대회 참가확정선수명단_Confirmedplayers_WTGF2012.pdf
12월6일부터 12월9일까지 중국 광저우에서 2012 ITTF World Tour Grand Final대회가 열립니다. 다음은 요약입니다.
한국은 이 대회에 15명이나 되는 참가자격을 가진 선수가 출전하고 있습니다. 남자단식에 5명, 여자 단식에 4명, 남자복식, 여자복식에 3팀이 출전하구요.
21살이하그룹에는 남자단식에 1명 여자단식에 2명....
한국을 제외하고 6개 종목 모두 출전한 나라는 유일하게 일본이지만, 선수 숫자에서는 한국에 많이 밀립니다.
한국의 런던 올림픽 트리오인 류승민, 주세혁, 오상은 선수와
김경아, 석하정, 당예서등 여자올림픽 트리오가 모두 출전을 합니다.
기사를 보니 한국팀에 대해 많은 관심이 있네요.
런던올림픽에는 참가하지 않았던 김민석과 이정우는 남자단복 모두 출전을 합니다.
남자복식조는 김민석/서현덕 이정우/김동현이 각각 출전하구요.
여자단식에 양하은, 전지희가 단식에 출전하면서 여자21세이하 그룹에 참가하게 됩니다.
이은희와 박영숙은 여자복식에 참가하고 정영식은 21세이하 남자단식에 참가...
그 아래 기사는 1996년 첫 그랜드파이널대회와 2012년 그랜드 파이널 대회에서의 한국팀 변화...
그리고 한국팀의 류승민, 이정우, 이은희등 단면라켓 전형에 대해서 얘기하고 있습니다. 아마도 강력한 백핸드를 요구하는 세계탁구흐름에 어떻게 단면라켓을 사용하는 이 세 선수가 살아 남을 것인지에 대해서 얘기하네요. 참가 선수중 단면라켓을 이 세 선수밖에 없다고 하네요.

아래는 원문기사입니다.
Korea is the best represented national association at the forthcoming GAC GROUP 2012 ITTF World Tour Grand Finals, to be staged in the Chinese city of Hangzhou from Thursday 6th to Sunday 9th December.
They have players competing in every event on offer; a total of no less than 15 Koreans have qualified for the prestigious four day tournament
In the Men뭩 Singles event they field five players, in the Women뭩 Singles it is four; whilst in both the Men뭩 Doubles and Women뭩 Doubles they provide three pairs.
Under 21 Representation
Also, they are present with one representative in the Under 21 Men뭩 Singles event and two in the counterpart Under 21 Women뭩 Singles competition.
The only other country present in all six events is Japan but, in weight of numbers, they cannot match Korea; they have 10 players in action.
Olympians in Action
Notably, all the players who represented Korea at the London 2012 Olympic Games are on duty.
Joo Saehyuk competes in the Men뭩 Singles event alongside colleagues Oh Sangeun and Ryu Seungmin, who also join forces in the Men뭩 Doubles.
Kim Kyungah, Seok Hajung and Dang Yeseo are all in action in the Women뭩 Singles competition, with Kim Kyungah partnering Park Miyoung in the Women뭩 Doubles event and Dang Yeseo linking with Seok Hajung.
Men뭩 Singles and Men뭩 Doubles
Meanwhile, for those who did not appear in action in London; Kim Minseok and Lee Jungwoo both compete in the Men뭩 Singles and Men뭩 Doubles events.
In the Men뭩 Doubles, Kim Minseok partners Seo Hyundeok, Lee Jungwoo is in harness with Kim Donghyun,
Completing Line-Up
On duty in the Women뭩 Singles event is Yang Haeun, who alongside Jeon Jihee also features in the Under 21 Women뭩 Singles competition.
Lee Eunhee and Park Youngsook join forces in the Women뭩 Doubles event with Jung Youngsik completing the Korean advance; he is on Under 21 Men뭩 Singles duty.
Different Scenario
It is a somewhat different cry from 1996 when the first Tour Grand Finals were staged in Tianjin; furthermore, the situation reflects a total change in Korean thinking.
In 1996 not one male name appeared in the men뭩 events.
However, in the female events it was somewhat different. Park Haejung, Kim Mookyo, Lee Eunsil and Ryu Jihae played in the Women뭩 Singles event with the Women뭩 Doubles pairings seeing Park Haejung partner Ryu Jihae and Kim Mookyo liaise with Park Kyungae.
Debut for Men in Hong Kong
It was not until the following year in Hong Kong that we saw male Korean players in Grand Finals action.
Kim Taeksoo competed in the Men뭩 Singles event with Kim Bongchul and Yoo Namkyu being present in the Men뭩 Doubles competition.
Park Haejung, Ryu Jihae and Kim Mookyo once again were on Women뭩 Singles duty; whilst in the Women뭩 Doubles event, Kim Mookyo partnered Park Haejung with Lee Eunsil lining up alongside Lee Kyungsun.
Prominent Style
A change numbers and a change in thinking; of the players who represented Korea in the first two Grand Finals, all except Ryu Jihae, were pen-hold grip players.
Now in 2012 of the men, only Ryu Seungmin and Lee Jungwoo adopt the pen-hold grip; whilst for the women, only Lee Eunhee.
No Equivalent of Chinese Stars
Also no Korean of note has emerged since 1996 in the mode of the Chinese pen-hold stars, who use the reverse side of the racket to execute backhand top spin strokes; all three Korean pen-holders have stuck true to tradition, all use just one side of the racket only.
It is reversed rubber for the right handed Ryu Seungmin, the same for the left handed Lee Jungwoo, whilst for the right handed Lee Eunhee, it is short pimples
All Alone
Furthermore, they are the only players in the GAC GROUP 2012 ITTF World Tour Grand Finals who still use just one side of the racket only.
All three are fine players but all three are being challenged by a new generation of Koreans, a new generation that uses the shake-hands grip.
Strong Backhand
Additionally, all three a very forehand orientated; many members of the new generation are strong from the backhand.
It is feature of the Chinese stars who have emerged this century; note a certain Zhang Jike, note Wang Hao, different grips, strong backhands.
In 2012 a strong backhand is an essential commodity at top level; the three Korean pen-holders on duty in Hangzhou do not gave that facet.
Days Numbered
The days are numbered for the style; necessity is overcoming tradition.
Could Hangzhou be the curtain call? Is it the last time we see the trio in action in a Grand Finals? Is it the last time for the style that has dazzled throughout the years?
Is it the swansong?