전 세계 도서관이 불났을 때 한 작가의 책만 빼올 수 있다면 어느 작가의 책을 선택할 것인가? 라는 질문에 저명한 한 교수는 두 말 않고 세익스피어의 전집을 빼오겠다고 말했다 한다. 문학에 있어서 세익스피어가 얼마나 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있는지 알 수 있는 예다. 그렇다면 전 세계 팝과 록 음원이 모두 불타고 있다고 가정할 때 누군가 한 뮤지션이나 밴드의 음원을 선택하라면 나는 서슴없이 Beatles를 선택할 것이다. 여타 뮤지션들과 밴드의 즐비한 걸작을 뒤로하고 한 팀만 선택해야 하는 절망스런 상황이지만 비틀즈의 선택은 비단 나만은 아닐테다. 그 절망스런 선택을 하는 사람 중에는 트랜스아틀란틱(TransAtlantic)의 멤버들도 포함돼 있을 것이다.
개인적인 취향을 불문하고 록과 팝을 통 털어 가장 위대한 뮤지션으로 비틀즈를 뽑는데 별다른 이견은 없을 듯하다. 비틀즈는 장르를 가리지 않고 현대의 대중음악에 폭넓은 영향력을 행사하고 있는 현재 진행형으로 면면히 살아 있는 비틀즈의 감성적 에너지는 세월의 경계 따위는 가볍게 뛰어 넘는다. 그 마르지 않는 에너지를 이어받은 트랜스아틀란틱, 그들은 자신들의 음악 속에 비틀즈의 감성을 아름답게 재현해 내고 있다.
다국적의 실력파 뮤지션으로 결성된 트랜스아틀란틱은 2000년 발표된 1집 [SMPTe]에서 이미 프로그레시브의 형식 위에 비틀즈의 감성을 수 놓아 격찬을 받았고 이듬해인 2001년 라이브 앨범을 통해 <Magical Mystery Tour>, <Strawberry filed Forever>등을 매력적으로 리메이크 함으로써 70년대 프로그 록 밴드와 비틀즈에 대한 예찬을 숨기지 않았다. 곧이어 공개된 이들의 정규 2집 [Bridge Across Forever](2001)에서도 서사적 스케일을 바탕으로 탁월한 구성과 연주력이 아름다운 감성과 결합되어 하나의 작품을 선보인다.
질박한 현악 파트로 시작되는 첫 트랙 <Duel with the Devil>과 마지막 트랙 <Stranger in Your Soul>에서 밴드는 프로그레시브 록의 구성 위에 다양한 표현 양식을 동원하여 테마에 대한 섬세한 묘사와 강조, 과장, 그리고 전환과 반전, 인상적인 수사 등을 적절히 구사해 유려하면서도 드라마틱한 전개를 펼쳐 보인다. 프로그레시브 록이라는 테두리 속에 하드록과 모던록을 비롯한 몽환적인 사이키델릭의 요소까지 공존하고 있는데, 이 한가운데 자리잡은 감성의 요체인 멤버들의 아름다운 멜로디와 하모니가 자연스럽게 코디네이션 되어 깊은 감동을 선사한다.
외국의 어느 평자가 말했던 가장 아름답지만 너무도 짧은 그 멜로디는 2번째 트랙 <Suite Charlotte Pike>에 숨겨져 있다. 즉흥적인 잼 스타일의 휭키하고 유머러스한 연주로 시작되는 (5부작 구성의) 2번 트랙에서 밴드의 감성은 모던록 사운드가 가미된 'if she runs' 에서부터 드러나기 시작하여 'mr. wonderful', 'lost and found pt. 1' 으로 이어지는데 이들의 하모니에서 우러나는 그것은 '아름답다'란 표현 외에는 달리 찾을 길이 없다. 여기서 리스너들은 비틀즈 외에도 'Gentle Giant'와 근래 모던록의 현대적 감각을 동시에 경험하게 된다. 본 작은 들을수록 감탄하게 되는데 신나는 보물찾기라도 하듯 이들의 신비스런 음악 숲을 거닐다 보면 그 동안 잊고 있던, 아니 잃어버렸던 많은 감성의 조각들을 만나게 되고 그것이 주는 짜릿한 흥분과 설레임은 감동을 넘어서 그 이상의 것을 경험케 한다.
