라틴어, 희랍어, 신학입문 등 소신학교 과정 교육
지난 7월 자율형 사립고로 선정된 서울대교구의 동성고등학교가 사제 성소를 꿈꾸는 예비신학생을 위한 특별한 학교과정을 운영한다.
동성고는 내년부터 라틴어, 그리스어, 신학입문, 영성입문 등을 가르치는 예비신학생반을 구성해, 예비신학생들이 대신학교에 입학할 수 있도록 도울 계획이다.
동성고 교장인 김웅태 신부(요셉)는 “우리 학교는 고 김수환 추기경같이 훌륭한 사제를 배출해왔다. 실력과 인성을 갖춘 예비신학생을 교육하기 위해 심혈을 기울일 것”이라고 말했다.
학교는 학년당 모두 11개의 학급 중에서 한 학급을 예비신학생반으로 운영할 계획이다. 서울대교구 성소국은 지원자 면접을 통해 29명의 예비신학생을 학교에 추천했고, 학교는 이들 모두를 선발했다.
예비신학생반 학생들은 국어, 영어, 수학, 사회, 과학 등 공통과목은 다른 일반 학생들과 같이 공부하고, 영성입문과 신학입문 등 예비신학생 과정은 따로 공부한다.
이번에 지원한 김지훈(스테파노)은 “어릴 때부터 복사와 주일학교를 다니며 사제를 꿈꿔왔다. 이 예신반은 나의 진로에 맞는 학교”라며 학교 지원 이유를 밝히고, “열심히 공부해 꼭 사제의 꿈을 이루겠다”고 포부를 말했다.
김 군의 어머니인 신미숙(비비아나)는 “예신반이 생겨서 너무 좋다. 예신반이 체계적으로 내 아들의 성소를 관리해줄 수 있을 것”이라고 말했다.
자율형 사립고는 정부에서 보조금 지원을 받지 않는 대신, 재단의 학교 전입금 비율을 높이고, 학생 선발 및 학사 운영의 자율성을 얻는다.
SEOUL (UCAN) -- A Church-run high school will run special classes for students who want to be priests starting next year.
Dongsung High School |
In March, the beginning of the academic year, Seoul archdiocese's Dongsung High School will start such a class for 29 teenaged boys. The students will learn Latin and Greek, and take introductory courses on theology and spirituality to help them prepare for the seminary.
These students, who will be in the first year of high school, will learn these subjects in addition to the usual school subjects such as mathematics and science.
All students were recommended by Seoul archdiocese's Vocation Department.
"They will study together with other students, but will be specially cared for by experienced priests," said Father Joseph Kim Ung-tai, the principal of the school, which is located next to the Seoul Major Seminary.
The archdiocese also plans to have a chaplain for these students, aged 14-15, to help them develop their spirituality and keep alive their desire to be priests.
"Our school has a long tradition of producing talented priests including the late Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou-hwan," noted Father Kim.
On Dec. 9, the school gathered students of the special class for an orientation program.
The school had such a class from 1929 to 1946. This stopped after a minor seminary, which prepares boys academically and spiritually for vocations to the priesthood, was established.
Later, the minor seminary, the only one in South Korea, closed.
The school has decided to re-introduce the class after its application to become an "autonomous private high school" succeeded in July. Such schools can select students and teach them according to its founding principles. However, the school will receive no government subsidy, and can only select applicants from the city.
High school lasts three years in South Korea. The special classes for students wanting to be priests will be introduced also in 2011 and 2012 until all levels have such a class.
Stephen Kim Ji-hoon, 15, who will enter the class next year said: "It takes an hour for me to commute from home. I could have chosen an ordinary school near my home but this will be worth it."
His mother, Bibiana Shin Mi-sook, said she hopes the special class will help bring her son's desire to be a priest to fruition.
"Although our school is not exactly a minor seminary, it will provide systematic programs for the seminarians," Father Kim said.
Students from other high schools can continue to enter the seven major seminaries in the country after being recommended by their diocesan vocation departments.