(글, 사진 전송: 크리스틴
(번역: 리디아 박)
크리스틴 안(미국)
강정마을주민 여러분,
미국 워싱턴에서 인사드립니다. 저는 백악관에서 열린 한국전쟁 정전협정 61주년 기념행사에 참여하여 행진을 하고 막 돌아온 길입니다.
미국에 살고 있는 한국인뿐 아니라 한국에서도 직접 참여하신 수백 명이 현지의 참전 미군들과 함께 행진하며, 오바마 대통령에게 한국전쟁을 종식하고 평화협정에 조인할 것을 촉구하였습니다.
백악관 앞에서 열린 집회에서 저는 오바마 대통령의 ‘한국전쟁에서 승리했다’는 발언을 반박하였습니다. 천만 이산가족을 두고 어떻게 승리라는 말을 할 수 있습니까? 한국을 군사화하면서 어떻게 승리라는 말을 할 수 있습니까? 군사분계선을 사이에 두고 남북한이 민주주의를 억압하고 있는데 어떻게 승리라고 할 수 있습니까?
그 자리엔 50여 명 정도의 젊은 세대가 있었습니다. 전 그들에게, 그들을 보는 것만으로도 큰 희망을 느낀다고 하면서 윗세대에게서 평화를 배운 나같은 사람과 함께 평화의 횃불을 들어올리자고 했습니다. 그리하여 해군기지에 격렬하게 반대하는 저항운동을 2년째 하고 있어 제가 2살짜리라고 부르게 된 제주를 도와줄 수 있을 것이라 했습니다.
워싱턴에서 하와이에 이르기까지 미국 전역에 걸쳐 사람들은 더 이상 군사화 되지않는 평화로운 미래를 위해 싸우는 강정주민여러분의 용기와 신념에 감동하고 고무되고 있습니다. 평화를 위해 목숨을 걸고 싸우시는 여러분들에게 한없는 경의를 표합니다. 정의가 소나기처럼 여러분에게 쏟아져 내리길 빕니다.
사랑을 담아
크리스틴 안 : 한국정책연구소 사무국장, 한국전쟁 종식 국민운동본부 공동설립자
Ahn, Christine (United
My dear villagers
Greetings from Washington, D.C. Where I am just leaving a historic march
and rally at the White House on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the
Korean War armistice.
Hundreds of Koreans from the us and South Korea along with their American
allies marched to urge president Obama to end the Korean War and to sign a
peace treaty.
At the rally in front of the White House I challenged Obama's notion that
the Korean War was a victory. How are 10 million families separated victory?
How is the militarization of korea a victory? How is the repression of
democracy on both sides of the Dmz a victory?
There were over 50 youth there and I told them seeing their faces gave me
great hope, that we need them to carry the torch for peace so that like me who
learned from my elders they can help educate my two year old jeju whom I named
after the fierce resistance against the naval base.
From Washington, D.C. To honolulu hawaii coast to coast across the United
States the people are moved and inspired by your courage and belief in a
different future, a peaceful future that isn't militarized. Thank you for
risking your whole lives for peace. May justice rain down on you soon.
With love
Christine Ahn,
Executive Director of the
Korea Policy Institute, co-founder of the National Campaign to End the Korean
Ahn, Christine (United
My dear villagers
Greetings from Washington, D.C. Where I am just leaving a historic march
and rally at the White House on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the
Korean War armistice.
Hundreds of Koreans from the us and South Korea along with their American
allies marched to urge president Obama to end the Korean War and to sign a
peace treaty.
At the rally in front of the White House I challenged Obama's notion that
the Korean War was a victory. How are 10 million families separated victory?
How is the militarization of korea a victory? How is the repression of
democracy on both sides of the Dmz a victory?
There were over 50 youth there and I told them seeing their faces gave me
great hope, that we need them to carry the torch for peace so that like me who
learned from my elders they can help educate my two year old jeju whom I named
after the fierce resistance against the naval base.
From Washington, D.C. To honolulu hawaii coast to coast across the United
States the people are moved and inspired by your courage and belief in a
different future, a peaceful future that isn't militarized. Thank you for
risking your whole lives for peace. May justice rain down on you soon.
With love
Christine Ahn,
Executive Director of the
Korea Policy Institute, co-founder of the National Campaign to End the Korean