트랜스아틀란틱은 Beatles와 Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd,그리고 흥겨운 로큰롤까지 자신들의 음악에 감미롭게 용해시켜 화려하지만 어렵지 않게 리스너의 감각을 유린하고 있다. 이것이 트랜스아틀랜틱의 가장 큰 매력이자 장점이라 말하고 싶다. 비틀즈에게서는 감성의 텍스트를 일련의 영국 프로그 밴드에게서는 뛰어난 연주력과 구성을 물려받고 있지만 밴드는 어려운 난제 중에 하나인 음악성과 대중성의 겸비라는 숙제를 자신들의 음악으로 명쾌하게 풀어내고 있다. 아름다운 대상에 대해 필요 이상의 '썰'은 오히려 누가 될 따름이다. 꽃의 아름다움을 따지고 드는 바보 같은 사람은 아직 보지 못했으니.
어려운 것을 쉽게 전달 할 수 있는 능력, 격을 잃지 않은 진지한 음악성에서 배어 나오는 감성과 그것을 대중과 리스너들과 함께 교감할 수 있는 음악을 선사하는 것, 그것이 트랜스아틀란틱이 비틀즈에게 물려받은 위대한 유산이며, 내가 마지막으로 찾은 트랜스아틀란틱의 진정한 가치이다. Masterpiece !
Duel With The Devil (26:43)
motherless children
walk away
silence of the night
you're not alone
almost home
Suite Charlotte Pike (14:30)
if she runs
mr. wonderful
lost and found pt. 1
temple of the gods
motherless children / if she runs (reprise)
Bridge Across Forever (5:33)
Stranger In Your Soul (26:05)
sleeping wide awake
hanging in the balance
lost and found pt. 2
awakening the stranger
stranger in your soul
Additional musicians:
Chris Carmichael - violin, viola & cello
Keith Mears - saxophone
The "Elite" Choir - background vocals
Produced by:
Duel With The Devil
I: Motherless Children
Have you woke up screaming in the silence of the night? 고요한 밤 절규에 잠을 깬적이 있는가?
You wish you could start dreaming in clouds of white 하얀구름에 꿈꿀 수 있기를 바라고만 있는가
But everything could change tonight 하지만 모든것을 오늘밤 바꿀 수 있을것이다.
When you duel with the devil living in your mind 너의 마음속에 존재하는 악(惡)과 맞짱뜰때
Time reveals nothing - it's a suicide love affair 시간은 아무것도 드러내지 않는다 - 연애(情事)는 자해다
Whispers in the darkness and revolution in the air 어둠과 대변혁의 속삭임
Will you see or look behind 볼것인가 되돌아 볼것인가(전진할것인가 퇴보할것인가)
When you duel with the devil living in your mind 마음속에 존재하는 악(惡)과 맞짱뜰때
Motherless children 엄마없는 아이들
Wandering nowhere 무명(無名)을 헤메이는
Feels like there's miles to go 먼길을 가는듯한 기분
Reaching for water 물(생명)에 도달하는
Longing to go there 그리로 가고파 갈망하는
Flooding into your soul 너의 내면으로 밀려오는
Into your soul 너의 영혼으로
Do you know the difference between who and what you are 당신이 누구인지, 당신이 무엇인지의 차이를 아는가
Will you ride off in the distance like some highway star 먼 여행에서 벗어나려 하는가
Will you try until you make it good 잘 될때까지 노력할것인가
Or will you sell your body down in hollywood 아니면 할리우드에 자신을 팔것인가
Motherless children 엄마 없는 아이들
Wandering nowhere 무명(無名)을 헤메이는
Feels like there's miles to go 먼길을 가는듯한 기분
Reaching for water 물(생명)에 도달하는
Longing to go there 그리로 가고파 갈망하는
Flooding into your soul 너의 내면으로 밀려오는
Into your soul... 녀의 영혼으로...
