Arena in Budapest
Local guide says it is 영웅광장
She explained such long time about Hungarian history and heroes
Wastebasket on the street
Drinking fountain
It looks artistic
Also antique bench
Isn't so looks very antique ?
However still running so far
The largest and oldest bakery
꽃보다 할매 ㅎ
Holidaymakers in downtown
The local guide brought us to the shop
People on the street
Buda area
Actually Budapest made up Buda and Pest
Buda area is uptown
Pest is business area
첫댓글 Spring of may in antique Hungary is as bright as your face..
Good evening ✨️
How was today in a hot day
It.ll 🌧 this weekend also weekdays next week days
The architectures are wonderful. Fortunately, the old buildings are well preserved.
할매 is prettier than flowers~~^^
Good evening ✨️
Yes it is wonderful architecture in Budapest .
Hungary was Empire of 합스브르크 with Austria and Bohemia long ago
@애니 How are you feeling? You always live like a trip in your daily life. I hope so again today~^^
@아네트 Good morning 🌄
Unfortunately I.m not feeling well
But Weather is so beautiful even though hot 🔥 🥵
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