Celebrating the Remarkable Achievements of Our Year 6 High Achievers!
Congratulations to Erica, Fayyadh, Wen Jay, Ji Hyo, Celine, Olivia, Angelique, and Zinnie for your outstanding performance in the Cambridge Checkpoint Exams! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and we are confident you will continue to Grow Beyond as you embark on your exciting journey to Year 7.
We are proud to share that 86% of all Year 6 exam results were classed as OUTSTANDING or HIGH. This incredible achievement reflects the dedication and excellence of our students and our teachers.
Our amazing students, dedicated teachers, and supportive parents have together created a nurturing learning community that prioritizes the success and growth of every child. The Cambridge Checkpoint Exams are just one of our tools to assess students’ progress, monitor their growth, and shape our improvement plans. Wishing all our students continued success and an exciting learning journey ahead!