名 詞 (Noun) Ⅰ
1. 명사의 종류: 고유, 보통, 집합, 물질, 추상명사
① 셀 수 있는 명사 : 단,복수 가능
many, few로 수식. 보통, 집합명사.
② 셀 수 없는 명사 : 단,복수 없음.
much, little 이 수식. 물질, 고유, 추상명사.
2. 종족 대표 : 어떤 종족의 전체.
① A(an) + 단수보통명사.(대표단수)
A horse is a useful animal.
② The + 단수보통명사. (대표단수)
The horse is a useful animal.
③ 복수보통명사. (대표복수)
Horse are useful animal.
3. The + 단수보통명사 = 추상명사
* The pen is mightier than the sword.
4. 집합명사와 군집명사
* The audience was a large one.
* The audience were deeply impressed
군집명사:복수동사 were, 개별적으로 깊은 감명.
◇ 하나의 집합체 : 집합명사
개별적으로 취급 : 군집명사 → 복수동사
5. consist of
* My class consist of sixty students.
is composed of
is made up of
comprises → 타동사이므로 of 사용 못함.
= ~으로 구성되다.
6. 항상 복수 취급되는 집합명사
① Police형
* The police (경찰들) → a policeman (경찰 한사람)
The clergy (성직자들) → a clergyman (성직자)
The nobility (귀족들) → a nobleman (귀족)
The peasantry (농민들) → a peasant (농민 한사람)
→ ~등의 집합 명사는 부정관사도 못 붙이고 복수형으로도
쓰지 않으며 보통 the와 함께 쓰여 복수 취급.
② Cattle형
: Cattle, People, Poultry, vermin은 단지 약간 수의 모임이며, 집합
의 한계가 없으므로 관사도 안붙고 복수형도 없이 그대로 복수 취급
되어 복수동사를 받는다.
* Cattle are grazing in the pasture
◇part, portion, half, the rest, the majority, most, the bulk 등
은 뒤에오는 말에 따라 그 수가 결정된다.
* The rest of the boys are playing baseball.
③ Family형
Nation, Army, People, Party 등은 집합의 한계가 명료하며, 또한
집합체를 단위로 셀 수 있으므로 단,복수 가능.
◇ many people (많은 사람들), some people (어떤 사람들)처럼
people이 “사람들”의 뜻으로서 군집명사로 쓰일 땐 복수 취급을 하
며 복수동사를 사용한다. 그러나 people이 국민, 민족의 뜻
으로 쓰일 땐 집합명사로 단수 취급을 한다.
* many people = 많은 사람들. many peoples = 많은 민족들.
people = 사람들 (군집) a peoples = 하나의 민족 (집합)
two people = 두개의 민족들 (집합)
① racial superiority ② cultural spaces
③ a social phenomenon ④ a political means
⑤ financial investment
42. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은 ?
Primitive man learned that he could have more of good things of life by trading with other men. For example, he could exchange an extra animal skin for food or a spear. with the coming of civilization man began to use grain, crops, and cattle as barter items. But trading with goods was inexact and burdensome. It was necessary to carry around a load of hay on your back to exchange for a dozen bushels of wheat. In about 700 B.C. a people in Asia Minor decided that gold, silver, and other metals should stand for the value of goods. They invented a rough coin called stater, which was made of gold and silver. A certain number of staters could be used to buy a bag of salt, a tool, or clothing. In this way the old custom of barter was gradually replaced by the use of money.
① Primitive Man's Life
② Various Items for Barter
③ How money Replaced Barter
④ Goods as a Medium of Exchange
⑤ Metal : The Beginning Of Civilization
43. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적합한 것은 ?
Have you ever wondered why people reply “ Bless you” after someone sneezes ? The reason for blessing someone who sneezes go back to the sixth century. It was during this time that the deadly Black Death was raging through Europe. The Black Death, or bubonic plague, didn't kill its victims without warning. Instead, symptoms of the disease included rashes, swelling, and sneezing. Because death so often followed sneezing, people began to say“ Bless you”- a final blessing.
