[Volunteer: Helping Others]
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Volunteering is rarely easy. The basic meaning of “volunteer” is to offer to do something. Usually, the word is associated with offering to help someone out of the goodness of your heart. You are not expecting anything in return.
It could be volunteer work at an orphanage. It could be some kind of activity helping those in need. It could be helping sick people at a hospital.
I used to volunteer at a retirement home.
Old people are often put in homes because they are not able to function well in society, and their families don’t often make time for them.
So I would sometimes go and spend time with senior citizens who felt really lonely and were happy to have a visitor. I also used to volunteer at a food bank, where food was donated so it could be given to those in need.
I helped to distribute the food to people.
But volunteering does not always mean that you have to do something for some kind of charitable cause.
It could simply mean that you are offering to help.
You are choosing to do something, offering to help in a certain situation.
If Mom is busy cooking, you can volunteer to set the table or volunteer to wash the dishes after the meal. You weren’t asked. You simply volunteered. And you won’t even be paid. Volunteering is good for everyone… it can make you feel better about yourself. AND… the people you help will appreciate it A LOT.
▶ Key words and expression!s.
Out of the goodness of one’s heart: through kindness; because of generosity
Retirement home: a home where the elderly live; a place where retired people often live together
Senior citizens: the elderly; old people
Food bank: a place that donates food to the needy
▶Dialogue 1.
Professor Kim's computer is broken. After class, he is asking his students to help him with his computer.
Professor Kim: "Is there anyone who can fix my computer?"
David: "I can help you professor. What seems to be the problem?"
Professor Kim: "My CD Rom seems to be broken."
David: "Let me see what I can do."
Professor Kim: "Is it fixable?"
David:" It's a piece of cake! Your computer will be as good as new!"
▶ Key words and expression!.
It's a piece of cake!:
한 조각의 케익이라는 뜻이 아니라 우리 속담의 “식은 죽 먹기처럼 쉽다 또는 즐겁다” 라는 뜻입니다. 어떤 일이 아주 하기 쉽거나 즐거울 때 영어권 화자들은 이 표현을 자주 쓴답니다.
▶Dialogue 2.
What time is convenient for you?
Anytime is O.K.
Ann: "Hi Jake. Are you busy tomorrow?"
Jake: "Not really. Why?"
Ann: "Could you help me with my math homework?"
Jake: "Sure. Why don't you drop by my place some time tomorrow?"
Ann: "O.K. What time is convenient for you?"
Jake: "Any time after 1:00 will be good."
Ann: "Then I'll come around 2:00."
Jake: "Great. I'll be expecting you then."
▶ Key words and expression!s 2.
1. drop by: 들르다.
2. convenient: 편리한, ~하기에 좋은, 지장이 없는
ex) convenient store: 편의점
3. around: 대략
ex) I get up around 7 o'clock. 대략 7시쯤에 일어난다.
▶Dialogue 3.
Let me see if I can pull some strings.
Stan: "I’d like to ask you for a big favor."
Lynn: "Shoot. I’m all ears."
Stan: "I hate to do this, but could you ask your father if there might be a job opening for me?"
Lynn: "I know that he’s not hiring anybody right now, but let me see if I can pull some strings."
Stan: "Thanks. I’ll do anything. I just need to make some quick money."
Lynn: "You’re not in trouble, are you?"
Stan: "That’s not it. Don’t worry. I’m doing this because I want to help a friend who’s hospitalized."
Lynn: "I’ll see what I can do. Give me a call tomorrow, all right?"
▶ Key words and expression!s 3.
1. ask for a favor : 부탁하다
ex) Can I ask you for a favor?
너한테 부탁 하나 해도 될까?
2. Shoot : 어서 해(= Go ahead, talk to me)
3. I’m all ears : 경청하다
(= I’m listening, I’m ready to listen)
4. job opening : 일자리
5. pull some strings : 인맥을 이용하다
(=use one’s connections)
ex) If you’re not qualified, why don’t you pull some strings?
만약 네가 자격이 안되면 인맥을 이용해 보지 그러니?
6. make money : 돈을 벌다
ex) Making money is import!ant, but being happy with your job is even more import!ant.
돈을 버는 것도 중요하지만 네 직업에 대해서 만족을 하는 것이 더 중요하다.
7. be hospitalized : 입원하다
ex) He was hospitalized after getting hit by a truck.
그는 트럭에 치여 입원했다.
▶Discussion questions.
1. When was the last time you volunteered?
2. What kind of volunteer work have you done just to help others?
3. In what ways have you volunteered at home? At work? At school?
4. How often should people volunteer?
5. Do you wait for others to come up with ideas, or do you look for ways to volunteer?
6. If you had the time, where would you like to volunteer?
7. What do you think that doing volunteer work can teach us?
8. What kind of rewards can you gain by volunteering?
9. Why do you think more people don’t volunteer their time?