- 바다울새 Northern Sea Robin
. 학명; Prionotus carolinus
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 근해의 모래바닥에 서식
. 통명; 바다울새
. 특징; 가슴과 배지느러미중 아래 3개 가시는 먹이를 찾아 바닥을 따라 걷는데 사용
. 먹이와 요리법; 주로 구으며 튀기거나 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Prionotus carolinus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 근해의 모래바닥에 서식
. 지역; 서대서양, 노바스코샤부터 플로리다까지
At least 19 species occur in the Atlantic and a few in the Pacific off the coasts of the United States and Canada.
2 통명
- 영어; Northern Sea Robin
- 한글; 바다울새, 농어목 양성대과
Sea robins are mostly tropical and subtropical fish of the Triglidae family, characterized by split pectoral fins that consist of stiff separate rays on the lower half and broad, soft, winglike rays on the upper half. The upper rays are not as large as in the similar-looking flying gurnard but are used for the same purpose—swimming. The lower rays are used to find food by sifting through debris and turning over rocks.
3 개요
- 길이; 43센티이내, 평균 32센티
Sea robins also use their pelvic and pectoral fins to “walk” across the bottom as they search for fish, shrimp, squid, clams, and crabs to satisfy their insatiable appetites. They are often brightly colored, are capable of making loud noises by vibrating muscles attached to their air bladders, and inhabit moderately deep waters. These fish spawn throughout the summer, their eggs float on the surface, and the young grow quickly during the first year.
4 특징
- 넓은 가시머리, 가늘어지는 몸, 날개형의 큰 가슴지느러미
- 등은 회백색이고 배는 옅은색
- 부레를 진동시켜 큰 소리로 발성
- 지느러미는 적갈색이고 아래는 회백색이며 가장자리는 진해짐
- 가슴과 배지느러미중 아래 3개 가시는 먹이를 찾아 바닥을 따라 걷는데 사용
- 여름에는 근해에 서식하고 겨울에는 더 깊은 수심으로 이동
One of the more well-known fish of this group is the northern sea robin (Prionotus carolinus), which occurs from Nova Scotia to northern South America but is uncommon north of Massachusetts. It averages 12 inches in length and may reach a length of 18 inches. A black, mottled fish with an olive-brown or gray background, the northern sea robin has a large head that is covered with bony plates and spines and has a distinct black chin. It is a bottom-dweller, moving close to shore during the summer and to deeper water in the winter.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 새우, 게, 단각류, 오진어, 이매패류, 연체동물 및 분절벌레 등 다양한 무척추동물
- 여름에 산란한 알은 표면에 떠다님
- 아무 미끼나 먹는 습관으로 낚시에 자주 걸림
- 낚이면 강하게 저항하여 낚시꾼에게 인기
- 등뼈로 손질은 어려우나 맛이 좋아 주로 구워 식용
- 일반적인 방법으로 조리하여 식용하고 알도 진미
Other Atlantic species are the striped sea robin (P. evolans), which is distinguished by a few dark bands on its sides, and the leopard sea robin (P. scitulus), an almost footlong species with dark blotches, common in the Gulf of Mexico and the southern Atlantic.