He is very good so far. He takes my herbal prescription once per month.
He gets double checkup at Y uninversity hospital and at B hospital for his kidney. He also gets checkup at local clinic for his heart.
He has not taken the drugs which were prescribed by both hospitals but the ones by local doctor who had had released his heart. I advised him to stop taking even the drugs for his heart but he didn't accept because of uneasiness.
The internist of Y hospital does not know he have been taken the herbal prescription. But the internist of B hospital knows it and doubts the reality that some of plant roots or grasses or vegitables improve his symptom. He has never imagined of it because he has not read even a sentence in his medical books or other materials. The patient told that the inernist of B suddenly changed his expression and got furified with scaring " You might die suddenly (if you take the herbs further more)". The patient answered to the internist with lovely smile.
The heart internist of local clinic knows that he takes herbs but he praises his cleaver choice highly. This is a real story.!!!!!
He recently got two examination reports from above hopitals.
He neglected to take herbs for some time, which makes the figure of creatin higher than before to 6.low.... The reports say the cysts are various in kidney but do not about the size. so I cannot confirm the sizes of cysts are decreased or increased.
All of other figures are normal in the examination reports. The other internist who performed the examination told him it was uncredible in spite of renal failure and advised him that he needed to get kidney dialysis or transplant operation if he maintained as he has been.
The kidney internist of both hospitals also do not recommand kidney dialysis or tranplant operation any more. Two years have passed since he noticed his incurable disease but he is living by himself.
Next examination will be made in 4 months. He is wroking normally to get money. He sometimes joked as if I wouldn't treat him perfectly at my discretion that he couldn't know real reason. I understand him but I tell him that it is a great favor to keep as he is.
Herbal treatments are basic and most efficient therapy but lots of people do not know it even some doctors of east asian medicine.Someday the water in small stream runs to the ocean.