* rage : 맹위를 떨치다
* rash : 홍진, 발진
① Why People Sneeze
② The Deadly Black Death
③ The Origin of “Bless You”
④ Symptoms of Black Death
⑤ Sneezing and Black Death
44. 다음 글의 필자가 주장하는 것은 ?
right now, there are thousands of incurable patients lying helplessly in bed, suffering pain and misery and wishing they could be allowed to die. But the doctors are afraid to facilitate their deaths for fear of legal or professional repercussion. I propose that doctors be allowed to discontinue treatment or administer lethal doses of painkillers if requested to do so by patients suffering from incurable diseases, or in the case of comatose patients, by their relatives.
* facilitate : 촉진하다. 수월하게 하다
* repercussion : 영향. 반향
* administer : 주다. 먹이다
① 가망 없는 환자의 안락사는 인정되
1. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 they가 뜻하는 것은 ?
They sometimes work for large department sores and draw pictures of the store's latest fashions. They must picture the dress on the model-in the mood and setting that will make it seem most attractive. They often work for advertising agencies, where they create striking pictures and tasteful designs. In this way, they will attract public attention and show the product to be advertised in a good light. Newspapers carry many examples of their art. Indeed, instances of it are around us.
① store clerks ② art designers
③ fashion models ④ newspaper reporters
⑤ computer programmers
2. 밑줄 친 this musician에 관한 설명 중에서 본문의 내용과 일치하는 것은 ?
Goethe once said to his wife, “I've never seen an artist with more power of concentration than this musician.” His life was as stormy as his music. He was self-educated and read widely Shakespeare and ancient classics, but he was poor at mathematics. Deep in his work, he ignored everything else. Although he wrote many beautiful pieces of music, he dressed badly and hardly ever cleaned his room. During his thirty-five years in Vienna, he moved about forty times.
① 집중력이 강했다. ② 고전을 많이 읽었다
③ 작곡을 많이 했다 ④ 이사를 자주 했다.
⑤ 외모에 치중했다.
3. Sam에 대한 설명이 글의 애용과 일치하는 것은 ?
Since Sam has never been unhappy with his occupation, he cannot understand the attitude of those who have no desire to take up any occupation. He has been selling groceries for over forty years. When he first started his job in the 1930's, work of any type was almost impossible to find. A job, however, unpleasant or poorly paid, was a man's most precious possession. Losing it was a disaster, not looking for another one, a shame. Not wanting to work at all was unthinkable.
① 30년 동안 식료품 장사를 했다
② 현재 보석상을 하고 있다.
③ 자신의 직업에 만족하고 있다.
④ 사업에 실패를 거듭했다.
⑤ 1940년대에 장사를 시작했다.
4. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 was beside himself의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은 ?
Like other boys, John Palmer liked football and loud music. But what he liked most was going to the movies. And of all the movie stars, he thought Jane Brightman was the most beautiful. For his sixteenth birthday, his parents got him ticket for the first showing of Jane Brightman's new movie, Last Friday Night. John was beside himself. When he discovered that he would be sitting right next to Jane Brightman, he nearly fainted with joy.
① 재주가 많았다. ② 정신이상자였다.
③ 자신감이 부족했다. ④ 기분이 매우 좋았다.
⑤ 아름다운 여자를 만났다.
5. 다음 도표와 일치하지 않는 것은 ?
Fund-Rising Goals for the Homeless Fund.
Target Date to
Reach Goal
Actual Date
Goal Research
① This chart shows money-raising goals for a fund.
② The first goal is $10,000 and the end goal is $20,000.
③ The second goal was reached by the target date.
④ Between July and November 1998, $ 15,000 was raised.
⑤ Before its target date, the end goal was
6. 아래에 주어진 사전 뜻풀이 가운데, 밑줄 친 wrapped up의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은 ?
The Busan International Film Festival wrapped up ten days of excitement last Saturday. The closing event of the festival was highlighted by the appearance of all the prize winners.
wrap up v. 1. to cover something : I wrapped up my present. 2. to finish something : They wrapped up the meeting. 3. to hide something by using difficult words : Don't wrap up the question in big words. 4. to put warm clothes on someone : Please wrap up my body warm. 5. to interest someone completely: The kids were wrapped up in my story.
