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개최된 ICCS 세계 총회 개최시
홍콩의 영 리더 오스카가 받친 오프닝 기도문입니다.
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Opening prayer - Cairo - ICCS World Council
"Scouts and Catholics: walking together on the path of peace for one human family"
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Almighty and Eternal God, we gather here today as over 100 Catholic Scout Leaders from different countries around the world, united in our faith and service to you. We give thanks for the opportunity to come together in this sacred space, to seek your guidance and blessings as we embark on this ICCSWorld Conference in Cairo with the theme "Scouts and Catholics: walking together on the path of peace for one human family".
Lord, we pray that this gathering may be a time of profound spiritual renewal and growth. In the coming days, we will elect the world council members for the next term, and we will discuss important matters such as the 1) new fees system; 2) contribution to ICCS Regional Projects; 3) the establishment of a new ICCS World Risk Fund; 4) the new role of Regional Secretary; and other accounting matters.May the discussions, workshops, and fellowship that take place here be infused with your divine wisdom and grace. Grant us the clarity of mind and purity of heart to discern your will for our lives and for the Catholic Scouting movement.
We give thanks for the dedicated work of the ICCS World Council President, Georges El-Ghorayeb, World Chaplain, Fr. Luís Marinho, and the Committee members, who have tirelessly served the ICCS and global Catholic Scouting movement over the past two years. Through their visionary leadership, unwavering commitment, and devotion to your call, they have guided us through challenging times and propelled us towards a future filled with hope and purpose. May their example continue to inspire us to be faithful stewards of the Catholic Scouting legacy.
Loving God, we also pray for the gift of world peace. In a world too often torn apart by conflict, division,and wars around us, we implore you to soften the hearts of the leaders and politicians of nations. Instill in us a deep reverence for the dignity of every human life, and a commitment to seek understanding,reconciliation and the common good. May the spirit of the Catholic Scouting movement, with its emphasis on service, leadership, and global citizenship, be a beacon of hope in a world in need.
We lift up a special prayer for the continued growth and development of Scout movements around the world. May young people everywhere be drawn to the values and principles of Scouting, finding in it a path to grow in character, faith, and compassion. Bless the efforts of all those who dedicate their time and energy to nurturing the next generation of Scouts.
Finally, we pray for the love and health of all the participants gathered here today. May your healing power and unconditional love strengthen us, both physically and spiritually. May the bonds of friendship, brotherhood, and sisterhood deepen among us, that we may support one another in ourjourney of faith and service.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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