(482)(A) Tom, you look great these dys.
Have you been working out?
Tell me your secret!
(B) I'll tell you the secret - No pain, no gain.
I've been working out really hard for 5 months.
(A) Wow! That's amazing.
That must be very difficult to work out for that long.
[본문 해석]
(A) 톰. 너 요즘 좋아보여. 요즘 운동하니? 어서 털어 놔봐.
(B) 비결을 말해주지. 고통없이 얻는건 없어. 나 5개월동안 열심히 훈동했잔아.
(A) 와! 대단해. 그렇게 오래 운동하는거 많이 힘들었을 덴데.
Tips=1]= "고생 끝에 낙이 온다."는 뜻의 苦盡甘來(고진감래)를 영어로(No pain. no gain)이라고 한다.
무엇인가 얻으려면 고생을 해야하는것은 당연지사다. 고통 앖이 얻는게 없다는 의미 그대로
No pain(고통이 없으면), no gain(얻는 것도 없다)"는 것을 뜻한다.
Tips =[2]= English Review
[ Pass out /기절하다]
(A) I feel a bit dizzy. Could you get me a glass of water?
(B) Are you okay? You look like you're about to pass out.
(A) I'm fine. I just need some water and maybe some food.
I haven't eaten all day.
[Similiar and related expressions]
**The boxer was out cold after he received a punch in the jaw.**
(그 권투 선수는 주먹으로 턱을 맞은 후 의식을 잃었다)
"pain"은 고통을 뜻하고, "gain"은 "얻는것"을 뜻한다.