This year's Orientation Day marked the commencement of over 170 new students and their families into the AHIS school community. Dato’ Ir. Steve Chong, the Founder Chairman, proudly shared the exceptional achievements of our students in the June 2023 Cambridge A Level and IGCSE examinations. He emphasized that, beyond academic excellence, the school places a strong emphasis on holistic education, encompassing the development of virtuous character and a deep appreciation for the environment. The newly appointed Principal, Mr. Suresh Balakrishnan, conducted an informative session where students and parents were acquainted with the school’s Senior Leadership Team and homeroom tutors. We extend a heartfelt welcome to the newest members of our school community.
올해는 신입생이 170명으로 오리엔테이션을 가졌습니다. 모두 환영합니다.