When i ushered in a new year of lunar calendar, i promised myself that i will quit the old habit of smoking. - don't mislead urself ; this is a cigarette smoking ^^ - But That determination was broken down yesterday again as it was before...
i hated myself even to the point of killing myself .. What's worse, i was very embarrassed when i found myself mumbling and bumbling while talking to a expatriat known as Michael to me on the phone.. When i talked with him, nothing came to my mind and all kinds of bullshits came out of my mounth with no point. I tried to pull myself toghther to deliver what i had in mind to him correctly, but my words failed me. My heart was broken . I tried to comfort myself by making up an excuse : "A monkey sometimes falls down from a tree; u were drunk , dead drunk .. so U could be through such a shameful experience .. don't be frustrated".
For all the excuses, I was not comfortable with last night's "accident".
I thought myself , "For a while, i was into the inertia of everyday routine, and was lazy in learning and stuying english .. i was so complacent to myself "
So i thought it is time for me to take up the slack and study english very hard again as i did when i was in collge. I forgot about the passion i had toward Englihs ..
As part of that determination, i decided to leave a messege here in this Toeic Cafe. It is first time for me to write here. And i thought that once i decided to leave a messege, then the words should be written in english. That 's why i am filling this space with English righg now..^^And i will quit smoking again. This time, i will never fait it.. I will make it this time in order to prove myself that i m strong and get back my confidence.
I would like to say something to the members of this cafe, ending this boring writing : A lot of students and people are complaining about what they have now . They are very disappointed with their Toeic score, and with bad situation in korea..
i suggest that they should stop those complaints and learn something including English if u have time to complain.
In that respect ,, i hope that more people who love this cafe will try to leave a messege written in english..
What i try to say is " Let's make this cafe into a space for English practice.
첫댓글좋은 아이디어네.^^ 하지만..댓글도 영어로 하잔 말은 없으니 난 걍 '겸허한 모국어'루 할께. 우선 두가지 사과: 1. 기껏 담배 끊은 친구 앞에서 담배 연기를 흩날린 내 죄가 크네. 하지만 dk 군은 의지가 강한 사람이니까 앞으로 다신 그런 유혹(?)에 휩쓸리지 않을거라구 믿는다. (하지만,,어젯밤에..내가 권한건 아니잖
수..?^^) 2. 사전에 네 동의도 구하지 않구 michael과의 전화를 바꿔준건 나의 실례. 하지만 그 사람은 누구보다 한국사람(과 그들의 영어)에 대해 잘 아는 사람이고 인간성도 좋은 사람이라,, 아마도 dk군이 했.던.말.보단 하.려.고.했.던.말.을 읽어 줬을거라고 생각해. (근데 얘기했나..내가 '대화 즐거웠냐구 물으니..
마이클 왈: well.. it was not a conversation.. he has been talking himself all the way.) 해서, 나보다 훨씬 더 훌륭한 영어를 가진 너에게 감히 친구로서 한마디 하자면.. 언제나 그(녀)의 말에 귀를 기울일 것, 그리고 말할 것. 아뭏든,, 내 오랜친구 dk의 야심만만 great resolution을 보니까 자극도 되고 기분이
좋아지네. 그리고 며칠 전 물마시면서 내가 준 tips, 잊지 말았음 좋겠다. 일본어 말야. /난 며칠전에 작은 누나랑, 올 12월 첫주에 영/일/중 대화로 우열을 가려보자고 했다네. 누난 일본어 강사였지만,,영어는 내가 조금 나으니까.. 암튼 내가 내기로 건게 1회 등록금 내지 6개월치 자동차할부금(if any) 였다. 나도 지
고 싶지 않으니까,, 열심히 할거구. 아참, 물론 너랑 반년 전쯤엔가 했던 영어에 대한 약속도 지킬거구. / 나 오늘 이태원 그 집으로 최종확정했으니까.. 서울오면 꼭 들리도록하고. 원하는 음악이랑 wine 실컷 먹여주마. ^^ ,, dk가 있다는건 언제나 내겐,, 또 다른 든든함임을 잊지말고.