II: Walk Away
There's a time to understand 이해의 시간
There's a time to see the sun 태양을 바로보는 시간
There's a time for makin up 단장의 시간
There's a time to come together 함께할 시간
Fall into the learning curve 거짓 배우기의 탐닉
Feeding on experience 견문을 넓힘
Never turn your back on me 절대로 나에게 등을 돌리지 마라
Never paint it black by numbers 절대로 숫자로 검게 칠하지 마라
It's so easy to waste away 허비하는 것은 무척이나 쉽다
It's a simple operation 간단하지
Far too many givin' in
Fall into dark temptations 검은유혹의 탐닉
Everybody needs a King 모두가 왕을 필요로 하지
Everybody needs a Captain 모두가 지휘자를 필요로 하지
When you hear the fallen angels sing 타락한 천사의 노래소리를 들을때
in your private Armaggedon 너만의 Armaggedon(최후결전장)에서
And you walk away 너는 달아나
(With nowhere to go) (가지 않을 곳으로)
For another day 다른날을 위하여
(Turn the lights down low) (그 불빛을 낮추어라)
But you'll never know 하지만 너는 절대로 알지 못할것이다
(While you walk away) (네가 달아나는 동안에는)
When you walk away with nowhere to go 네가 가려하지 않을 곳으로 달아나려 할때
Everybody had their doubts 모두가 그들만의 의혹을 가졌다
So they tried to pull me under 그들은 나를 끌어내리려 했지
Everytime I felt the strain 언제나 나는 긴장감을 느꼈다
Someone sent a sense of wonder
Everybody walked the hard road 모두가 힘든 길을 걸었다
In the dark they felt the grind 어둠속에서 그들이 느끼꼈던 힘든일들
Everybody heard the thunder 모두가 천둥소리를 들었다
No one ever read the signs 아무도 그 신호를 듣지 읽지 았않다
And you walk away 그리고 너는 무명(無名)의 길을 걷는다
(With nowhere to go)
For another day
(Turn the lights down low)
But you'll never know
(While you walk away)
When you walk away with nowhere to go
III: Silence of the Night
Have you woke up screaming in the silence of the night?
You wish you could start dreaming but it's always black and white
Looking for that big sky that'll finally make it right
Well everything could change tonight
IV: You're Not Alone
Nighttime falls it came too fast
Down the halls tiptoeing past
Out come the shadows of life itself
To clap along and wish you well
Motherless children
Wandering nowhere
Look up you're almost home
Reaching for water
Longing to know you're not alone
V: Almost Home
Have you woke up screaming in the silence of the night?
You wish you could start dreaming in black and white
Well everything could change tonight
When you duel with the devil living in your mind
Motherless children
Wandering nowhere
Feels like there's miles to go
Reaching for water
Longing to go there
Flooding into your soul
Into your soul...
Suite Charlotte Pike
I: If She Runs
If she runs, let her run, run, run
Just hope that she comes back
If she breaks let her break, break, break
Let apologies attract
And is she's free let her be, let her be
She's not in such bad company
The big man's still got her name written on the wall
If she cries let her cry, cry, cry
'Till there isn't anymore
If she cracks, let her crack, crack, crack
If that's what che's looking for
And if she waits, let her wait, wait, wait
You'll have to leave this one to fate
It can't ever be too late, when she comes to call
It's Hard -- Living with such uncertainty
It's Hard -- climbing the statue of liberty
It's Hard -- calming the beatle inside of me
It's Hard -- missing my max and melody
II: Mr. Wonderful
Her lips were ruby red
She had a pretty head
Not even once did she miss Sunday school
Remember what mama said, "Stick to the rules"
This boy was something else
Someone she knew so well
Echoes of snakes in paradise
Saw the strangest fire burning in his eyes.
His name was wonderful
And it's wonderful, just to be near him
His name was majesty
And his majesty's requesting your presence
He took her for a ride
Into the starless night
Talked about far away place he's been
Could take her down to the city of sin
"Grab it while you are young
trust me there's nothing wrong
But she feard what was 'round the bend"
Said "thank you, but no thank's, 'cause I've got a friend"
His name was wonderful
And it's wonderful, just to be near him
His name was majesty
And his majesty's requesting your presence
III: Lost and Found Pt. 1
Don't you think if you could be lost
Don't you think you can be found
Don't you think if you were the world, you'd turn it around
Don't you start look behind
Don't better stand up 'cause this is your time
Don't you think that you'd better start changing your mind
IV: Temple of The Gods
In the Temple of the Gods
We can get it on
In the Temple of the Gods
We will make our home
Far from these Boulevards
We will plunge headlong
In the Temple of the Gods
We will sing this song
Give all the reasons that you know
Slide down where the time moves nice and slow
Ease back and relax
No figures and no fax
Awakening the stranger in your soul
In the Temple of the Gods
We can get it on
In the Temple of the Gods
We will make our home
Far from these Boulevards
We will plunge headlong
In the Temple of the Gods
We will sing this song
V: Motherless Children/If She Runs (Reprise)
Left the countryside for the city
She resides now on the second floor
No more gardening in the backyard
Busy keepin' the wolves from the door
Motherless children, ain't going nowhere
Running in circles, time after time
Careless, confused, frozen, faithless
Dreaming this dream to ease our minds
And if she runs
Let her run
Come on 'cause now the time has come
The big man's got the mother and the son
Written on the wall
Don't want to hear it now.....
