[고등학교 영작문 및 영어 회화 연습]
How do you feel about cryptocurrencies?
암호 화폐(가상 화폐)에 대해서 어떻게 생각하십니까?
How do you feel about ~ ?
= What do you think of ~
= What about ~ ?
= How about ~ ?
= What do you say to ~ ing ~ ?
~ 에 대해서 어떻게 생각합니까?
* cryptocurrencies 암호 통화(화폐) / 가상 화폐
- Plural form of crypto currency
* crypto 가상의, 숨겨진, 비밀의, 신비적인’이라는 뜻의 결합사. 모음 앞에서는 crypt-.
* currency (화폐의) 통용, 유통; (사상·말·소문 등의) 유포
통화, 화폐《경화·지폐를 포함》
Stablecoins are used to purchase cryptocurrencies.
스테이블코인은 암호 화폐를 구매하는 데 사용된다.
To promote the crypto economy, the security of cryptocurrencies must first be strengthened.
크립토 이코노미를 촉진하려면 먼저 가상 화폐의 보안이 강화되어야 한다.
The sharp decline in major cryptocurrencies is believed to be due to China's policy to crack down on cryptocurrencies.
주요 가상 화폐 급락세는 중국의 가상 화폐 단속 방침 때문으로 풀이된다.
Cryptocurrencies and stock trading are considered risky.
암호 화폐 및 주식 거래는 위험한 것으로 간주한다.
You can make a withdrawal of cryptocurrencies worth KRW.
당신은 원화 가치만큼의 암호 화폐를 인출할 수 있다.
Hello. My name is Tai and I'm from Vietnam.
So my question is, what do you think about cryptocurrencies?
Well, to be quite honest, I don't really know much about cryptocurrencies. All I know is that it's like an online based money where you can do transaction online without the control of authority or government.
So it sounds like a perfect world where you can do transaction without... And the government do not know where the money comes from because it doesn't have your names written on it. And I'm pretty sure that everybody knows that the most famous cryptocurrencies nowadays is Bitcoin. And I heard a lot of good and bad things about Bitcoin, but honestly, in my own personal opinion, I don't necessarily like cryptocurrencies just because I don't feel safe doing transaction online without the control of the government.
Because I feel like what if my money is being transacted, is being transferred, unsafely or because there's no government controls so there's possibly a chance where you can get robbed online easily. So I do not support cryptocurrencies.
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