9월 23일 말리의 가오 공항에서 벨라루스 민스크에서 출발해 말리로 향하고, 당일 이스탄불로 출발할 예정이던 벨라루스의 화물 항공사인 루비스타 에어웨이즈 소속 Il-76 ( EW-412TH) 1기가 추락했네요. 추락 원인 등은 거의 알려진 사항이 없고, 승무원의 생사 또한 아직까지 알려지지 않았습니다.
이 항공기는 바그너 그룹과 관련이 있거나, 바그너 그룹 소속이라는 풍문이 있었지만 이를 반박하는 다른 현지소식통에 의하면 말리 군대에 공급하기 위한 화물을 운반중이었다고 합니다.
지난 9월 9일엔 말리 공군 소속 Su-25가 반군에 대한 공격임무를 수행하고 복귀 중 불분명한 이유로 손실됐다고 합니다. 이 기체는 말리 공군에 마지막으로 남은 Su-25였다고 하네요. 작년 9월에도 Su-25 1기를 손실한 적이 있었죠. ( https://cafe.daum.net/NTDS/5q2/530 )
Il-76 crashes in unclear circumstances in Gao, Mali
An Ilyushin Il-76 cargo aircraft crashed in the vicinity of Gao International Airport (GAQ), in Mali, on September 23, 2023.
Very little is known about the circumstances of this incident, which, as can be assessed from the available footage, has resulted in the total loss of the airframe.
The aircraft that crashed is, reportedly, EW-412TH, which appears to be operated by Belarusian cargo operator Rubystar Airways. The Il-76 had flown to Mali from Minsk, Belarus and was expected to depart for Istanbul (IST) on the same day.
Some reports have claimed the aircraft was linked to, or even owned by, Russian private military company Wagner, which has gained international notoriety because of its role in the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its murky role in several conflicts in Africa.
This theory is countered by other local sources, according to which, the aircraft was carrying cargo to supply the Malian armed forces.
The fate of the aircraft’s crew is also unknown.
On 9 September and in the same area, Malian government forces lost a Sukhoi Su-25 combat aircraft in unclear circumstances as it, reportedly, returned from a ground attack mission against rebel forces of the Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA) in which it may have sustained damage.
This was the second aircraft of the type lost in the area in a matter of months and it was the last remaining Su-25 in Mali’s air fleet.
https://www.planespotters.net/photos/reg/EW-412TH (EW-412TH의 최근 사진)