Step by Step Tutorials for Selected Lab Activities
(PowerPoint? and HTML Versions)
Designed by Mike Zeller, Office of Biotechnology, Iowa
State University
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they can be copied to your computer's hard drive and viewed.
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will need to have either Microsoft PowerPoint? or a free
PowerPoint? viewer installed on your hard drive. Free
PowerPoint? viewers can be obtained here.
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link, select the Save to File option from the dialog box that
- Using a Micropipettor
- DNA Fingerprinting--All 5 presentations
should be downloaded for the full experiment
- DNA in My Food???
- Fruit Cup DNA Extraction
- High Sucrose Soybean Thin Layer Chromatography
- Plasmid Isolation and Analysis--All 4 presentations should be downloaded
for the full experiment
- PowerPoint? versions
Transformation--All 4 presentations should
be downloaded for the full experiment
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