1. 나는 문제가 없다고 본다, 원래 그런거야 I don't s__ a problem, that's just h__ it it
2. 수고를 아끼지 않다, 기꺼이 수고를 자청하다 I don't spa__ myself
3. 내가 너 만한 나이때에 영어를 너만큼 잘하지 못했어 I don't speak English as we__ as you, when I we__ you
4.나는 혼자 창업할 용기가 없다, 나는 혼자 창업할 자신이 없어 I don't take the gu__ to start business b_ myself
5. 그것에 대해서 굳이 앙심을 품을 필요는 없을 것 같아 I don't think it's wor__ ho___ a grud__ ov__ it
6. 그녀가 나를 생각하는 만큼 나는 그녀를 생각하지 않는다 I don't think of her the w__ she thinks of me
7. 그녀는 천성이 악하다고 생각하지 않는다, 그녀는 천성을 악하게 타고났다고 생각하지 않아 I don't think she's a vici___ person by natu__
8. 이 피자가 돈값을 하는지 모르겠다, 돈값을 하지 않지 못하는 것 같다 I don't think this pizza is wor__ money
9. 파티에서 소동이 일어나길 원치 않아 I don't want any dra__ at the party
첫댓글 1. I don't see a problem, that's just how it is
2. I don' spare myself
3. I don't speak English as well as you when I were you
4. I don't take the guts to start business by myself
5. I don't think it's worth holding a grudge over it
6. I don' t think of her the way she thinks of me
7. I don't think she's a vicious person by nature
8. I don't think this pizza is worth money
9. I don't want any drama at the party