- 퀸 피쉬 Queenfish
. 학명; Seriphus politus
. 서식지; 따뜻한 해역 5미터 내외 얕은 해안의 모래바닥
. 통명; 퀸 피쉬
. 특징; 길고 적당히 압축된 몸에 큰 입
. 먹이와 요리법; 회로, 말리거나 훈제, 구이, 튀김, 통조림 등 다양하게 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Seriphus politus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 해역 5미터 내외 얕은 해안의 모래바닥
. 지역; 동북태평양의 온대해역, 오레곤에서 캘리포니아까지
The queenfish is found along the Pacific coast, from Yaquina Bay, Oregon, to Uncle Sam Bank in Baja California, Mexico. It is common in Southern California but rare north of Monterey.
Habitat. Queenfish commonly inhabit shallow water over sandy bottoms in the summer. They mostly occur in water from 4 to 25 feet deep but have been known to dwell as deep as 180 feet. They often gather in tightly packed schools, sometimes with white croaker, in shallow sandy areas near pilings and piers, and they migrate to deeper water at night.
2 통명
- 영어; herring, herring croaker, kingfish, shiner, queen croaker;
Spanish: corvina reina.
- 한글; 퀸 피쉬, 양쥐돔목 민어과
3 개요
- 길이; 30센티이내,
The maximum length of the queenfish is 12 inches, but most fish are considerably smaller.
4 특징
- 길고 적당히 압축된 몸에 큰 입
- 청회색에서 황갈색의 등과 은색 배, 길고 어두운 가로줄
- 가슴지느러미는 어둡고 다른 지느러미는 황색
- 입에는 한두줄의 뾰족한 이빨
The queenfish is a small croaker and a member of the Sciaenidae family (drum and croaker). Essentially a panfish-size bottom scrounger, it is not an esteemed sport or food fish, but it is commonly caught from Pacific coast piers and may be desirable as whole or cut bait for other species.
Identification. The queenfish has an elongated, moderately compressed body. The upper profile is depressed over the eyes, and it has a large mouth. Its coloring is bluish above and becomes silvery below. The fins are yellowish. This species is distinguished from other croaker by its large mouth; by the base of its second dorsal and anal fins, which are roughly equal; and by the wide space between its two dorsal fins. There is no chin barbel on the lower jaw.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 치어는 플랑크톤, 성어는 게 등 무척추 동물과 멸치 등 작은 생선 섭취
- 낮에 연안에서 떼로 사냥하고 밤에는 심해이동
- 여름에 해안에서 산란
- 맛이 좋아 낚시로 인기
- 회로, 말리거나 훈제, 구이, 튀김, 통조림 등 다양하게 섭취
Spawning occurs along the coast in the summer. The eggs are free floating, and newly hatched juveniles appear in the late summer and the fall; they gradually move shoreward from depths of 20 to 30 feet into the surf zone.
Food. Queenfish feed on small, free-swimming crustaceans, crabs, and fish.