하는것입니다 주님이 나를 사랑해주셔서, 주님의 능력이 내가 필요한 모든것을 채워주십니다 만약에 제가 회사를 떠나게 된다고 하더라도 주님께서 더 좋은 직장을 주실 것입니다 Leviticus 7:32
He among the sons of Aaron, who offers the blood of the peace offerings, and the fat, shall have the right shoulder for his part.
아론의 자손 중에서 화목제물의 피와 기름을 드리는 자는 그 오른쪽 뒷다리를 자기의 소득으로 삼을 것이니라 There are many believers: they know the love of Jesus but they don’t know how to demonstrate it. Bible says he who offers When you be set by worry and fears at home because of bad new, bad times coming, recession etc. What do you do when fears come in to your heart? What do you do? Do you offer? Most people don’t offer Offer means come near Qorban KAREV (the root of korban) means to approach, to come near, and so to get into a close relationship with somebody. This at once most positively gives the idea of the object and purpose of the process of KORBAN as the attainment of a higher sphere of life ... the (person) desires that something of himself should come closer to God, that is what his KORBAN That is time to come near to Jesus and says Lord because you love me, your power will more than supply me and my family Now having said that I don’t want to you to determine God’ love for you by looking at your circumstances Roast: means undergone to judgment You can not eat the breast unless it is roasted You can not eat the thigh unless it is roasted
Roast means the way to eat the love of Jesus You don’t say you love Jesus Thank you so much that yesterday I received the news that my house is on block. Oh how you love me I concern Sometime Christian determining Lord’s love for them based on the circumstances. Because the circumstances are subject to change
The way determine the God’s love for you is the Cross, Roasted Jesus loves me even if my prayers, the answers not forth coming There is still Jesus and his love! Amen Even like Jacob, all these things against me, praise God there is still Joseph Halleluiah He will never leave you nor forsake you. Isn’t it amazing then? Isn’t it wonderful then? Isn’t it marvelous truth?
In the world we know there is disappoints In the world we know there is trial In the world we know that things are not perfet After bad relationship or rejection whatever….
We can turn to someone whose love never change And feed on his love And escape the rejection that kills
Whenever fear and worries comes to your heart Are you among the sons that offer? Are your among the sons that sit down to nothing? That’s time to offer Thai’s very simple how to do it Lord, Jesus I thank you that you love me And always remember; the proof of your love is not your circumstances It is not the fact that your boss promoted you
Thank God for that give glory to Jesus But that’s not how to judge his love His love is judge based on the cross Even you don’t see things working for you, Thanks God, Jesus give his life on the Cross That’s proof that he loves me So I say you love is better than life
So the love before the thigh, and breast before the thigh Love before the power
Why David says “you loving kindness is better than life” your tender mercy
You can be kind in the action but not loving in the heart Let’s say small child knock down by a bicycle Some pedestrian kind enough to lift up the child Another one is mercy brush off child’s dust and dirt All of sudden, some push the crowd and rush to the child And hugs the child and kiss the child Now that person has loving kindness because she is the mother The crowd can be merciful The crowd can be kind
But only mother can have loving kind ness Can have tender mercy It not just action It is heart God’s loving kindness That’s our Lord Jesus There is abundant food
Blood is the picture of righteousness |
출처: 은혜 grace 조셉 프린스 Destined ToReign 원문보기 글쓴이: don choo