Runway Safety
♧ the National Transportation Safety Board : n. 미국연방교통안전위원회
♧ crucial : a. 결정적인, 중대한
♧ urgent : a. 긴급한, 절박한, 강요하는
♧ runway : n. 활주로 = tarmac
♧ knock : vt. vi. 부딪치다, 충돌시키다
♧ taxi : v. 비행기가 지상/수면에서 자력으로 이동하다, 택시로 가다
♧ close call : n. 위기 일발, 구사일생
♧ depart : vi. 출발하다, 떠나다, 벗어나다
♧ abort : vt. 주춤하다, 중지하다, 억제하다
♧ takeoff : n. 이륙, 출발
♧ clearance : n. 비행기의 이착륙인가, 허가
♧ the Federal Aviation Administration : n. 《미》 연방 항공국
♧ Dallas Forth Worth Airport
♧ make a difference : 차이가 생기다, 효과/영향이 있다, 중요하다
♧ status : n. 사정, 상태; 지위
♧ signal : vt. 신호하다, 표시하다, 주의시키다
♧ to date : ad. 오늘날까지, 지금까지; 최신식으로, 현대적으로; 시대에 뒤지지 않고
♧ cockpit : n. (비행기/우주선 등의) 조종석, 조정실
♧ air traffic controller : n. 항공 교통 관제관
♧ Charlie Victor Echo : 국제민간항공기구(International Civil Aviation Organization : ICAO)는 공항과 항공사에 Code를 부여하는 데서부터 시작하여 공항 활주로 길이, 공항주변의 각종 장애물의 제한이나 항공등화, 항행원조시설, 표지판, 장비 및 설비에서 긴급상황 발생시의 대처사항, 항로설정 등에 이르기까지 항공업무의 세세한 분야까지 관여하고 있다. 그 중, 항공기와 지상관제소간, 또는 항공기 간, 항공사 사내, 기타 업무는 유,무선을 사용하는 경우가 많아 발음상의 혼동을 피하기 위해 Alphabet-Radio-telephony(전화법)까지도 설정하여 제시하고 있는데, 이를테면 A를 Alfa, B를 Brabo, C를 Charlie, D는 Delta, E는 Echo, F-Foxtrot, G-Golf, H-Hotel, I-India, J-Juliett, K-Kilo, L-Lima, M-Mike, N-November, O-Oscar, P-Papa, Q-Quebec, R-Romeo, S-Sierra, T-Tango, U-Uniform, V-Victor, W-Whiskey, X-X-ray, Y-Yankee, Z-Zulu 등으로 부른다든지 하는 것이다. 서울(SEOUL)을 말할 때 "Sierra - Echo - Oscar - Uniform - Lima" 라고 한다.
♧ line up : v. 확보하다, 예약하다
♧ #### = shit
♧ could have p.p. : ~할 수도 있었다
♧ for now : ad. 지금 당장은, 현재로서는
Turning to news in this country, the National Transportation Safety Board tomorrow is going to list the most crucial issues in airline safety and outline possible solutions. One of the most urgent is airport runway safety. There have been 4 incidents in the past two weeks. As ABC's Lisa Stark reports, there could be a simple solution. Lisa?
Well, Charlie, in two of those four instances you mentioned, planes actually knocked into each other while taxiing. Luckily, no one was injured. But these cases and many more show why the risk of accidents on runways is still a major concern.
There have been 31 close calls this year on the nation's runways. In Los Angeles, a departing SkyWest pilot suddenly found a private jet on the same runway. The SkyWest pilot was barely able to abort his takeoff in time.
"He crossed without clearance I apologize..."
"Exiting right. SkyWest 6430."
The Federal Aviation Administration is now testing one simple technology at Dallas Forth Worth Airport that could make an enormous difference. They're called "Runway Status Lights." The lights turn red if there is already a plane on the runway, signaling other pilots to stop.
"It's very difficult to taxi over those red lights when they're flashing right in your face. That warns you there's danger ahead."
This system solves a basic problem.
"... and really, what we're missing to date is what I call the missing link, which is direct information to the pilot in the cockpit."
Right now, safety can depend on pilots and air traffic controllers, catching mistakes in time, such as an incident in Miami last year when the controller noticed a private pilot about to land on an occupied runway.
"Charlie Victor Echo, Charlie Victor Echo. Go around sir. Charlie Victor Echo, go around."
"Go around, Charlie Victor Echo."
"Yes sir, ah, you were lined up for the wrong runway."
"Ah, I'm sorry, sir. Thank you. Holy ####."
That runway system in Dallas could have helped, but it won't be coming to an airport near you anytime soon.
And that's because, for now anyway, that lighting system is still being tested. And, because it would cost one million dollars a runway. Charlie!