It's homework that i have to make a parady
subject is various, and i choose about environment.
because i'm interested in environment and, i was actived in elementary school's group about environment.
I want to make a original though, but my thinking is always common.
so i was angry
but when seeing D-was's poster.
i was tinking to make D-war pardy to 더워
I pleased but i want to check up that no one knows that thinking
but when i seach in the NAVER 디워패러디
There is a parady bout 더워.
i was dissapointed about myself.
why am i always simplke than my friends.
so i change my mind to make a parady with a famous picture.
but i 'm not concerned with art
so it's more hard to find a parady.
thus, just i decided make a parady 더워.
and my words is.
"I can't live in this sea! it's very hot! who makes my sea hot? I will kill them!"
How do tou think about my happenings^^