① 1 ② 2 ③ 3 ④ 4 ⑤ 5
7. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 zip이 나타내는 것은 ?
Nobody wants a zip near their home. First of all, they usually do not smell very pleasant. If the wind is from the right direction, you may get that smell at home. Zip attracts lots of insects, such as flies, and mosquitoes. Animals such as rats and mice often come to live in the neighborhood, too. A nearby zip may also mean you will have noisy trucks on your street all day. And finally, the most serious problem with zips is that they may pollute the drinking water. Sometimes, the garbage has dangerous chemicals in it. Then when it rains, the chemicals enter the water underground and make it unsafe to drink.
① 주차장 ② 쓰레기장 ③ 병원
④ 원자력 발전소 ⑤ 대형 쇼핑센터
8. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 They가 뜻하는 것은 ?
They study the objects early people left behind. They find that there two parts to their study. Each part requires special training. The first part is excavating, or digging up the places where early people lived or worked. This is a job that must be done slowly and carefully. It includes keeping records of the work done. The second part is studying of everything that was dug up, and of describing all these things so clearly that the
information can be understood and used by anyone interested in the past. When both jobs are finished, they can write the story of the people.
① artists ② astronomers
③ architects ④ archeologist
⑤ astronauts
9. Jane에 관한 설명이 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은 ?
Jane Austen was born in Steventon, near Basingstoke, on Dec. 16, 1775. She was one of many children of a clergyman whose income was sufficient to support his family and whose literate taste created an urban affectionate intimacy with her brothers and her sister, Cassandra. Jane never married but resided and worked in her family's home. The Austens lived largely in the English countryside, and Jane came to know all of country society, from the village apothecary to the landed aristocracy. She died in Winchester on July 18, 1817, and was buried in the cathedral.
① 성직자의 하나뿐인 딸이었다.
② 경제적으로 어려운 유년 시절을 보냈다.
③ 결혼을 하지 않고 부모님 집에서 살았다.
④ 폐쇄적인 생활을 하여 사람들과 교분이 없었다. ⑤ 비교적 장수한편이었고 교회 묘지에 묻혔다.
10. 주인공에 대한 설명 중에서 본문에 언급되지 않은 것은 ?
Someone once said that he was a mixture of African aristocracy and British nobility, and it is true that he is a closet Anglophile. He was educated by British missionaries, and inculcated with the belief that the model gentleman was an Englishman. Despite his dislike of British colonialism, he emulates British style, from his suits ti his manners. To him the British audience is more important than either the American or European. He once mentioned with John Major, as the two of them spent most of their time discussing cricket.
* inculcate with : ....을 주입하다. 심어주다
* emulate : 흉내내다. 모방하다.
① 아프리카 상류층 출신이다.
② 영국 선교사들에게 교육을 받았다.
③ 영국문화의 영향을 많이 받았다.
④ 영국의 귀족 계급을 싫어했다.
⑤ 영국의 식민주의에 반대했다.
11. 다음 글의 “He”에 대한 설명 중 본문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ?
He was a country youth, a son of clergyman who died when the boy was only five. Brought up largely by an older brother who was also a clergyman., he acquired a love of nature that remained with him all his life. He attended grammar school and at the age of 13 was apprenticed to a nearby surgeon. In the following eight years he acquired a sound knowledge of medical practice. On completing his apprenticeship at the age 21, he went to London and was soon to become one of the most prominent surgeon in London. Even more important, however, he was anatomist, biologist, and experimentalist of the first rank; not only did he collect biological specimens but he also concerned himself with problems of physiology and function.
* experimentalist : 실험 주의자
* physiology : 생리학
① 어려서 일찍 아버지를 잃었다.
② 평생 자연을 사랑하는 마음을 가졌다.
③ 한 외과 의사에게서 의학 수련을 쌓았다.
④ 평생을 시골에서 의사로 봉사했다.
⑤ 의학과 관련된 여러 분야에 관심을 가졌다.
12. 다음 글에서 밑줄 친 it이 나타내는 것은 ?
