September 26th, 2012 - Today's Morning Special
News Digest
▶ Luxury brands banking on a rebound in sales in China are going for a more understated approach in an attempt to lure in their customers. The move goes beyond an economic slowdown, but rather a governmental clampdown on conspicuous consumption.
중국 내의 고가 명품 브랜드들이 최근 감소한 판매량을 회복하기 위해, 소비자들에게 보다 절제된 접근을 시도하고 있습니다. 이러한 움직임은 경기둔화 추세 속에 소비 감소의 탓도 있지만, 그 보다는 중국 정부가 과시적 소비 행태에 대해 대대적인 단속 때문인 것으로 풀이됩니다.
▶ The Korean unit of U.S. firm Costco Wholesale is being penalized for defying local municipal ordinances that ban big discount stores from opening every Sunday of the month. Currently, mega-stores are forced to close every other Sunday in a governmental move to help revitalize traditional markets and mom-and-pop shops.
서울시는 의무 휴업 관련 조례를 두 차례 위반한 외국계 대형 할인마트 코스트코 측에 과태료를 부과할 방침입니다. 정부는 전통 재래시장과 영세 상점들의 활성화를 위해, 매주 둘째, 넷째 일요일을 대형 할인점의 의무 휴업일로 지정한 바 있습니다.
▶ South Korea is seeking to verify media reports that China plans to use unmanned drones in marine surveillance of a submerged South Korean outcropping of rocks in waters south of Jeju Island. If the Chinese plan is tantamount to laying a jurisdictional claim to Ieodo, Seoul will request Beijing to stop the surveillance, a foreign ministry official said Tuesday.
중국이 무인정찰기를 통해 제주도 서남쪽 해상의 수중 암초섬인 이어도에 대한 해상 감시를 계획하고 있다는 중국 언론의 보도에 대해, 한국 정부가 사실 확인 작업에 나섰습니다. 만약 해당 보도대로, 이러한 조치가 중국이 이어도에 대한 관할권을 주장하기 위한 것이라면, 정부 차원에서 이에 대한 중단을 요구할 것이라고 외교부 관계자가 밝혔습니다.
▶ The Korea Securities Depository began a campaign in early September to search for people entitled to unclaimed shares in stocks. As of September 17, 640 people had been notified of their shares - a total amounting to 8.75bln won.
한국예탁결제원이 이달(9월) 3일(월)부터, 미(未)수령주식 찾아주기 캠페인을 시작했습니다. 이에 따라 지난 9월 17일, 640명이 자신의 미수령주식 보유 사실을 고지 받았으며, 이들 미수령주식의 시가 총액은 87억 5,000만원에 달합니다.
News Digest #1 - 중국 정부, 명품 브랜드 이용한 ‘과시적 소비’ 단속 나서
Luxury brands banking on a rebound in sales in China are going for a more understated approach in an attempt to lure in their customers. The move goes beyond an economic slowdown, but rather a governmental clampdown on conspicuous consumption.
Effective October 1st, the Chinese government is imposing a "frugal working style" rule on its civil servants in a move to root out corruption and bribery in the ranks. The move comes on the back of the 15 year sentencing of Chinese ex-police chief Wang Lijun for "bending the law for selfish ends, abuse of power and bribetaking."
As the police are brushing up on their skills to recognize luxury brands, the affluent are looking for ways to tone down their former style of glitzy flamboyance.
* Luxury brands banking on a rebound in sales
매출 회복을 누리는 고가의 명품 브랜드
- bank on/upon = to count on; depend on ~에 의지[의존]하다; ~을 기대하다
* going for a more understated approach
절제된 접근법을 취하고 있다
- understate = restrained in design, presentation, etc., low key
(실제보다) 축소해서 말하다 / 절제된 /
- overstate 확대[과장]해서 말하다
* economic slowdown 경기 둔화세
* a governmental clampdown on conspicuous consumption.
