영어 포탈 최고의 카페 : 웰컴영어 (http://cafe.daum.net/WelcomeEnglish)
출처 : 해커스토익
★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 5 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
1. the chapter on traveling in New Zealand was (definitely) the best part of the book
(definete, definitive, defined)
2. Both customer relations (and) advertising department
(either, also, moreover)
3. is responsible for (coordinating) the activities of several agencies.
4. people who use computers a lot at work should (periodically) look away
5. Two of the job candidates had worked with ~, (but) only one was familiarr
with ~ management.
(or, so)
6. you will be reimbursed on an hourly basis, (which) is the standard practice
(who, where, what)
7. There are some concerns as to (whether) 주어 동사
(however, although)
8. Inexperienced business owners are advised to seek professional help when they are (uncertain) about the right time to expand.
9. associates will be (dining) ~ at 시각
(dine, diner, to dine)
10. ability ~ will be greatly improved (through) frequent practice
11. a (diverse) group of
(품사 문제)
12. there was no (althernative)
(alternate, alternatively)
13. readers ranked 회사 이름 very (highly)
(high, higher, highest)
14. (before) any commitment is decided
(나머지 보기는 모두 전치사)
15. information session ~ (about) ~ seminars to be offered
16. warm temperatures have been (largely) due to ~
17. to five per (purchase)
18. they were overshadowed by (those) of another candadate
(that, them, they)
19. profit predictions (tend) to
20. (unless) your address has changed, in which case
출처: 웰컴영어 http://cafe.daum.net/WelcomeEnglish
21. the most (promising) member
(promised, promise)
22. want (to create)
(creating, created, create)
23. For five years, our customers have (repeatedly) requested
24. The quieter ~, the (more)
(most, many)
25. (Morale) among staff members remains high, confident~
26. The exibit (that) attracted ~ was
(there, 다른 관계사)
27. your account will be closed unless payment are (remitted) by next month.
(remit, remitting)
28. 주어 동사, (depending on) the number of guests
(resulting from, partly because, 동사 that)
29. In spite of having drilled nearly (continuously)
30. hit by the (unwillingness) of some companies to invest in plant and equipment
31. rely on overseas markets to (supplement) meager domestic sales
32. all internet-based credit card orders ~ to address (verification)
33. to return extremely (popular) books promptly.
34. A billing error, (since) corrected, caused M to charge agencies in the standard rate
rather than the discounted rate.
(ever, well, yet)
35. 회사 이름 remains (committed) to
36. (liable) to
37. only (if) it needs greatly to change
38. to conduct a (personal) business
39. Employees who ~ are offered (reimbursement) for the costs of tuitions.
40. fill in the order form below and submit it to our office for (processing)
출처 : http://cafe.daum.net/WelcomeEnglish
★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 6 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
1. The person ~ hold-> holds
2. regarding to-> regarding
3. one of ours most~ -> one of our
4. Hire~~~ instead of ~~ is-> Hiring
5. comprehensiveness-> comprehensive
6. qualify applicants-> qualified applicants
7. As a result +명사구-> As a result of
8. the days ~~~~ is-> are
9. when purchase-> when purchasing
10. how did he~~~ did 삭제
11. in accordance to-> in accordance with
12. so is-> so it is~
13. Only after~~ sould the generator be start-> started
14. 마지막 문제였어요. for the maintain work ~ for theh maintanance work
15. while-> because
16. will back-> will be back
17. be compatible~-> be compatible with
18. The two newest ~ take ~ by suprise ever since~-> took
19. necessarily-> necessary
20. describe about +목적어 > describe
출처 : http://cafe.daum.net/WelcomeEnglish
★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 7 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
[Refer to the following letter]
기부금에 대한 감사의 편지. $100 기부해줘서 고마움. 쇠퇴해가는 공원 보수에 도움될 것임.
161. 이 편지의 목적은?
To thank the recipient for a donation
162. ~ Heights에 대해 맞는 말은?
The population has increased
[Refer to the following form]
휴가 신청서 양식
163.직원들은 무엇을 위해 양식을 사용하나?
Requesting time off from work
164. 이 양식은 언제 작성되었나?
April 12
165. 양식은 누가 보관해야 하는가?
