1957년 충청남도 청양에서 태어났으며
13세에 아버지를 따라서 외가인 부평으로 이사하였다.
그리고 3년의 국방의무를 무사히 수행하였다.
2018년도 남양주시 모범 시민상을 수상하였다
2022년 시 '동행' (탄천 문인협회) 을 발표하였다.
2023년 청일문학 16호(번뇌외 4편)로 신인상 받고 등단하였다.
2024년 청일문학 17호(가평 가는길외 1편)로 수필 등단하였다.
그 외 발표한 시집으로는 샤워기 등에 메고, 이별의 찬가 등
수필로는 '친구와 함께' 발표함
- Born in 1957 in Cheong,Chungcheong-do
- At the age of 13, he moved to Bupyeong with his father to live
with his maternal family.
- And he successfully completed three years of military.
- He received the Model citizen Award from namyangjuCity in 2018.
- In 2022, he published the poem Companion through the
Tancheon Literary Association.
- In 2023,he made his literary debut by receiving the
New Writer' Award in the 16th issue of Cheongil Literature
with Agony and four other poems.
- In 2024, he made his debut as an essayist in the 17th issue of
Cheongil Literature with the Road to Gapyeong and one other piece.
- other published works include poetry collections such as
Leaning on the Showerhead and hymn of Farewell,as well as
essays,including Friends and others.