과시적 소비에 대한 정부의 단속
- clampdown = crackdown = 단속
a severe or stern enforcement of regulations, laws, etc
- conspicuous 눈에 잘 띄는, 튀는; 뚜렷한 easily seen or noticed
* imposing a "frugal working style" rule on its civil servants
- 공무원들에게 검소한 근무태도를 (강제) 적용하다
* root out corruption and bribery in the ranks
관료사회에 부패와 뇌물수수(금품 상납)을 뿌리 뽑기 위해
- root out/up = ~을 뿌리 뽑다, 근절하다
to exterminate, eradicate, get rid of, eliminate, wipe out
-- opposite: take root 뿌리를 내리다
* in the ranks = in the hierarchy, 관료사회
going upwards in order and position similar usage for here:
- pull rank = to use one's superior rank to gain an advantage
(자신의) 지위를 이용하여 (~에게) 강요하다
* bending the law for selfish ends
자신의 이권을 위해 법을 어기다
* bend the law / bend the rules 슬쩍 속이다, 규칙을 변칙 적용[악용]하다
= to cheat a little bit without breaking the law (I didn't break the law. I just bent it a little. → like a little white lie)
* brushing up on their skills 기술을 연마하다
- brush up on = to improve one's knowledge of something or ability to do something; review ~을 복습하다, ~의 기억을 새로이 하다
* tone down their former style of glitzy flamboyance
- 과거 화려한 소비 행태를 자제하다
- tone down = to become or cause to be softened or moderated
부드럽게 하다, 진정하다
- glitzy flamboyance 화려한 소비 행태
News Digest #2 – 서울시, 의무 휴업일 관련 조례 위반한 코스트코(Costco) 측에 과태료 부과 방침
The Korean unit of U.S. firm Costco Wholesale is being penalized for defying local municipal ordinances that ban big discount stores from opening every Sunday of the month. Currently, mega-stores are forced to close every other Sunday in a governmental move to help revitalize traditional markets and mom-and-pop shops.
Costco ignored the regulation for the second time by opening shop on September 9th, subjecting it to a penalty of 20 million won.
Analysts speculate that the mega discount store is standing its ground as the fine would be trivial compared to the amount it would make in sales on a typical Sunday operation. Others blame the KORUS FTA as shielding the firm from such behavior. In any case, the government and local neighborhood shops are up in arms over such defiant behavior.
* being penalized for defying local municipal ordinances
지방자치단체(서울시) 조례 불이행에 대한 과태료를 부과 받다
- penalize = to declare punishable by law or rule; to put at a disadvantage
처벌하다, 벌칙을 부과하다
- municipal= relating to a municipality, local self government 지방 자치제의
- ordinance = an authoritative rule or law; a decree or command; a public injunction or regulation] 법령, 조례
* megastore = a very large store that sells a vast array of goods
(초)대형 상점[마트]
* revitalize traditional markets and mom-and-pop shops
전통 재재시장과 영세한 상점들의 활성화를 위해
* mom and pop shop = a small business that is privately owned and operated on a small scale 동네 상점, 구멍가게
* opening shop = to operate business hours 가게를[문을] 연, 영업을 하다
** different from "open shop" (which is a business/industrial relations term meaning a business or factory in which the workers are employed without regard to union or membership) 오픈숍 (노동조합에 가입하지 않은 노동자도 고용하는 사업장이나 기업)
** 'closed shop' (a company that hires only union members) 클로즈드 숍(노동조합원만을 고용하는 사업장)
* the mega discount store is standing its ground as the fine would be trivial
과태료가 극히 적은 양이기 때문에 입장을 고수하다
- stand one's ground = to maintain one's position against an attack; to refuse to compromise... 자기주장을 고집하다
- trivial 대수롭지 않은, 사소한
* Others blame the KORUS FTA as shielding the firm from such behavior.
한미 자유무역협정이 미국계 기업인 코스트코를 보호하다
- shield = to safeguard or protect (in a figurative sense) 보호하다, 지키다
* the government and local neighborhood shops are up in arms over such defiant behavior 서울시 정부와 해당지역 상인들은 이러한 코스트코의 저항하는 자세에 들고 일어날 태세다
- up in arms 들고 일어나다
- defiant behavior 저항하는 태도
(All sources are cited from AP or VOA unless otherwise noted.)
Word Play - Good
LINA: Ugh, I feel sick.
HYUN: Good grief! Lina, you were supposed to share that gift basket!
I can't believe you ate it all by yourself!
LINA: I didn't mean to eat everything but the goodies looked so scrumptious.
HYUN: You know, there is such a thing as having too much of a good thing!
LINA: I've been having these insane cravings for sweets. The worst part is I can't stop until I feel sick!
HYUN: Well, you wil have to kiss your good figure good-bye if you keep doing that. Don't you want to stay in good shape?
LINA: I do, I do! Maybe I should go for a run to burn off all the extra calories.
