JKsam's word for this Week.
황금보기를 돌같이 하고 명예와 권력을 바람같이 여기고 한 남자, 한 여인을 평생배필로 삼을 지라.
어휘와 문법 vocabulary and grammar
황금 gold, 보기 seeing (보다see+기 making noun)), 돌 stone, ~ 같이 like ~, 명예 honor, 권력 power, 바람 Wind, ~ 같이 여기다 consider as ~, 한 남자 one man, 한 여자 one woman, 평생 whole life, 배필 Partner(평생배필 lifelong Partner), ~로 삼다. take as ~
so it means
When you see gold think it is like a stone, and honor and power is like the Wind, and take one man, one woman as your lifelong Partner.
Friends, I guess now you are Young but later when you become a famous person, you should be careful not to fall down by money, power, fame, and sex. Many people have fallen by these things.
Have a wonderfu Week, We go together!