(A) What is that smell?
It's terrible.
It smells like garlic.
(B) Oops! I'm sorry.
My lunch had a lot of garlic in it.
(A) That makes sense, then.
But it smells so bad,
I can't take it any longer.
[본문 해석]
(A) 이게 무슨 냄새지? 지독한데. 마늘 내새같은데.
(B) 어머나! 미안해. 점심에 마늘이 잔득 들어 있었거든.
(ㅁ) 그럼 이해가 되네. 그런데 냄새가 지독해서 더 이상은 못 참겠어.
Tips=[1]= 오늘의 표현 "that makes sense"는 "이해되다" 혹은"이치에맞다"라는 뜻으로
상대방의 의견에 동의하거나 그렇지 않을 때 쓸수있는표현이다.
이치에 안 맞는다고 할 때는 간단히 "That dosen't make sense."라고한다.
Tips=[2]= English Review
[Recharge (one's) batteries/재충전하다]
(Q) What are your hobbies?
(A) I like to trable and take pictures.
Normally, I go on short weekend trips by myself
and take photographs of random things.
It really helps recharge my batteries after a busy week at work.
[ Similar and related expressions]
** After resting the whole weekend. I feel like myself again.**
( 주말 내내 쉬고나니,다시 나로 돌아온 기분이예요)