- 대왕농어 Sea Bass, Giant
. 학명; Stereolepis gigas
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 20미터 수심의 모래나 바위 바닥 서식
. 통명; 대왕농어
. 특징; 길쭉한 몸과 검은색 혹은 투명한 지느러미
. 먹이와 요리법; 회로 혹은 조리하여 식용가능
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Stereolepis gigas
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 20미터 수심의 모래나 바위 바닥 서식
. 지역; 북태평양, 동해에서 멕시코까지
Giant sea bass occur in tropical and subtropical inshore waters of the northeast Pacific off the California and Mexico coasts, specifically from the Gulf of California southward to Humboldt Bay and Guadalupe Island. In California waters these fish have been in short supply but were rebounding in the 1990s, due to a moratorium on keeping them.
Habitat. Inhabiting inshore waters, giant sea bass are bottom-dwelling fish, preferring hard, rocky bottoms around kelp beds. The young occur in depths of about 6 to 15 fathoms, whereas larger specimens usually inhabit depths of 15 to 25 fathoms.
2 통명
- 영어; California black sea bass, California jewfish, giant bass, black, black sea bass;
French: bar gigantesque; Japanese: kokuchi-ishinagi, ishinagi-zoku; Spanish: lubina gigante.
- 한글; 대왕농어, 주걱치목 투어바리과
3 개요
- 길이; 250센티이내,
- 무게; 562파운드이내, 평균 150파운드
The giant sea bass reaches maturity by the age of 11 or 12 and weighs roughly 50 pounds, although it has been known to weigh more than 600 pounds and measure more than 7 feet in length. The all-tackle world record is 563 pounds, 8 ounces; the most common catch is in the 100- to 200-pound range, and much smaller fish are seldom caught. Some of the largest specimens are believed to be 75 years or older.
4 특징
- 치어는 밝은 주황색이나 성어가되면 흐린 회색이나 갈색으로 변화
- 길쭉한 몸과 검은색 혹은 투명한 지느러미
- 1등지느러미는 낮은 11개의 가시, 2등지느러미는 10개의 연조
The giant sea bass, a member of the Serranidae family, is not only a formidable fish in size, it is also renowned for its lengthy life span.
Identification. The body of the giant sea bass is elongate and has dorsal spines that fit into a groove on the back. Greenish-brown or black, the giant sea bass has black or transparent fins, with the exception of the ventral fins, which appear lighter because of a white membrane between the black spines. There is usually a white patch on the throat and underneath the tail, and the membranes between the rays are also light. Young fish are mottled with prominent dark spots and a few pale-yellow blotches on mostly brick-red bodies; these markings are periodically seen on fish up to and exceeding 25 pounds. The first dorsal fin is separated from the second by a single notch; the first is extremely low and has 11 spines, whereas the second is higher and has 10 soft rays.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 갑각류와 게, 멸치, 민어, 그등어, 농어 등 다양한 물고기 섭취
- 짧은 추격은 가다랭이보다 빠르게 사냥
- 넙치와 비슷한 맛으로 남획되어 쿼터제 시행
- 회로, 튀겨서, 말려서, 훈제나 스튜로 섭취
The giant sea bass diet includes crustaceans and a wide variety of fish. Anchovies and croaker are a prominent food source off California; mackerel, sheepshead, whitefish, sand bass, and several types of crabs are also favored. Although these bulky fish appear to be slow and cumbersome, they are reputedly capable of outswimming and catching a bonito in a short chase.