HYUN: Good call!
LINA: I'm going now!
HYUN: Good for you! BUT, Lina, you should probably first put on some shoes!
1) good: adj. having admirable, pleasing, superior, or positive qualities 좋은
ex) It's a good read.
ex) No news is good news.
2) good: n. benefit 도움/소용
ex) What's the good of worrying?
ex) It's for your own good.
* do someone good ~에게 도움이 되다
* good shape: physically and functionally sound and sturdy (몸매) 상태가 좋은
* good sport: someone who can accept a loss in a competition 호한(好漢)
* goodies: something particularly pleasant to have (often to eat) 맛있는 것
* goody-goody: someone who tries too hard to please people in authority; prude
착한 척하는 사람
* goody Two-shoes: someone who always does what's right and not what they're supposed to do. 도덕군자인 척하는 사람
* good-for-nothing: (a person who is) useless or lazy 쓸모없는
1) good call: standard reply to something agreeable or satisfactory 좋아/맞는 말이야
2) in good spirits: positive, despite unhappy circumstances 기분 좋게
3) Good for you: a complimentary expression of encouragement for something that someone has done or received 잘됐다/축하해
A: I really told him what I thought of his rotten behavior.
B: Good for you! He needs it.
4) make good money: to earn a sizable amount of money 돈을 많이 번다
ex) I don't know what she does, but she makes good money.
5) kiss (something) good-bye: to anticipate or experience the loss of something
끝을 고하다
ex) If you leave your camera on a park bench, you can kiss it good-bye. You kissed your wallet good-bye when you left it in the store.
6) too much of a good thing: if you have too much of a good thing, something pleasant becomes unpleasant because you have too much of it
좋은 것도 한 번 두 번이지(너무 많은 것은 싫다는 뜻)
ex) Too much of a good thing can make you sick.
7) put in a good word for (someone): to say positive things about someone
~를 추천하다
ex) I hope you get the job. I'll put in a good word for you.
Yumyum News - 자연스러운 눈썹 수술법 미국에서 화제
For this fall season, you might want to sport the statement handbag with strong brows that make an even bigger and louder statement. From the catwalk to Hollywood's finest, full eyebrows are red-hot.
But waxing, shaping, and filling in an uneven set of eyebrows could easily be deemed tedious. So, in the hopes of getting Megan Fox's thick arches permanently, some ladies are throwing in big bucks for eyebrow transplants.
The procedure varies from patient to patient but on average, it takes about three hours in which hundreds of hair follicles are transplanted from the patient's head to the brows. But it does have one caveat: unlike natural eyebrows, transplanted hairs don’t stop growing.
28-year-old Manhattan health administrator Jana Jordan says that her eyebrows grew and grew and, by six months, she had an "old grandfather look going on.” Eventually, she had to work up the courage to trim the brows.
The transplant process, which was originally developed for burn and dog-bite victims, involves grafting hair taken from the head onto the eyebrow. The price for such a procedure runs between $4,000 and $8,000.
* eyebrow transplants 눈썹 이식술
(속눈썹 연장은 들어 봤어도, 눈썹 이식술은 새롭네요)
-- eyelashes 속눈썹
* strong brows: eyebrows that stand out because of boldness/thickness
뚜렷한 눈썹
* full eyebrows: thick set of eyebrows 숱이 많아 보이는 눈썹
* thick arches: eyebrows with distinct and thick curves 굵은 눈썹 디자인
* hair follicle: a small cavity containing the root of a hair 모낭
(머리카락 모낭을 눈썹에 이식하는 방식)
* caveat: warning or caution 경고/주의
- hairs don’t stop growing
*sport the statement handbag with strong brows
짙은 눈썹을 자랑스럽게 내보이는 핸드백과 함께 보이다
* sport: to wear or display in a proud manner, especially in public
자랑스럽게 입다/보여주다
ex) He was sporting a limited edition jacket.
* statement handbag: a purse that's bold enough to make a statement
디자인이나 색상이 선명하거나 특이하여 튀는 가방
* ladies are throwing in big bucks 큰 돈을 들이다
: large sum of money 많은 돈
ex) Several corporations make the big bucks in advertising.
* graft [명사] (피부・뼈 등의) 이식; 이식한 피부[뼈 등], [동사] (피부ㆍ뼈 등을) 이식하다 to transplant or implant (living tissue, for example) surgically to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect 조직 이식