- 롱핀샌드답 Sanddab, Longfin
. 학명; Citharichthys xanthostigma
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 2-200미터 수심의 모래나 진흙 바닥 서식
. 통명; 롱핀샌드답
. 특징; 거의 직선인 측선으로 다른 왼쪽눈 가자미와 구별
. 먹이와 요리법; 조리하여 식용가능
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Citharichthys xanthostigma
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 2-200미터 수심의 모래나 진흙 바닥 서식
. 지역; 동태평양의 아열대 해역, 캘리포니아에서 코스타리카까지
Longfin sanddabs occur in the eastern Pacific from Costa Rica to Monterey, California, including the Gulf of California. They are rare north of Santa Barbara.
Habitat. These flatfish usually dwell on sand or mud bottoms from 8 to 660 feet deep.
2 통명
- 영어; sanddab, soft flounder, Catalina sanddab;
Spanish: lenguado alón.
- 한글; 롱핀샌드답, 가자미목 넙치과
3 개요
- 길이; 40센티이내, 평균 25센티
These fish are common to 10 inches in length but are reported to reach a maximum length of 153⁄4 inches.
4 특징
- 왼쪽에 몰린 눈에 흰색과 주황색반점이 있는 갈색몸
- 직사각형의 압축된 몸
- 깊은 머리와 큰 눈과 큰 입
- 거의 직선인 측선으로 다른 왼쪽눈 가자미와 구별
A member of the Bothidae family of left-eyed flatfish, the longfin sanddab is a small but common bottom-fishing catch by anglers, particularly in Southern California.
Identification. The body of the longfin sanddab is oblong and compressed. The head is deep, the eyes are large and located on the left side, and the mouth is large. The color is uniformly dark with rust-orange or white speckles, and the pectoral fin is black on the eyed side. The blind side is white. This species can be distinguished from the Pacific sanddab by the length of the pectoral fin on the eyed side, which is always shorter than the head on the Pacific sanddab and longer than the head on the longfin. Sanddabs are always left-eyed and can be distinguished from all other left-eyed flatfish by having a lateral line that is nearly straight along its entire length.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 저서 벌레와 갑각류, 오징어, 작은 물고기 섭취
- 상업적으로는 중요하지 않은 낚시감
- 암컷이 더 크고 8월에 산란
- 식용가능하나 맛은 타종에 비해 떨어짐
- 튀겨서, 말려서, 훈제나 스튜로 섭취
Females are larger than males and normally mature when 3 years old and roughly 71⁄2 inches long. They produce numerous eggs, and each fish probably spawns more than once a season. The peak of the spawning season is July through September.
Food. The diet of longfin sanddabs is wide ranging and includes small fish, squid, octopus, shrimp, crabs, and worms.