- 태평양까나리 Pacific sand lance
. 학명; Ammodytes hexapterus
. 서식지; 차가운 물의 근해의 모래바닥에 떼로 서식
. 통명; 태평양까나리
. 특징; 뱀장어와 달리 둥글지 않고 갈라진 꼬리지느러미
. 먹이와 요리법; 튀기거나 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Ammodytes hexapterus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 차가운 물의 근해의 모래바닥에 떼로 서식
. 지역; 온대와 냉대 해역,
대서양은 퀘벡에서 노스캐롤라이나까지
태평양은 동해에서 캘리포니아까지
Sand lance occur in temperate and colder parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. On the western Atlantic coast, sand lance range from north Quebec to North Carolina. Northern sand lance are believed to inhabit deeper waters, whereas American sand lance inhabit inshore areas. Pacific sand lance range from the Sea of Japan to arctic Alaska, the Bering Sea, and to Balboa Island in Southern California. The arctic and the Pacific sand lance may be separate species.
Habitat. Schools of American sand lance are often abundant in shallow water along sandy shores and are found in salinities of 26 to 32 percent. For protection, the fish quickly burrow into the sand, snouts first, to a depth of about 6 inches.
2 통명
- 영어; Sand launce, sand eel, launce-fish, sandlance;
French: lançon.
- 한글; 태평양까나리, 도루묵목 까나리과
3 개요
- 길이; 12센티이내
Sand lance grow to a length of about 6 inches.
4 특징
- 작은 뱀장어 모양으로 조개처럼 모래속에 숨어 거주
- 작고 가늘고 긴 둥근 몸에 이빨과 가시가 없는 지느러미
- 뱀장어와 달리 둥글지 않고 갈라진 꼬리지느러미
Resembling small eels, sand lance are burrowing fish that are important as food for many gamefish. They are excellent to eat when prepared in the style of whitebait. Quantities of sand lance are often dug up in the intertidal zone by people seeking clams.
Identification. Sand lance are small, slim, elongated, and round-bodied fish with no teeth, usually no pelvic fins, no fin spines, and forked tails. Although the sand lance has a long soft dorsal fin, it does not have a first dorsal fin. The body has sloping fleshy folds, and there is a distinct fleshy ridge along the lower side; the straight lateral line is close to the base of the dorsal fin. Fin-ray and vertebral counts distinguish the American sand lance from the northern sand lance; the American sand lance has 51 to 62 dorsal fin rays, 23 to 33 anal fin rays, and 61 to 73 vertebrae, whereas the northern sand lance has 56 to 68 dorsal fin rays, 27 to 35 anal fin rays, and 65 to 78 vertebrae. Sand lance can be distinguished from young eels by their separate, rather than continuous, dorsal and anal fins, and by the rounded caudal fin of the eel.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 치어는 플랑크톤, 성어는 갑각류와 벌레 추가
- 보호를 위해 몸 깊이의 절반정도를 주둥이부터 모래속으로 파고듬
- 일반적인 방법으로 조리하여 식용
Sand lance larvae feed on phytoplankton and zooplankton. Juveniles feed on numerous varieties of small crustaceans and their larvae, marine worms, and fish larvae. Adults feed on zooplankton, plankton, and other species living in deep water.