동영상 링크
좋은 영화는 다시 또 다시 만들어진다. 때로는 원작보다 뛰어난 리메이크 작품도 만들어진다. 작품성과 흥행성에서 보증수표라 할 수 있다면 부도날 위험이 줄어든다. 전작의 후광을 업더라도 뛰어난 연출 감독이 아니라면 뻔한 결말에 식상할 수 있는 위험 역시 상존한다.
미국 리메이크는 작품성보다 흥행성이 우선한다는 구조적 고질적 병폐가 예견된다. 헐리웃에 입성한 감독이나 작품애서 아부하는 기색이 보이는 즉시 전 세계에서 ‘개밥에 도토리’가 된다. 배고프더라도 창의적이고 줏대있는 감독과 작품이 영화사에 등재될 가능성이 있는 법이다.
Imdb의 100인 감독 리스트에서 작품성과 커리어관리 위주로 6인의 감독을 추렸다 3.Alfred Hitchcock 6.Orson Welles 18.Charles Chaplin 21.Ingmar Bergman 26.Federico Fellini 72.Sergei Eisenstein...소태보다 쓴 영화판의 소금보다 짠 영화사의 눈물겨운 평가이다.
Good movies are made over and over again. Sometimes remakes are made that are better than the original. The risk of bankruptcy is reduced if it can be regarded as a guarantee in terms of quality of work and box office. Even if you carry the halo of the previous work, there is also the risk that you can get tired of the obvious ending unless you are a good director.
A structural and chronic ailment is foreseen that the American remake takes precedence over performance. As soon as a director enters Hollywood or shows signs of flattery in a film, he becomes an 'acorn for dog food' all over the world. Even if you are hungry, there is a possibility that creative and upright directors and works will be listed in the history of the film.
From IMDB's 100 Directors list, 6 directors were selected based on performance and career management. 3. Alfred Hitchcock, 6.Orson Welles, 18.Charles Chaplin, 21.Ingmar Bergman, 26.Federico Fellini, 72.Sergei Eisenstein...More bitter than sumac, It is a tearful evaluation of the film industry, which is saltier than salt.
No intention of copyright infringement
CM47 #방심위 46 탄핵35 자료...Material for the impeachment of #KCSC...
동영상 링크https://youtu.be/UdZVF272ZuU
0. 영상물 훼손 사례 Nr.423-Nr.192
1. #방송통신심의위원회 #放送通信審議委員會
2. #방송심의규정 #Broadcasting_Regulations
3. 방심위 관련자료-위키백과
4. 방심위관련 민원
5. 방심위 관련 국민신문고 민원
6. 방심위 관련 방증자료
7. 방심위 관련기사
The Body (Spanish: El cuerpo) is a 2012 Spanish mystery thriller film directed by #Oriol_Paulo, starring #José_Coronado, #Hugo_Silva and #Belén_Rueda.
The film received an unofficial Indian remake, the Tamil-Kannada bilingual film Game in 2016. It was also remade in Korean in 2018 as The Vanished. The film had an official Hindi-language Indian remake titled The Body. An English-language remake directed by Isaac Ezban will be released.
Best Movie Directors
by ketedy updated - 20 Feb 2018 | Public
A detective searches for the body of a femme fatale which has gone missing from a morgue.
Oriol Paulo
Oriol Paulo(screenplay)Lara Sendim(screenplay)
Jose CoronadoHugo SilvaBelén Rueda
3 wins & 10 nominations
#The_Body, El cuerpo, 2012
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