오늘 입트영 홀릭 모임 진행합니다 !
[RESPONSE]Talk about how you typically spend your weekends.
These days, my weekends are mostly filled with rest and relaxation. In the past, I used to be more outgoing and active. I relished activities in the great outdoors, and I had a can-do attitude toward sports. But as I get on in years, I'm starting to buy the argument that my laziar friends like to pitch. Now I understand why they prefer being couch potatoes. The gist of the matter is that I'm too tuckered out after a week's work to be so gung-ho about recreation. I just want to wind down and relax. Maybe this just means I'm no longer a spring chicken.
1. What are some popular weekend actives you engage in?
2. Do you prefer to rest or be active on weekends?
3. How do you feel when you have to work on weekends?
rest and relaxation 휴식과 안식
relish 몹시 즐기다
in the great outdoors 확 트인 야외에서
can-do attitude 할 수 있다는 마음가짐
get on in years 나이가 들다
buy the argument 주장을 인정하다
pitch 이야기하다
couch potato 움직이기 싫어하는 사람
gist 요지, 핵심
be tuckered out 몹시 지치다
gung-go 매우 열성적인
wind down and relax 긴장을 풀고 쉬다
spring chicken 혈기 왕성한 젊은이
[Response] What do you do to control your weight?
When it comes to keeping your weight in check, I think it's important to understand what works for you. For me, calorie counting is counterproductive. It always backfires.
So, I make sure that my diet is nutritious and balanced. However, this means that I have
to work out consistently as well. I go to a Pilates studio because it does wonders for
my figure. I like to mix it up when it comes to cardio in order to keep things interesting.
I know cross-fit is popular these days, but i'm not a fan. I try not obsess about the numbers on the scale because muscle weighs more than fat.
[Extra Topics]
1. In your opinion, what's the easiest way to lose weight?
2. Do you think it's important to work to work out regularly? Why or why not?
3. Try to come up with a realistic plan to get is shape.
[Key vocabulary & Expressions]
keep something in check ~을 억제하다
work for someone ~에게 효과가 있다
calorie counting 칼로리 계산
counterproductive 비생산적인, 역효과를 낳는
backfire 역효과를 낳다
diet 식단
nutritious 영양가가 있는
balanced 균현 잡힌
work out 운동하다
consistently 꾸준하게
do wonders 효과가 놀라울 만큼 크다
figure 체형
mix it up 이것저것 하다
cardio 유산소 운동
keep things interesting 흥미를 유지하다
obsess about something ~에 집착하다
the numbers on the scale 체중계의 숫자
첫댓글 1/마이클/참석 늦어서죄송합니당 ㅠ ㅎㅎ
2 / Being / 오래간 만에 참석~~~
AMY 참석