Bridge Across Forever
(Morse, Prince)
There's a bridge made of light
That crosses between death and life
Where shadows walk in the sun
And desperate lovers run
One day a child and an angel
Stood on either side
Of a magic river
That there was no crossing
But as they tried
The water began to rise
Then they raised their eyes
And as the river fell away
They built a bridge across forever
Between tomorrow and today
There is a bridge across forever
I've had this dream all my life
That doesn't live in black and white
It has no end it just begins
In distant sands and magenta winds
And my love she is standing by the side
Of a magic river that there is no crossing
Maybe someday when our spirits begins to rise
And light fills our eyes
We will meet again someday
On the bridge across forever
I know that we will find our way
To the bridge across forever
Between tomorrow and today
There is a bridge across forever
I know that we will find our way
To the bridge across forever.
Stranger In Your Soul
I. Sleeping Wide Awake
Once, not so long ago
I lived far below
Where you are
I didn't even know
Home was far a way
I was sleeping wide-awake
Breaking down
Waiting for the sound
But I can hear it now
Is it all too late
'Cause I would sell my dreams
If I could be awake
If I could be awake
There - waling into walls
Piercing through the pain
Here we are
Reaching through the rain
I almost caught a glimpse
To feel that Sunday high
I would fall
This makes no sense at all
But I can hear it now
Not a single word
And though I'd strain my voice
I cannot be heard
Outside the smile
The insider breaks
And I would give my dreams
If I could be awake
Whatever you're looking for
Don't ever start looking behind
Whatever you want to change
You better start changing your mind
'Cause everything can be done
Stand up 'cause this is your time
II. Hanging in the Balance
Go where you're going to
You can rule your mind
You will not decay
Decay is always waiting
You've got nowhere to go
So you look behind
What you sought to find
Is always fading
Wish to be wishless
Less can live evermore
More doesn't satisfy
The deeper meaning
Lose if you want to find
Find what you're looking for
For all your dreams can live
Live as if to satisfy the meaning
Whatever you're looking for
Don't ever start looking behind
Whatever you want to change
You better start changing your mind
'Cause everything can be done
Stand up 'cause this is your time
Drink in the big dream
Dream but you have to wait
Wait 'til you get it right
Write down every letter
Paint with the broadest strokes
Stroke through the deepest sea
See what you have in mind
To make it better
Get in on the ground floor
Floor to ceiling is so high
High will become the low
It will make sense
Want always wants some more
More is never enough
Enough is enough
Remember life is hanging in the balance
Whatever you're looking for
Don't ever start looking behind
Whatever you want to change
You better start changing your mind
'Cause everything can be done
Stand up 'cause this is your time
III. Lost and Found Pt. 2
Don't you think if you could be lost
Don't you think you can be found
Don't you think if you were the world, you'd turn it around
Whatever you're looking for
Don't ever start looking behind
Whatever you want to change
You better start changing your mind
'Cause everything can be done
Stand up 'cause this is your time
IV. Awakening the Stranger
In the time it takes to be lost or found
In the wake of something not for the crowd
Awakening the stranger in your soul
It isn't always quite that easy
Awakening the stranger in your soul
All the rage the wolrd goes on outside
It's alright come in here - it's safe to hide
Awakening the stranger in your soul
Is more than just a thought or feeling
There is no wordly danger beyond control
Awakening the stranger in your soul
V. Slide
Give up all the reasons that you know
Slide down where the time move nice and slow
Ease back and relax
No figures and no fax
Awakening the stranger in your soul
It's alright to give up your control (come in where it's safe-there is no I)
Move along we've paid your expressway toll (look at all the others floating
high) It's the 5:00 am alarm
No time to use your charm
Surrender is the only way to go
Awakening the stranger in your soul
No thought for yourself you just let go
VI. Stranger in Your Soul
When you come to make love, your only goal
Words cannot describe the feeling
Awakening the stranger in your soul
From the shadow to the deepest meaning
When you come to make love your only goal
Words cannot describe the feeling
Now we're here in full sight - we can be whole
Let's dive and never hit the ceiling
There - walking into walls
Piercing through the pain
Here we are
Reaching through the rain
I almost caught a glimpse
Brighter than the sky
A child grown
A stranger coming home
And I can hear it now
Every single word
And when I strain my voice
I will be assured
Outside the storm
But here the big break
That I might chance to dream
That I be awake
Awakening the stranger in your soul
첫댓글 트랜스앨범 가지고 계시면 갈씻자에 올려주심 감사요 ㅡㅜ 그것만은 못구하겟더라구요.......ㅠㅠ