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Removing Carbon From A Pipe |
This can be done at home with a simple propane torch or equivalent. Heat is really the only way to remove the carbon. |
STEP 1: Remove the pipe from the bike and place it in a vice. The best place to clamp the vice to is the lower pipe mount or tab. Be sure to have it in a place where there are no flammable materials because you will be using a torch. |
STEP 2: Place the flame of the torch directly into the header portion of the pipe and continue heating until the pipe header is orange down to the first bend of the pipe. Note: The majority of the carbon buildup is from the header flange to the first bend. |
STEP 3: Shut off the torch and scrape the inside walls of the header portion with a flathead screwdriver or something similar. If you heated long enough, (about 5 minutes) the carbon will flake off easily. |
STEP 4: After the pipe has cooled sufficiently you may want to wire brush it and then shake out the flaked away carbon that is inside the pipe. Warning: Do not shake carbon into a trash can or other place that would burn…it is very hot and will stay hot for a while. | |