Dealing with Systemic Sovereign Debt Crises: Fiscal
Consolidation, Bail-ins or Official Transfers? IMF
The paper presents a tractable model to understand how
international financial institutions (IFIs) should deal with the sovereign debt
crisis of a systemic country, in which case private creditors' bail-ins entail
international sp .. more |
Do banks extract informational rents through collateral? BIS
This paper investigates if informational monopolies
resulting from relationship lending and bank market concentration allow for rent
extraction through collateral. Our identification strategy hinges on the notion
that informationa .. more |
A Trillion Dollar Question: What Predicts Student Loan Delinquency
Risk? FRB (2015-10-20)
Over the past ten years, the real amount of
student debt owed by American households more than doubled, from about $450
billion to more than $1.1 trillion. As a result of this increase, in 2010
student loan debt surpassed credit c .. more | |