Yeah,, u are right,,, i am not a good listener but a speaker - i am not sure i could put a modifier " good " in front of the word "speaker"- Anyway, last night was terrible in my life .. but the terrible accident woke me up and made me reflect on my life and my past .. ok Thank you for leaving
As a great fan of you, i like all the above even the incident you say(I dont want to call this incident though). May I leave a humble and short message for you.(I am sure you would say OK^^) Pls!. do not have a guilty confidence too much(I do sometimes though ^^) It is only a single slip.
You are clever enough no matter how you're feeling. It's enough you challenge and endeavour endlessly without self-satisfaction. How about just simply thinking it's a necessary evil to be cruel to yrself as it will be good for you later time. - A proud your fan. (ps. 그 지도편달 나두 부탁하우)
천지) → oh.. what do i have now! r u alright? do ya feel much better from the darn intoxication? ^^ guess u decided not to drink with me, even not to see me in person, neither. Nonetheless, wasn't it nice having a guy who's smart as much as nobody can reach? with a single sight, i figured it out th
that u & dk have one great common in u guys' personalities, like.. something straightforward and passionate as well. (remember.. he's taken by nobody now as it has been never ever! ,,but it's no easy task to grab him tho,:) anyway, hope u stay in tune and chin up . bye
Excuse me? 어머~착각은~~ 안 만나기는 뭘 안 만나?(천지 버전으로) I cant help leaving a message to you, Sir. Ooooh it's regrettable you think so. dunno how come you reckon like that. Have you ever met someone who is straitforward, passionate(tks) and in the same time shy as well? it isnt me.
there are no particular reasons I dont see you at all. the more you are out of my sight, the more I seem falling in the ocean of yr attractiveness & mystery toward me : that's the point what I want to say to you that's the better way for us to have meeting for whatever.
my hero is none other than myself but d'you remember you were told you were a celebrity to me? It seems no surprise coz it will be helpful for my step upwards. I become a poor drinker(I was good drinker though)and still cant believe my terrible behavior(let's say it was lovely behavior-my excuse)
Still cant believe what Ive done^^. when is comes to D.k. Yes yr right.we have in common. so I found what sort of person he is with even a short conversation. but I found he was something far stronger than me. D.K.? You agree with me. huh? huh? say sth sir huh?
Judging from 2 facts u've written - 1. u r hardly taken 2. DK is far stronger than u, then how does this story end..? yeah! A HARDER CAN BREAK HARD ONE when we assume this world would go on the theory 'the law of the jungle'.. of course, it's based on the hypothesis that the harder has its own will
forward it. (sori if i've gone too far now, pretending i am a sorta match-maker^^) And, i don't think i deserve those qualifiers like attractiveness,mystery and sir,neither. it will take no time for u to realize how i am a pathetic ordinary man, in other word, u will see the truth in me soon. bye~
첫댓글 좋은 아이디어네.^^ 하지만..댓글도 영어로 하잔 말은 없으니 난 걍 '겸허한 모국어'루 할께. 우선 두가지 사과: 1. 기껏 담배 끊은 친구 앞에서 담배 연기를 흩날린 내 죄가 크네. 하지만 dk 군은 의지가 강한 사람이니까 앞으로 다신 그런 유혹(?)에 휩쓸리지 않을거라구 믿는다. (하지만,,어젯밤에..내가 권한건 아니잖
수..?^^) 2. 사전에 네 동의도 구하지 않구 michael과의 전화를 바꿔준건 나의 실례. 하지만 그 사람은 누구보다 한국사람(과 그들의 영어)에 대해 잘 아는 사람이고 인간성도 좋은 사람이라,, 아마도 dk군이 했.던.말.보단 하.려.고.했.던.말.을 읽어 줬을거라고 생각해. (근데 얘기했나..내가 '대화 즐거웠냐구 물으니..
