- Gameplay Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - fixed issue with movements hitting full radicalism and not becoming rebels - fixed exploit with being able to close some foreign factories - Can no longer puppet GPs - balanced automatic leaders assignment and generation - Fixed bug about the truce broken only by one side (when being called to war by ally). - Fixed a problem with some cultures disappearing when they shouldn’t. - Lower class people people are now less likely to move to places where they culture is not a core - Fixed possible units merge with navies via rally points (build navy and unit arrives at the same moment) - Fixed bug in auto-split-and-load when enemy ships are in the port - Added Naval Rally Points - dar_al_funun requires more literacy to enact and gives more RP boost - Added a way to attach a unit to another friendly nations units in the same province, and it will then move together with that unit. - Fixed bug - Repeatly open/close factory gives money! - pease msg considers to be interesting if a player or interesting country is a third party aswell. - fixed issue with military score becoming negative when supply modifier gets too low - if a pops desired issue is 0 it block movement creation and waits for issues to stabilize - Craftsmen are now more driving for social reform if they have higher consciousness. - Adm efficiency is no longer applied twice on unemployment benefits - NF for production type now affects artisan choices a bit more - Pops now actually care about ideology of parties as well as which issues they have during elections - Reform adding now properly checks militancy OR movement backing - Fixed bug with taking a loan after load a save without ticking one day. - Fixed bug in leaders auto generation, in case when there is no navies but admirals are spammed - Fixed bug in invest-all-pop-projects with shift+click. - Fixed bug with turning colony into state on first day of annexation. - Dig in no longer increases +1 every day, but added a variable to common defines: DIG_IN_INCREASE_EACH_DAYS = 5 - taking substate land now cost less infamy (same as demand concession)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Interface Improvements ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Outliner NF encourage pops tooltip - % of factories employment (red text if full). - Fixed bug with combat "map icon" not disappearing on it's last day. - Budget view tooltips of: stockpile costs, military costs and gold sorting by highest numbers. - Fixed bug in Reorganize window, about multiple "R" key press. - Selecting 1861 focus camera on USA now - Added delayed tooltips to actual supply costs for units & regiments/ships - Fixed a display of “is_primary_culture = this” trigger - tweaked south German culture color - added german translation - added french translation - Fixed naval rally point arrows bug, arrows could go through land - Rally point icons in outliner (land/naval) - fixed issue with factory indicator not showing country money - clicking flag on own troop icon no longer opens diplo view, just selects - go to diplomacy from province now always show target country and resets filtering if not already opened - fixed rendering issue where water would jump around (aka the white whale) - added borders in zoomed out mode - factory display no longer truncates small numbers for profitability - fixed broken tooltips for factory output - Prices for gov spending on goods depends on actual prices now - Separated welfare in pop income tooltip - RGO mapmode has interpolated colors due to RGO output - Rebalanced base diplo point gain - Fixed GUI in unit construction - required resources alignment - Gain Core event takes longer to fire, cannot happen in colonies, and will only happen if of primary or accepted culture or borders a core - Unciv finance, admin, and land reforms give a bonus rather than removing a penalty - Fixed tutorial issues - Fixed bug with tutorial finish, and campaign start that doesn't reset the world - Fixed stockpiles large values precision displayed in budget view - Fixed annoying construction sounds. Playing each sound no more often then each 5 sec - Added pop info into tooltip description in military construction - Fixed problem with invisible avatar at 61 scenario - fixed missing indentation for AND triggers - fixed broken can_build_factory descriptor
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Database Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - updated pop promotion scripts - persia gets proper start techs - CLM army in correct place - JAP oob fixed - NET oob fixed - ROM techs fixed - FRA '61 setup changed - ITA '61 setup changed - Corrected some USA techs in 1861 - Removed some 1861 inventions wich must fire to give their effect - PRU no longer owns Holstien in '61 - Pago Pago is now part of the Tonga region - Removed JAP strait to CHI - added ROM '61 OOB - toned down JAP brigade numbers in 61 - Added 2 reforms to CHI in '61 - Set several decisions to be done before '61 start - DEN starts Friendly to PRU - cut unciv diplo point penalty to -0.25 - reduced LR in Whitehorse to 15 - precious_metal_mine output increased to 1.5 - GOLD_TO_CASH_RATE reduced to 1.5* - Pre-Industrialation reform grants water_wheel_power tech - Wind of Westernization can fire when in SoI - muhammad_alis_reforms require only 5 prestige and gives more RPs - become_negusa_nagast gives you some cores - boosted base population growth - Changed JAP straits - Central american OOBs/pops added - Substates set to be absolute monarchies - Removed some inventions from ITA in '61 that they shouldn't have - Setup tweaks to ENG + FRA in '61 - AUS, ITA, and PRU have some more Capitalists in 1861 - PRU has HAN and SAX in their SoI in '61, plus some investment - Added some extra prestiege to GPs in '61
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Performace and Stability ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed CTD when disembark units from navy and cancel - Fixed potential reason of "no longer in synch" - fixed out of sync problem when players territory with university gets controlled by AI nation (but not owned) as they are finishing research - fixed checksum differences in steam - optimized loading of avatar resources
---------------------------------------------------------------------- - AI Improvements ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tweaked AI sphere of influence mechanics. - Fixed AI bugs, giving white peace even when winning a war. - Fixed bug in AI giving white peace right after another offer. - fixed issue with army units standing still because of changing target provinces every day - Fixed bug with armies got stuck on ships when using them as bridges to pass through the channel - AI is now a bit more opportunistic about attacking opponents it dislikes when they are at war - Fixed a bug which caused a regiment to sometimes not be used in a battle - Tweaked AI priorities for tech - some late game tech tweaks for military - Fixed AI bug in sending troops to speed up the colonization - Tweaked the chance for positive reply for ask mil.acc. when at war with the same enemy. - ai more likely to pick philosophy techs after they become available - ai should no longer over-spend on supply - fixed issue where AI would white peace even when doing well in civil wars
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - User Modding ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - mods can now specify userdir subfolders for caches/savegames etc. if multiple mods a joint one gets created - extended mod system to support replacement of directories, script as replace_path = "technologies" - Added camera position to bookmarks.txt so each bookmark can have custom position - Added a trigger ‘has_culture_core = yes/no” which checks if a pop’s culture has a core on a province - Fixed parsing adjacencies.csv - now officially supports comments - fixed issue for modders: can now have more than 256 countries
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