performance of Inbal's Mahler 9, his Singapore debut, was on a fast
side: 25.5 (I) 15.5 (II) 12.5 (III) and 23 (IV) min. but nothing was
glossed over. From where I sat - a Stalls seat on the first floor - the
orchestra sounded absolutely beautiful and gorgeous from the rich, juicy
strings, golden brass, to the aptly perky woodwinds. Except for a Shosy
5th they played under Andrew Litton two year ago, I have never heard
the Singapore Symphony in so great a form.
Under Inbal, every
note came forward in crystal clear, velvety sound. The architecture of
this great work was mapped out brilliantly with unmatched cogency, but
the deep melancholy and paramount urgency of the work were never
underplayed. The climaxes of the opening movements were undone
splendidly with the Singapore brass roaring, the percussion thundering,
while the myriad polyphonic lines were brought out with the supreme clarity and
purpose. The two middle movements were a showcase for the orchestra
displaying their high degree of virtuosity and skills. In the Finale,
Inbal again started off rather swiftly, but he kept slowing down his
tempo ever so gradually and almost unnoticeably as the movt continues,
ending in a most hushed coda I ever heard. Amazing!
This concert will go down as the one of best live experiences of this timeless classic I've ever had.
첫댓글 아, 때마침 이광요 전총리가 떠난 시기와 맞물려 여러모로 인상적인 공연이었나 보군요. 세부적이고 정교함에 있어서는 슈텐츠와 어깨를 나란히 하는것 같습니다~ 그의 말러 5번 공연 간지가 엊그제같은데 그의 내한이 기다려집니다.
네....기막힌 타이밍이었죠. 이광요총리가 남기고 간 마지막 선물이었던 같습니다.
인발이 서울시향과 내년에 말러 7번을 연주한다내요!
저도 그점이 마음에 듭니다. 인발은 다른 곡도 좋지만 그의 성향으로 보건대 7번이 가장 잘 어울리고 기대가 되는 지휘자같습니다.
이광요 총리 장례식장엔 참석안하셨나요? 여러모로 기억될만한 국장이라고 생각되었는데..
@율리시즈 으흐...제가 그정도 VIP가 아니라서 초대 못받았습니다.^