마이클 왈: well.. it was not a conversation.. he has been talking himself all the way.) 해서, 나보다 훨씬 더 훌륭한 영어를 가진 너에게 감히 친구로서 한마디 하자면.. 언제나 그(녀)의 말에 귀를 기울일 것, 그리고 말할 것. 아뭏든,, 내 오랜친구 dk의 야심만만 great resolution을 보니까 자극도 되고 기분이
좋아지네. 그리고 며칠 전 물마시면서 내가 준 tips, 잊지 말았음 좋겠다. 일본어 말야. /난 며칠전에 작은 누나랑, 올 12월 첫주에 영/일/중 대화로 우열을 가려보자고 했다네. 누난 일본어 강사였지만,,영어는 내가 조금 나으니까.. 암튼 내가 내기로 건게 1회 등록금 내지 6개월치 자동차할부금(if any) 였다. 나도 지
고 싶지 않으니까,, 열심히 할거구. 아참, 물론 너랑 반년 전쯤엔가 했던 영어에 대한 약속도 지킬거구. / 나 오늘 이태원 그 집으로 최종확정했으니까.. 서울오면 꼭 들리도록하고. 원하는 음악이랑 wine 실컷 먹여주마. ^^ ,, dk가 있다는건 언제나 내겐,, 또 다른 든든함임을 잊지말고.
아참,, 글구 네 글 보니까.. 역시나 싶네. 공부 많이 한 표가 팍팍..!! 앞으로도 예의 그 지도편달..부탁하마. - Scar in voyage.
Yeah,, u are right,,, i am not a good listener but a speaker - i am not sure i could put a modifier " good " in front of the word "speaker"- Anyway, last night was terrible in my life .. but the terrible accident woke me up and made me reflect on my life and my past .. ok Thank you for leaving
a good message for me.. U are the only friend i can count on as u know... See ya when i make my way to seoul next time...^^
As a great fan of you, i like all the above even the incident you say(I dont want to call this incident though). May I leave a humble and short message for you.(I am sure you would say OK^^) Pls!. do not have a guilty confidence too much(I do sometimes though ^^) It is only a single slip.
You are clever enough no matter how you're feeling. It's enough you challenge and endeavour endlessly without self-satisfaction. How about just simply thinking it's a necessary evil to be cruel to yrself as it will be good for you later time. - A proud your fan. (ps. 그 지도편달 나두 부탁하우)
천지) → oh.. what do i have now! r u alright? do ya feel much better from the darn intoxication? ^^ guess u decided not to drink with me, even not to see me in person, neither. Nonetheless, wasn't it nice having a guy who's smart as much as nobody can reach? with a single sight, i figured it out th
that u & dk have one great common in u guys' personalities, like.. something straightforward and passionate as well. (remember.. he's taken by nobody now as it has been never ever! ,,but it's no easy task to grab him tho,:) anyway, hope u stay in tune and chin up . bye
Excuse me? 어머~착각은~~ 안 만나기는 뭘 안 만나?(천지 버전으로) I cant help leaving a message to you, Sir. Ooooh it's regrettable you think so. dunno how come you reckon like that. Have you ever met someone who is straitforward, passionate(tks) and in the same time shy as well? it isnt me.
there are no particular reasons I dont see you at all. the more you are out of my sight, the more I seem falling in the ocean of yr attractiveness & mystery toward me : that's the point what I want to say to you that's the better way for us to have meeting for whatever.
my hero is none other than myself but d'you remember you were told you were a celebrity to me? It seems no surprise coz it will be helpful for my step upwards. I become a poor drinker(I was good drinker though)and still cant believe my terrible behavior(let's say it was lovely behavior-my excuse)
Still cant believe what Ive done^^. when is comes to D.k. Yes yr right.we have in common. so I found what sort of person he is with even a short conversation. but I found he was something far stronger than me. D.K.? You agree with me. huh? huh? say sth sir huh?
Oh! I forgot to say one more thing. I am not a person easily taken by anyone as well. ^ ^
Judging from 2 facts u've written - 1. u r hardly taken 2. DK is far stronger than u, then how does this story end..? yeah! A HARDER CAN BREAK HARD ONE when we assume this world would go on the theory 'the law of the jungle'.. of course, it's based on the hypothesis that the harder has its own will
forward it. (sori if i've gone too far now, pretending i am a sorta match-maker^^) And, i don't think i deserve those qualifiers like attractiveness,mystery and sir,neither. it will take no time for u to realize how i am a pathetic ordinary man, in other word, u will see the truth in me soon. bye~