The human resources department
[Refer to the following notice]
정원관리 잡지에서 구독자들에게 친구나 친지들에게 추천하면 혜택줄거라고 알리는 글
10월까지 하면 무료 책 한권.
166. 이 글은 주로 누구를 대상으로 한 것인가?
Current subscriber of a gardening magazine
167. 빨리 신청하는 사람에게 오는 혜택은?
A free copy of book on house maintenance
168. Subscription offer는 언제까지 유효한가?
November 30
[Refer to the following Email Message]
Alkaline 건전지의 이름에 대한 Sonia가 Gary에게 보내는 회사 내부 이메일.
169. Email에서 나타난 문제는?
The propoesd battery name is not popular
170. Ms. Sonia ~ 가 제안한 것은?
Holding a contest
[Refer to the following advertisement]
직원 모집 광고글
171. successful applicant가 갖고 있을 사항은?
Ability to use computer software well
172. 이 글이 암시하는 것은?
Pay depends on how much experience the applicant has
[Refer to the following letter]
tenant가 집주인에게 extention of rent payment 요청하는 글
173. Mr.~는 어디에 살고 있나?
In Springton
174. Mr.~는 언제 8월 집세를 지불할 것인가?
On August 20
175. Mr.~는 ~ Publishing에 대해 뭐라고 말했는가?
It was bought by another company
[Refer to the following form]
주문한 책에 대한 확인서
176. 이 글의 목적은?
To list the contents of a shipment
177. 이 주문사항에 대해 누가 지불하고 있나?
~~ Tours (상단에 Bill to: 다음에 나온 회사 이름)
[Refer to the following information]
비행기로 편안하고 건강하게 여행하는 법에 대한 tips
178. 기사에서 한 조언이 아닌 것은?
Remain seated throughout the flight
179. 어떤 운동이 추천되고 있나?
Bend and stretch ankles
[Refer to the following memo]
tour company의 전화 수신 업무시간 재스케쥴에 대한 메모
180. 이 글의 목적은?
To announce a plan to handle increased business
181. 스케줄을 짤때 누구와 상의해야 하는가?
Other operators
182. 늘어난 근무시간에 대한 보상조건이 아닌 것은?
Bookstore coupons
[Refer to the following article]
presentation 잘하는 방법
183. What point is made in the article?
provide evidence using a variety of methods
184. 기사가 statistical information에 대해 암시하는 바는?
Graphs and data do not always impress audiences
[Refer to the following article]
CD Player에 대한 review
185. 이 글은 어디에서 볼 수 있을 것 같은가?
A magazine of product reviews
186. Soundmeister에 대해 암시되는 바는?
Competing products are much better
[Refer to the following article]
Dupree Steel의 Rapid Line 2 건설 계약건에 대한 글
187. 이 글은 무엇에 대한 것인가?
Awarding of a major construcion contract
188. Bill Gille이 암시한 바는?
Rapid Line 2 needs contractors with lots of experience
189. Dupree Steel에 대해 맞는 말은?
It has worked on major projects
[Refer to the following notice]
Sierra Best의 새로 만든 사원 상 프로그램
190. 이 글의 목적은?
a new emplyee-award program에 대해 알리기 위해
191. 이 프로그램은 얼마만에 한번씩 실시되나?
Once every six months
192. 수상자에게 수여되는 것은?
Time off from work
193. 다음 중 틀린 것은?
The form must be mailed to the reception desk
[Refer to the following letter]
PSA 싱가폴 은행에서 traineeship 지망자에게 보내는 글
194. 이 편지의 목적은?
To reply to the inquiry about a job opening
195. 편지를 보낸 사람이 다음 조치를 취하기 전에 필요한 것은?
A job candidate to send paperwork
196. Mr. ~ (편지보낸 사람) 에 대해 맞는 말은?
He is a bank employee
[Refer to the following memo]
7th floor 청소 안내문
197. 이 글의 목적은?
To request cooperation for a cleaning operation
198. 이 글에서 7층 근무자에게 요청하는 것은?
To remove items from the floor
199. confidential documents에 대해 맞는 말은?
They shoud be stored securely before workers leave work
200. 이 글에서 7층 근무자에 대해 암시하는 바는?
They rarely work late on Friday
영어 포탈 최고의 카페 : 웰컴영어 (http://cafe.daum.net/WelcomeEnglish)