My grandmother Turtle made it to frighten away the birds. In the middle of the field she drove two sticks for legs, and bound two other sticks to them for arms; on the top, she fastened a ball of castaway skins for a head. She belted an old robe about the figure to make it look like a man. So it looked wicked! Indeed I was almost afraid of it myself, but the bad crows, seeing it never moved from its place, soon lost their fear and came back.
① slingshot ② doll ③ scarecrow
④ statue ⑤ trap
3. It is ~ that…
*(It is) Little wonder that today we are in such a mass.
*Is it true that he has gone to London to see her?
In the past, dark yellowish-colored tallow candles were the most common use for everyone use. They were made from animal fats, usually mutton. Whenever the family ate meat the housewives saved leftover fat and put it aside until she had enough for candle-making. She melted the fat, dipped the wicks into it and let them dry, then repeated the process until the candles had built up to the required thickness.
Standing over a pot of hot rancid fat was a smelly job. The smell must have got into her hair and clothes and pervaded the house. No wonder many wives handed over their fat to a candle-maker and paid him to the job for them.
*mutton 양고기 *rancid 불쾌한, 역겨운
*이 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
① In the past, candles were seldom used to light the home.
② The mutton fat was the only material or making candles.
③ Making candles was never a nice job for many wives.
④ Many wives bought the fat to make candles for themselves.
⑤ Many wives had to save a lot of money to buy candles.
(1) Indeed, it is unlikely that any human organization could either be formed or long maintained without language.
(2) People ho select the compacts are likewise pleased with the simplicity of their styling. No wonder automobile companies are increasing their production of small compact models.
(3) It is regrettable, but it is a fact, that children do not look upon their parents, or their relations belonging to another generation, with the same degree of affection as their parents, or relations, look upon them.
(4) It is a prevalent idea among men who are not very prosperous in their occupation that any other business is better than the one which they are engaged in.
4. It + V + that(or wh-)…(1)
*It matters little who does it so long as it is done well.
*It is not known as yet where he was born.
The kind of experience that you ill seek depends on a variety of conditions. It doesn't matter, however, where you may be hidden away, how deeply secluded in a remote village far from the great centers of civilization, how little time your labours leave you for going out into the world to collect your experience. Because books are a well-established form of communicating ideas you can, through books, commune with every kind of mind from every time and country. Today, books are more readily accessible than they ever have been. In fact, the best books are often the cheapest.
*이 글의 주제로서 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
① You can experience a variety of new ideas through books.
② The best books are often the cheapest.
③ It is better to live near the centers of civilization.
④ It is necessary that it takes little time or you to collect your experience.
⑤ The kind of experiences you seek depends on various conditions.
*의문사절이 진주어로 쓰이는 경우가 있음에 유의한다.
(1) It is not a question how much a man know, but what use he makes of what he knows.
(2) I have learnt by experience that when a book makes a sensation, it is well to wait a year before you read it. It is astonishing how many books then you need not read at all.
(3) Did it really matter what dress each wife was wearing, or what kind of earrings? Did it make any real difference whether Raisa and I became close friends? Obviously not.
(4) There is always humor in life. Therefore, humor is sure to find its way into any novel which faithfully describes life, whether the author is conscious or not. It does not matter whether the story is a tragedy or a comedy.
5. It + V + that…(2)
*It never occurred to me that she would be so kind.
*Then it dawned on me that they were speaking Spanish.
To say "No" is difficult. But so is accepting "no" for an answer. Why is it that "no" always seems to imply rudeness? We seem obliged too often to say "yes" when we should say "no". It seldom occurs to us that a "no" answer can be the most considerate one we can give. Saying "yes" from a sense of obligation for fear of rejection makes no sense. To be present anywhere in body only, without will, wishing to be elsewhere, is an insult to all concerned. A "no" in such a situation is certainly a blessing to everyone.
*이 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① We often say yes against our will.
② We should say no when we must say so.
③ We should try not to turn down a request.
④ We often say yes to avoid seeming impolite.
⑤ Not paying attention to people concerned can be an insult to them.
*It occurs to ~that…구문은 「~에게 …라는 생각이 떠오르다」라고 해석한다.
(1) I had no idea what he meant. Eventually it dawned on me that he might want my signature.
*It dawned on~that…; ~에게 …한 생각이 어렴풋이 들다.
