- 흑우럭 Rockfish, Black
. 학명; Sebastes melanops
. 서식지; 200미터내외 차가운 물의 암초와 다시마 바닥
. 통명; 흑우럭
. 특징; 깊고 압축된 방추형 몸, 큰 눈과 큰 입
. 먹이와 요리법; 회로, 절이거나 말려서, 굽거나 찌게로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Sebastes melanops
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 200미터내외 차가운 물의 암초와 다시마 바닥
. 지역; 북동태평양의 일본북부, 알래스카, 캘리포니아 대륙붕
Black rockfish occur from Paradise Cove, California, to Amchitka Island, Alaska.
Habitat. This wideranging fish can live on the surface or on the bottom to 1,200 feet near rocky reefs or in open water over deep banks or dropoffs. Offshore and deep-water individuals are larger than nearshore specimens.
2 통명
- 영어; black snapper, black bass, gray rockfish, red snapper, sea bass, black rock cod.
- 한글; 흑우럭, 쏨뱅이목 양볼락과
3 개요
- 길이; 63센티이내,
- 무게; 11파운드이내,
This species can attain a length of 25 inches and a weight of 11 pounds. The largest recorded weighed 101⁄2 pounds.
4 특징
- 깊고 압축된 방추형 몸, 큰 눈과 큰 입
- 직선에 가까운 가파른 윗머리
- 등지느러미는 13개의 가시와 14개의 연조
- 뒷지느러미는 3개의 가시와 8개의 연조
- 잘려서 오목한 꼬리지느러미
- 얼룩덜룩한 회색과 검은색 몸과 회색 배
- 성장하면서 희미해지는 등지느러미 뒤의 검은 반점
A member of the Scorpaenidae family, the black rockfish is widely distributed in the eastern Pacific. It is an excellent food fish.
Identification. The body of the black rockfish is oval or egg shaped and compressed. The head has a steep upper profile that is almost straight; the mouth is large and the lower jaw projects slightly. The eyes are moderately large. The color is brown to black on the back, paler on the sides, and dirty white below. There are black spots on the dorsal fin. This species is easily confused with the blue rockfish; however, the anal fin of the black rockfish is rounded, whereas the anal fin of the blue rockfish is slanted or straight. The black rockfish has spots on the dorsal fin, and the blue rockfish does not.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 오징어, 게알, 생선 섭취
- 알래스카에서 중요한 어획 생선
- 캘리포니아에서 낚시로 인기
- 내부에서 수정시킨 알을 번식기마다 60만개내외를 산란하는 난태생
- 봄에 부화하여 여름에 강어귀에서 큰 떼를 형성
- 회로, 절이거나 말려서, 굽거나 찌게로 섭취
Like all members of its family, the black rockfish is ovoviviparous, with egg fertilization and development taking place in the body of the mother. When embryonic development is complete, the female releases the eggs; the exposure to seawater activates the embryo, and it escapes from the egg case. The young hatch in the spring and form large schools off the bottom in estuaries and tide pools in the summer. Adults may be abundant in the summer in shallow water near kelp-lined shores, but they occupy deeper water in the fall and the winter. They may school over rocky reefs from the bottom to the surface and are caught at varied depths, from near the surface to 1,200 feet.
Food. The diet of black rockfish includes squid, crabs’ eggs, and fish. They are occasionally observed feeding on sand lance on the surface. Salmon anglers sometimes catch this fish on trolled herring.