Is the Civilian Registry Report Reaching Its Audience?
As you know, the first interim report on the Civilian Registry for diagnosed cases of “Havana Syndrome” and its AHIs has been issued on January 6, 2024.
아시다시피, 2024년 1월 6일에 "하바나 증후군"과 그 AHI 진단 사례에 대한 민간인 등록부의 첫 번째 중간 보고서가 발표되었습니다.
>> 관련 글:
It’s been posted on every social media, academic and professional platforms such as LinkedIn:
LinkedIn과 같은 모든 소셜 미디어, 학계 및 전문 플랫폼에 게시되었습니다:
The first 48 hours yeilded 510 impressions with the following breakdown:
처음 48시간 동안 510개의 반응을 남겼으며 다음과 같은 내용이 분석되었습니다:
Using simple math, we know that at least 23 FBI employees and 31 Law Enforcement Personnel have viewed the Report. That’s a start!
최소 23명의 FBI 직원과 31명의 법 집행 인력이 보고서를 열람했다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 이것이 시작입니다!
Thank you everybody who contacted me with questions regarding how to get listed in the Registry, and your words of support! I am answering every request. Please continue doing so by e-mailing!
For those who are not LinkedIn members here is a simple way to to download full report available to the public on
For diagnostic guidance please see
Diagnosing “Havana Syndrome”.
Len Ber MD
2024년 11월 10일
I created this compact version of the guidance after receiving multiple requests for a simplified version of what’s outlined in details on my webpage on
For the most recent list of physicians please visit
Civilian Registry is also open to the federal employees, veterans and ex-military. I have received numerous requests from people who have not been able to receive a proper diagnosis within the Defense Health System and Veteran Affairs. There is nothing stopping these patients from seeking help from civilian physicians. If you reside in the United States, your diagnosed case is eligible to be listed in the Registry.
Please, continue sharing the Report!
Thank you.
첫댓글 요약: 미국 비영리단체 targeted justice 에서 하바나신드롬 민간인 등록부를 창설하고, 이를 정보기관등에 알린 결과 최소 23명의 FBI직원과 31명의 법집행인력이 하바나신드롬의 민간인 등록보고서를 열람했다