(2) It was borne in on me that she must be freed from her bondage.
*It is borne in on~that… ; ~가 …을 확신하다.
(3) It did not occurred to the old lady that if liberty entitled the foot-passengers to walk down the middle of the road/ it also entitled the cab-driver to drive on the pavement.
(4) After three or four years of the monotonous exchange of sin and punishment, it eventually pierced my dull little brain that this operation really did hurt Mother more than it hurt me.
*It pierced my brain that~; ~라는 생각이 머리 속에 떠오르다.
(5) Since they have never been in the public eye, it has never occurred to them that they have anything to conceal. They displayed their oddities because it has never struck them that they are old.
*It never struck ~that…; ~에게 …라는 생각이 전혀 들지 않다.
[I] 선사시대
[1] 신석기시대의 생활에 대한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은? (2000년)
① 대표적 도구는 마제석기와 빗살무늬토기였다.
② 태양숭배, 영혼불멸, 토테미즘 등이 주된 신앙이었다.
③ 돌로 만든 보습과 괭이 등의 기구로 농경을 하였다.
④ 사람이 죽으면 일반적으로 고인돌을 무덤으로 썼다.
고인돌은 청동기시대 군장의 분묘이다. 신석기시대의 분묘는 토(장)묘이다.
[2]고조선에 대한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은? (99년)
① 관료조직이 아직 갖추어지지 않은 상태였다.
② 전국시대 연나라와 힘을 겨룰 정도로 큰 세력을 이루었다.
③ 중심지가 요서?요동지방에서 뒤에 평양지방으로 이동하였다.
④ 노비가 발생하는 등 계급 분화가 이루어졌다.
왕아래 상(相)?대부(大夫)?장군(將軍)?경(卿)?대신(大臣) 등의 관직을 두어 통치체제를 정비 하였다.
[3]서울 암사동 선사유적지에 대한 설명과 관계가 없는 것은? (98년)
① 빗살무늬토기를 사용한 주민들의 유적지이다.
② 농경생활이 시작되었지만 여전히 물고기잡이와 짐승사냥에 크게 의존하였다.
③ 움집의 규모는 대개 성인 4명 정도가 살기에 적당한 크기였다.
④ 지배자의 무덤양식은 고인돌이었다.
고인돌(지석묘?Dolmen)은 청동기시대 군장의 분묘이다.
[4]한반도에 철기문화의 보급이 본격화된 것은 B.C. 1세기경이었다. 철기의 보급은 사회전반에 큰 변화를 일으켰는데 이러한 변화에 대한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은? (97년)
① 낫, 괭이, 따비 등 철제 농기구가 제작되어 농업생산력이 크게 발전하였다.
② 철제무기가 대량으로 제작되면서 정복전쟁이 자주 일어났다.
③ 지배계층의 권력이 강화되면서, 그들의 권력을 과시하기 위해 거대한 지석묘가 건립되었다.
④ 질이 단단하고 바탕흙이 고운 회색토기가 제작되었다.
③ 지석묘(고인돌?Dolmen)는 청동기시대 군장의 분묘로 철기시대 들어와서는 점차 소멸되는 추세이고, ④ 원삼국시대의 도질토기를 가리킨다.
[5] 우리 나라 청동기문화의 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은? (97년)
① 무문토기를 사용하였다. ② 목제 농기구를 사용하였다.
③ 벼, 콩, 조 등 곡물을 경작하였다. ④ 농경에 우마를 이용하였다.
농경에 축력을 이용한 것은 삼한시대 이래의 사실이다.
[6] 청동기시대의 농경에 관한 설명으로 옳은 것은? (96년)
① 농경에 소나 말 등의 축력을 이용하였다.
② 주로 구릉지대에 거주하면서 기장?조?수수?벼 등을 재배하였다.
③ 청동으로 제조된 농기구가 사용되면서 신석기시대에 비해 농업생산력이 크게 발전하였다.
④ 가족단위의 독립적 농경이 발전하면서 토지사유가 확립되어 갔다.
