This study was designed to test
a) whether carbohydrates other than glucose decreased the phagocytic capacity of neutrophils in normal human subjects,
b) the duration of this effect, and
c) the effect of fasting on neutrophilic phagocytosis.
탄수화물(글루코스보다) 호중구의 식균능력을 감소시키는지
그것의 지속시간
호중구의 식균능력에 대한 공복의 효과를 연구함.
Venous blood was drawn from the arm after an overnight fast and at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, or 5 hr postprandial and this was incubated with a suspension of Staphylococcus epidermidis. The phagocytic index (mean number of bacteria viewed within each neutrophil) was determined by microscopic examination of slides prepared with Wright’s stain.
식후 30분, 1,2,3,4,5시간 후 혈액검사를 시행하여 호중구 수 검사
그리고 피부의 포도상구균 숫자를 검사 - phagocytic index
Oral 100-g portions of carbohydrate from glucose, fructose, sucrose, honey, or orange juice all significantly decreased the capacity of neutrophils to engulf bacteria as measured by the slide technique. Starch ingestion did not have this effect. The decrease in phagocytic index was rapid following the ingestion of simple carbohydrates.
100g의 탄수화물(글루코스, 푸룩토스, 수크로스, 꿀, 오렌지 주스) 복용은 호중구가 박테리아를 제거하는 능력을 감소시킴.
녹말섭취는 영향없음.
phagocytic index는 탄수화물 복용후 바로 감소함.
The greatest effects occurred between 1 and 2 hr postprandial, but the values were still significantly below the fasting control values 5 hr after feeding (P < 0.001). The decreased phagocytic index was not significantly associated with the number of neutrophils.
식후 1~2시간 후 phagocytic index 감소효과가 가장 큼. 5시간까지 지속
These data suggest that the function and not the number of phagocytes was altered by ingestion of sugars. This implicates glucose and other simple carbohydrates in the control of phagocytosis and shows that the effects last for at least 5 hr. On the other hand, a fast of 36 or 60 hr significantly increased (P < 0.001) the phagocytic index.
논문은 글루코스와 단순 탄수화물이 식균작용을 조절한다는 의미이고 그 효과는 5시간까지 지속.
한편 공복후 36~60시간이 지나면 phagocytic index가 의미있게 증가함.
첫댓글 포도상구균은 자연계에 널리 분포되어 있는 세균의 하나로서, 건강한 사람의 50% 이상이 비강, 인후두, 피부, 털에 보균하고 있으나 식중독을 많이 일으키는 원인균이며, 연부조직 감염(봉와직염, 화농성 근육염), 화농성 관절염, 화농성 골수염, 중이염, 폐렴, 수술 후 창상 감염, 균혈증, 심내막염, 식중독 등을 일으키는 원인균으로 포도상구균 감염이란 이 균에 의한 감염을 의미합니다.