가가호호 家家戶戶 집집마다
가담항설 街錟巷說 길거리에 떠도는 소문
가렴주구 苛斂誅求 세금같은 것을 가혹하게 받고 국민을 못살게 구는일
가인박명 佳人薄命 아름다운 사람은 운명이 기박함
각골난망 刻骨難忘 은덕을 입은 고마움이 마음깊이 새겨져 잊혀지지 아니함
각주구검 刻舟求劍 어리석고 융통성이 없음
간담상조 肝膽相照 서로의 마음을 터놓고 사귐
갈이천정 渴而穿井 목이 말라야 우물을 팜.
감언이설 甘言利說 남의 비유에 맞도록 꾸민 달콤한 말과이로운 조건을 붙여꾀는
감탄고토 甘呑苦吐 달면 삼키고 쓰면 뱉는다.
갑남을녀 甲男乙女 평범한사람들
갑론을박 甲論乙駁 자기의 주장을 세우고 남의 주장을 반박함
강구연월 康衢煙月 태평한 시대의 평화로운 풍경
개과천선 改過遷善 허물을 고치어 착하게 됨
개선광정 改善匡正 좋도록 고치고 바로잡음
개세지재 蓋世之才 세상을 덮을 만한 재주
거안사위 居安思危 편안히 살때 닥쳐올 위태로움을 생각함
건곤일척 乾坤一擲 흥망성패를 걸고 단판 싸움을 함
격물치지 格物致知 사물의 이치를 구명하여 자기의 지식을 확고하게 함
격화소양 隔靴搔痒 신을 신은 채 가려운 발바닥을 긁음과 같이 일의 효과를 나타내지 못함
견강부회 牽强附會 이치에도 닺지 않는 것을 억지로 끌어다 붙임
견리망의 見利忘義 이익을 보면 의리를 잊음
견리사의 見利思義 눈앞에 이익이 보일때 의리를 생각함
견마지성 犬馬之誠 임금이나 나라에 정성으로 바치는 정성. 자기의 정성을 낮추어 일컫는말
견문발검 見蚊拔劍 모기를 보고 칼을 뺌. 조그만 일에도 성을 내는 소견좁은 행동
견물생심 見物生心 물건을 보고 욕심이 생김
견여금석 堅如金石 굳기가 금이나 돌같음
견위수명 見危授命 나라가 위급할 때 목숨을 바침 (견위치명)
결자해지 結者解之 자기가 저지른 일은 자기가 해결해야함
결초보은 結草報恩 죽어서라도 은혜를 갚음
겸양지덕 謙讓之德 겸손하고 사양하는 미덕
겸인지용 兼人之勇 몇사람을 능히 당해낼 만한 용기
경거망동 輕擧妄動 경솔하고 망녕된 행동
경국지색 傾國之色 뛰어나게 아름다운 미인을 일컫는 말
경이원지 敬而遠之 겉으로는 공경하는 체 하면서 속으로는 멀리함
경천근민 敬天勤民 하느님을 공경하고 백성을 다스리기에 부지 런함
계란유골 鷄卵有骨 달걀에도 뼈가있다는 뜻으로,일이 방해됨 을 이르는말
계명구도 鷄鳴狗盜 작은 재주가 뜻밖에 큰 구실을 함
고군분투 孤軍奮鬪 적은 인원의힘으로, 도움도 받지 않고 힘겨운일을 그악스럽게 해냄
고굉지신 股肱之臣 임금이 가장 믿고 중히 여기는 신하
고량진미 膏梁珍味 맛있는 음식
고립무원 孤立無援 고립되어 도움을 받을 데가 없음
고복격양 鼓腹擊壤 태평세월임을 표현한 말. 배를두들기면서 땅을침
고식지계 고息之計 당장의 편안함만을 꾀하는 일시적인 방편
고장난명 孤掌難鳴 혼자서 할 수 없고 협력해야 일이 이루어짐
고진감래 苦盡甘來 괴로움이 다하면 즐거움이 옴
ㅇ ㅏ.. 눈돌아간다.. 으어...................... 머리아퍼.....
쒸뷁, 머리가 어지러워...
↑↑↑↑↑ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 웃겨.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
어떻게 나한테 이럴수가 있어-_ -? 우리 애는 걱정안하는 거야? 자기 애 떨어질 뻔 했잖아 !!